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The Connection Between Sleep & Cancer

Everything That You Should Know

Sleeping peacefully at night is one of the biggest challenges for most of the cancer patients. The reason behind this is that the pain associated with cancer, the discomfort, and fatigue that are...

Top 5 New Year's Fitness Scams!

Don't Be Fooled!

I want to officially welcome you to 2020. A new year has begun and for a lot of us, this is the time of year we reflect on ourselves and past actions and try to improve. It doesn’t have to be...

#1 Bat Wings Workout For Women

Start Working On That Underarm Fat!

Underarm fat, otherwise known as “bat wings” or “bingo arms”, is incredibly common, especially amongst middle-aged women. This stubborn flab is due to several factors including aging, genetics and...

Can Skateboarding Help You Lose Weight?

Get Ready To Shred In More Ways Than One!

As you walk through the streets, a couple of skaters could be found gliding. These skaters would readily avoid walkers even before they think of dodging. These skaters’ ability to twist and turn...

How To: Hanging Knee / Leg Raise

Build A "Science Based" 6-Pack!

Today we’re going to take a closer look at the hanging knee and leg raise to ensure you’re engaging your ABS for maximum growth because, if done correctly, this can be one of the best exercises to...

Revamp Your Core Training Approach

Get The Abs You've Dreamed Of!

Over the last 5 decades, the world of fitness and bodybuilding has gone through dramatic changes, as public interest in personal fitness and bodybuilding caught mainstream attention in the 1960s....

The Science Behind "Metabolisms"

Everything You Need To Know About TDEE

It is a commonly held belief that people who tend to be thinner have “fast” metabolisms, whereas people who tend to be heavier have “slow” metabolisms. Often times, it seems as though some people...

How To Develop That Explosive Muscle Power

Build Strength & Power!

But, Why?   Now, the question you’re probably asking is why you might even want to consider developing explosive power. The reason is simple. If you’re planning on putting a heavy emphasis on...

How To: Reverse Barbell Lunge


Today, we are going to talk about to perform a Reverse Barbell Lunge to train your hamstrings, quads and glutes! Now, I recently released a video called “Leg Day Scare”, where I REALLY injured my...

Barbell Bicep Curl VS Cable Bicep Curl

Which Builds Bigger Biceps Faster?

Today we are going to be comparing the barbell biceps curl to the cable biceps curl to finally determine which is BEST for building BIGGER BICEPS. So, how do you determine how effective an...

6 Workout Tips I Regret Teaching


Today we’re going to have some fun and talk about some of the dumb stuff I used to teach all of you. Now I don’t think I’ve ever taught anything DANGEROUS, at least not that I know of.  But I...