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Location: Californa Gender: Male Neck: N/A Chest: 38.5 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 11.5 in Hip: N/A Age: 31 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'8" Arm: 14 in Waist: N/A Weight: 155 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: 9%
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At age 16 I was close to reaching 200lbs, my high school diet used to be ramen noodles, hot dogs, grill chess sandwiches, and other junk. Thanks to my high school diet at age 17 I was already having high blood pressure and cholesterol issues with my doctor. I knew if I continue this I would soon run into several health problems. So like any high schooler, I didn't have an income to get a personal trainer or a gym membership so I started doing research online and that when I found Scott videos and I pretty much learned from him and learned from his mistakes and did a ton of homebody workouts and due to that I dropped 20lb. Then at age 18, my health issues were fixed, blood pressure is normal and from that point just been enjoying this lifestyle, counting to train to get big and look great.

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