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johnnynguyen g Johnny Nguyen
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: January 1, 2016

I've been on my fitness journey since August of 2015. In the beginning, I weighed 225. Today, I weigh 188. Fitness has been one of the best things to happen in my life. It's improved my life in so many ways I did not expect. However, I recently hit a "plateau" - mentally and physically. I haven't been eating healthy as I used to be. I'm not as good at resisting temptations like junk food as I used to be, and I lost the fire for fitness. However, when I discovered Scott's 12-week-challenge contest, I was pumped to get back at it. I want to become that gym rat I was a couple of months ago, and I am confident this contest will help me. So, for the next 12 weeks I'll be training with the Muscular Strength community, continuing to work on the total body transformation I know I can achieve, and supporting others through out. Before I start the challenge, I want to make a few promises to myself. I promise to train hard, passionately, and relentlessly. I promise to stick to my meal plans and to eat mindfully. I promise to have fun and stay positive. I promise to stay focused and visualize the results. I promise to keep finding new ways to stay motivated. I promise to always show up and be consistent. I promise to track my progress every single day. I am confident in my mental and physical capabilities, and I am confident in my drive and vision, so with that said, I promise that I will keep all of these promises! Let's do this

johnnynguyen g Johnny Nguyen
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: January 1, 2016

I've been on my fitness journey since August of 2015. In the beginning, I weighed 225. Today, I weigh 188. Fitness has been one of the best things to happen in my life. It's improved my life in so many ways I did not expect. However, I recently hit a "plateau" - mentally and physically. I haven't been eating healthy as I used to be. I'm not as good at resisting temptations like junk food as I used to be, and I lost the fire for fitness. However, when I discovered Scott's 12-week-challenge contest, I was pumped to get back at it. I want to become that gym rat I was a couple of months ago, and I am confident this contest will help me. So, for the next 12 weeks I'll be training with the Muscular Strength community, continuing to work on the total body transformation I know I can achieve, and supporting others through out. Before I start the challenge, I want to make a few promises to myself. I promise to train hard, passionately, and relentlessly. I promise to stick to my meal plans and to eat mindfully. I promise to have fun and stay positive. I promise to stay focused and visualize the results. I promise to keep finding new ways to stay motivated. I promise to always show up and be consistent. I promise to track my progress every single day. I am confident in my mental and physical capabilities, and I am confident in my drive and vision, so with that said, I promise that I will keep all of these promises! Let's do this

Rolixus g Rolands Strods
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

I can't wait for this to start, excitement lvl over 9000

Bisenberg g Jesse Covington
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

Hello everyone! Just finshed signing up and am pumped to begin this challenge with all of you.

KhairulHazmie g Khairul Hazmie
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Already hit to the gym just hours ago, getting some pumped. Can't wait for the challenge

KhairulHazmie g Khairul Hazmie
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Already hit to the gym just hours ago, getting some pumped. Can't wait for the challenge

JSCS12 g Janica Seppanen
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016
Posted By: JoeHurricane

Have you created an album solely for the challenge calld 'Transformation Challenge'?

And how many photos do you have in there?

Yes, I created the album and there seemed to be 153/10 photos already in that album even though I haven't uploaded any photos yet. Just wondering maybe every participants Transformation challenge photos are counted on that 153/10 number? Anyways, I now upgraded to platinum membership and I was able to upload the photos.


Lets do this! :)

Jibba_jagger g Luke Jagger
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Hey everyone, finally signed up to the community even though I've been following the nation for over a year. Better late than never right? Finally updated all my measurements, just starting photos to go.


Really looking forward to training with you all and getting to know everyone. Let's do this!!!

JosephLowrey g Joseph Lowrey
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016
Posted By: JoeHurricane

This might sound obvious but...did you rotate the photos BEFORE you uploaded them? haha :D

Haha yeah I did. I even rotated them once more and saved it before uploading them again. I'll mess around with them later. Thanks though.

JosephLowrey g Joseph Lowrey
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016
Posted By: RichDavis89

Hey I had this problem too. I found if you open your photos in paint and then save it. That worked for me.

Hey thanks. I'll give that a shot.

James_Vollinger g James Vollinger
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: June 6, 2015
Posted By: JoeHurricane

You can post photos as a gold member...what message do you get when you try to upload them?

Basically the album that is there already is saying there's already so many pictures out of 10, for example, 68/10. Is that supposed to be the final photos album? Do I create a whole separate album on my own?

James_Vollinger g James Vollinger
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: June 6, 2015
Posted By: LastHound

Can't wait to get started. Good luck to everyone trying to get their workouts in during the most crowded weeks at the gym!

Haha, such a great point, the true warriors stick through it though! So a shout to anybody newer to fitness and sticks with it!

Mprye g Michael Prye
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

cant wait for the challenge. Been a skinny guy my whole life with very little muscle strent. Been lifting for the past 3 months but havnt been going as hard as I want. Can't wait to go hard and get some strenth and of course thoes gains! Good luck every one. jist remember to keep on pushing.

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: JoeHurricane

Those are good carb sources man. So with those macros are you in a deficit or a surplus?

Right now running about 400 deficit ... I've got about 35lbs of fat to shed ... As I am attempting to build lean muscle and shed the fat I'm trying to determine what my total kcal should be. I am working out twice a day for this ... AM Cardio and PM Weights/Cardio. Unless Scott's plan is different I'm in this 110%! - personal fitness blog
unag g Una Gekova
6 Post(s)
6 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: August 8, 2015

Hey guys! 


I`m so much looking forward to 12 week program....


I know it`s mainly for Bulking, but I am going to lose some few pounds and next three months.  

Best thing we can work out as a team, I`m sure will help to all of us. 


Unfortunately I`ll be slightly behind most of you, as we have few hours difference, but you know what! WHO  cares?! NO EXCUSES 


Wish you all luck and lats keep strong.


P.S. @scott_herman will you be posting videos on one time, or will it come out as weekly routine?

rwest902 g Robert West
7 Post(s)
7 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Hey all I am new to tge group but not to working out really. I am a former MMA student of 4 years had made a cut from 205 to 174 then lost it all when wige got pregnant. I am trying to find my way back to a clean 185lbs, current weight is about 225. I signed up for the contest and am wondering what exactly eill be taking place. Will there be a list of excercises to do ect?

muscular strength
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