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Pretty simple ... my family grew up loving food and being told to eat everything on our large plates and then we could have dessert. Mom passed away from a stroke and congestive heart failure due to obesity and diabetes. That though didn't serve as a wakeup call for me. My dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer brought on by pour diet, really bad food choices and obesity. He fought the fight for 2+ years then passed away 3 days before my son was born. That was the most emotional week I have ever experienced. Sorrow, excitement, depression, love, anger, passion... and so much more. I realized that if I wanted to be around for my family and hopefully grandkids, that I needed to make a change. I didn't run out and get a gym membership (I actually had one, just never went), instead I would spend the year learning about metabolism, body types, nutrition, and getting full health screenings and more. I learned I had a few medical issues that had to be addressed before I could start on my fitness journey. Over 2013 and 2014 I had multiple surgeries: tonsils removed - they were causing sleep apnea, modified stomach surgery to remove part of my stomach that had scarred over from an ulcer that wouldn't go away - had to have part of the intestine removed as well, fixed a hiatal hernia that was causing severe reflux, then to top that all off 2 months later they took out the gall bladder. At my peak I was around 320lbs ... From the tests I learned my resting rates and what I needed to eat calorie wise on paper. Roughly 1,950 a day. However I also learned that my body loves to make carbs into fat ... BIG TIME. I ended up going Paleo/Mediterranean with my new eating life style. My wife, who is Filipina, continues to eat her rice ;) NO WAY am I asking her to give that up. 100lbs plus later I now only eat foods on the outside of the store (organic produce, fruits, meats, and some dairy). Lots and lots of water and no soda at all. I think my body lost all it will without the exercise now. Completed the Jan – March 2016 Shred Challenge, I’d say about 90% successful but feel I can do much better. I’m pumped and looking forward to the Summer Shred!