Hello! I'm also ready to start this awesome challenge! I started to upload my before photos but I wasn't able to do it. I got the following message: "You have maxed out the number of photos for this album." What should I do now?
Hello! I'm also ready to start this awesome challenge! I started to upload my before photos but I wasn't able to do it. I got the following message: "You have maxed out the number of photos for this album." What should I do now?
Hello all. I've got a long way to go and I'm ready to get started. Like a few others, I've had some problems with the photos but I was still able to upload them. The only problem is no matter what I do they show up as rotated to the side. If anyone has an idea what i'm doing wrong please let me know. Feel free to friend.
This should be fun, currently 4 weeks into a different more.. personal challenge already! I'm hoping to continue with squatting every day as well to get my squat numbers up! Squatting every day has been rough so far but not detrimental. Still excited for this and it should be a nice shock to my muscles trying new things!
Just curious, I wasn't able to upload photos until I registered as a platinum member, will I not be able to post progress photos as a gold member?
Hello all. I've got a long way to go and I'm ready to get started. Like a few others, I've had some problems with the photos but I was still able to upload them. The only problem is no matter what I do they show up as rotated to the side. If anyone has an idea what i'm doing wrong please let me know. Feel free to friend.
Hey I had this problem too. I found if you open your photos in paint and then save it. That worked for me.
This should be fun, currently 4 weeks into a different more.. personal challenge already! I'm hoping to continue with squatting every day as well to get my squat numbers up! Squatting every day has been rough so far but not detrimental. Still excited for this and it should be a nice shock to my muscles trying new things!
Just curious, I wasn't able to upload photos until I registered as a platinum member, will I not be able to post progress photos as a gold member?
Scott can correct me on this - but do participate you need the platinum status - when you registered for Gold you should have recieved a code on screen for 1 free month ... that resolves the problem ... will have to default to Scott on this one.
This should be fun, currently 4 weeks into a different more.. personal challenge already! I'm hoping to continue with squatting every day as well to get my squat numbers up! Squatting every day has been rough so far but not detrimental. Still excited for this and it should be a nice shock to my muscles trying new things!
Just curious, I wasn't able to upload photos until I registered as a platinum member, will I not be able to post progress photos as a gold member?
Scott can correct me on this - but do participate you need the platinum status - when you registered for Gold you should have recieved a code on screen for 1 free month ... that resolves the problem ... will have to default to Scott on this one.
Scott can correct me on this - but do participate you need the platinum status - when you registered for Gold you should have recieved a code on screen for 1 free month ... that resolves the problem ... will have to default to Scott on this one.
Yes that's true, but in 12 weeks I may not have platinum, so I wouldn't be able to post final photos to the album. That's my concern
Hey Scott! Me and My husband are doing the challenge together and we are pumped! We were wondering if the 12 week challenge includes a meal plan or a layout of what our diet should be or if we need to use the build a meal plan option on our profiles?
You guys should be able to use the meal plan app that comes with your platinum membership! :-D
Also, if you go to the @mealplan page I have a free calculator to figure out your macros as well! Check it out and let me know if you have any questions! :-D
Yes that's true, but in 12 weeks I may not have platinum, so I wouldn't be able to post final photos to the album. That's my concern
You will be able to post final photos as GOLD.. However.. $7.99 for my awesome program isnt much. Just don't buy starbucks one day ;-D
i'm excited and this is perfect because I need to debulk due to the holidays
Hey scott! Great fan of you and your videos and i am right now at 13% body fat(down from 25%). Should I be cutting or bulking up with your prgram?.
I am on a cuiing diet with 13% body fat (down from 25% (: ). Should I take the bulking up or losing fat in the program. Suggestions ??
The day has arrived!!!!! Let the gainz begin!!! Good luck to everyone!
Hello! I'm also ready to start this awesome challenge! I started to upload my before photos but I wasn't able to do it. I got the following message: "You have maxed out the number of photos for this album." What should I do now?
Same thing happened to me...lol! I didn't worry about it too much...as long as the pics are posted to the correct photo album, I was happy about that. I wouldn't about it too much. :)
Hey Everyone! I don't know about everyone in this forum, but I am SUPER EXCITED for this 12-week challenge to START!! WOOHOO!!! :)
Currently Average for Daily Macros:
Protein 200g
Fat 80g
Carbs 110g
Most of my carbs come from beans, green veggies, sweet potatoes ...
Those are good carb sources man. So with those macros are you in a deficit or a surplus?
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