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Location: Portland, OR Gender: Male Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Lose Fat Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 31 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'6" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 192 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
About Me   

I've been on my fitness journey since August of 2015. In the beginning, I weighed 225. Today, I weigh 188. Fitness has been one of the best things to happen in my life. It's improved my life in so many ways I did not expect. However, I recently hit a "plateau" - mentally and physically. I haven't been eating healthy as I used to be. I'm not as good at resisting temptations like junk food as I used to be, and I lost the fire for fitness. However, when I discovered Scott's 12-week-challenge contest, I was pumped to get back at it. I want to become that gym rat I was a couple of months ago, and I am confident this contest will help me. So, for the next 12 weeks I'll be training with the Muscular Strength community, continuing to work on the total body transformation I know I can achieve, and supporting others through out. Before I start the challenge, I want to make a few promises to myself. I promise to train hard, passionately, and relentlessly. I promise to stick to my meal plans and to eat mindfully. I promise to have fun and stay positive. I promise to stay focused and visualize the results. I promise to keep finding new ways to stay motivated. I promise to always show up and be consistent. I promise to track my progress every single day. I am confident not only in my mental and physical capabilities, I am confident in my drive and vision, so with that said, I promise that I will keep all of these promises. Let's do this.

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