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Location: Madrid, Spain Gender: Male Neck: 16 in Chest: 46.5 in Goal: Bodybuilding Forearm: 14 in Hip: N/A Age: 39 Calve 16 in Shoulder: 52.5 in Height: 5'7" Arm: 15.5 in Waist: 32 in Weight: 81 kg Thigh: 24 in Body Fat: 7%
About Me   

I have been lifting weights using various different disciplines since the age of 13. I started out lifting weights using a rusty old bench my brothers found in the neighbourhood park and some york weights that they had. Being smaller than my brothers and friends was one of my main reasons for weightlifting in the beginning. I began with just performing the basic barbell press and barbell curl. I then went on to discover the squat and deadlift. After a few years practising Olympic lifts I developed a good foundation. Soon after muscle magazines then caught my eye. At age 17 I became interested in Bodybuilding. I proceeded to practice Bodybuilding workouts with the occasional strength based workout. My physique developed as did my love for exercise. I have always made my routines balanced to give me strength gains for heavy lifts and functional movements. My muscle size and proportion is a reflection of this balance. I never set out to become a monster and have gigantic muscles. I just wanted to be strong and have muscles that were in proportion with my height and shape. I promised myself that my muscles would never be "just for show". Rather, I promised myself that my muscles would be "designed and fit for purpose". I want to inspire people and take you on my journey known as "time is muscle".

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