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Planks Are Boring!!!

Try This Instead!

I feel like planks just aren’t getting the love they deserve any more. It’s like people read a book or watch anime nowadays while planking, kind of like when you see people texting while doing ab...

Want The Fastest Path To Long, Lean Muscles?

Here's How To Do It!

Already looking forward to that long beach summer days with your friends and family, but are not happy about your physical shape? Then you’ll be thrilled to find out that we have all the right...

3 Reasons Why You Are Still Skinny Fat!

Training Harder, But Getting Smaller?!

Today we’re going to dig a little deeper into a subject that we’ve talked about before and it’s the “Skinny Fat” body type. In the first article called ‘Why Are You Skinny Fat?’, we talked more...

Do This Daily For Tighter Abs!


I'm going to share with you an abdominal workout routine that I've been doing every single day after my full body workouts to help me make my core more defined, and make the lines in-between my...

1 Easy "Hack" For Bigger Hamstrings

Not What You Think!

This article is going to come as a blessing for all of you who can’t quite seem to build big and strong hamstrings. In fact, the Romanian Deadlift, which is one of the BEST hamstring muscle...

3 Rookie Fitness Mistakes Everyone Makes

Especially You!

Someone recently asked me “If you had to pick THREE mistakes you see beginners and intermediates make when it comes to losing fat and gaining muscle, what would they be?" Well, if we’re being...

Best Back Exercise Ever!

Bigger & Thicker Lats!

Today I want to share with you a tip that’s going to take your back workouts to the next level, and that tip has to do with the barbell bent-over row. Watch this video on YouTube Now that I’m in...

2 Reasons Why Your Shoulders Won't Grow!

All Pain - No Gains!

Today we’re going to talk about how to train the shoulders. Or more specifically, how NOT to train them, and this is actually something you see very often in the gym. Watch this video on...

How To: Plank

3 Golden Rules (Made Better!)

Today we’re going to go over the 3 golden rules for one of the best exercises to strengthen your core, and that is the PLANK. As always, we’re going to not only talk about proper form, but how to...

Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer

Why This Bike Is A Must Have At Home!

If you’re just now getting into spinning at home, chances are you aren’t ready to splurge thousands of dollars on a bike. One of the best value for money models out there certainly has to be the...