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ChrisCrawford07 g Chris Crawford
22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: gmdgeek

I'm loving this 2nd month - it stepped it up to the next level and has me pumped for the 3rd month!!!

Im noticing its not taking me long at all to set new PR's on these lifts, already doubled my box jumps in height Loving the Arnold Press too! With Rack pulls, might be time to get some wrist wraps now too

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: ChrisCrawford07

Im noticing its not taking me long at all to set new PR's on these lifts, already doubled my box jumps in height Loving the Arnold Press too! With Rack pulls, might be time to get some wrist wraps now too

Hell yeah man!!! This program is no joke!!! and I have decided to keep uploading more variations for you guys too!

might as well hit the whole alphabet! PUSH-C, PUSH-D, PUSH-E....... :-D

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Murphynk g Nick Murphy
15 Post(s)
15 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016
Posted By: gmdgeek

I'm loving this 2nd month - it stepped it up to the next level and has me pumped for the 3rd month!!!

Me too! These workouts are awesome. Pin press is so challenging!

wolfboy g Keith Shepard
19 Post(s)
19 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

Been awhile since I've been able to post, but the workouts are still going and strong. With the spider curl I've actually gone up to 40 lbs on the last 2 sets. I didn't do that lightly as I know in the past I've made the mistake of moving up in bicep weights when I shouldn't, but it looks like I've made progress here. :)


ArrggghhhhJohn g John Coomey
12 Post(s)
12 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Hell yeah man!!! This program is no joke!!! and I have decided to keep uploading more variations for you guys too!

might as well hit the whole alphabet! PUSH-C, PUSH-D, PUSH-E....... :-D

Those variations will be great to have once we finish month 3. I am really enjoying and learning a lot from this challange.

Nothing to see here, just lifting eating and sleeping:)
Mrwilliemz g Wofai Williams
6 Post(s)
6 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

Hi all
I'll try to keep this brief
I became aware of meal planning through this community & I found out how important it is for those gains!
Using this site to fill in my details and calculate my macros it came out really high so I was like why not start off somewhere right! I chose 2500 as a start (cuz it seems like a cool number) but I found my stomach exploded because I never had to eat so much on a daily basis.
I cut it down now to about 2250 but I still seem to be getting bigger in my stomach :(.
I just want to find out what I'm doing wrong so I can adjust it and also help others that look up to me.
My details:
Height: 5"7
Weight: 75kg
Body fat: not sure (16-21%)
I'm also following the shredded challenge. My goal is lean gains, I'm not trying to be big cuz of my height and I would really love to see a defined 6 pack by the summer

Carbs: 197

protein: 197g

fat: 75g

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: Mrwilliemz

Hi all
I'll try to keep this brief
I became aware of meal planning through this community & I found out how important it is for those gains!
Using this site to fill in my details and calculate my macros it came out really high so I was like why not start off somewhere right! I chose 2500 as a start (cuz it seems like a cool number) but I found my stomach exploded because I never had to eat so much on a daily basis.
I cut it down now to about 2250 but I still seem to be getting bigger in my stomach :(.
I just want to find out what I'm doing wrong so I can adjust it and also help others that look up to me.
My details:
Height: 5"7
Weight: 75kg
Body fat: not sure (16-21%)
I'm also following the shredded challenge. My goal is lean gains, I'm not trying to be big cuz of my height and I would really love to see a defined 6 pack by the summer

Carbs: 197

protein: 197g

fat: 75g

I was loosing fat and gaining muscle for the first several weeks ... this last week stalled out ... was averaging 2200 calories a day ... I'm 5'8" so similar. I have what you would call an Endomorphic body type. I went and had a physical yesterday and had my BMR calculated on a breathing / something machine.


Based on Scott's BMR calculator you are 1800ish for BMR and 2700 for in motion. Using his calc on myself I'm 1965 BMR and 3000 in motion.


I'm now at a 1915 BMR... even with my falling this program and doing extra cardio it appears my intake is a little high. So for the next 2 to 3 weeks I am cutting down to 1800 kcal on non-lifting days (I will be cutting 40g to 50g of carbs on these days) and 2000 kcal on lifting days with a ratio for 40% Protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats - or roughly around there. I don't do processed foods and only occassionally do I consume goodies ...


I sent you a friend request and would be happy to let you know how my experiment goes for the next 2 to 3 weeks.


Only thing I can recommend is find out your BMR and adjust from there. @scott_herman or someone else might be able to help more.


Gerry - personal fitness blog
Mrwilliemz g Wofai Williams
6 Post(s)
6 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

Thanks very much man. let me know how it goes for you. i wasnt aware of the body type factor maybe thats whats affecting me too

JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Doctor7

I was wanting to add more Cardio for Month 2. WOuld it be ok to add a HIT after a lifting workout or would it be better before? Or should I not do it as it would negatively impact things?

It's best to save your HIIT for AFTER your workouts, so that you are using maximum energy for lifting. Nothing wrong with doing it afterwards at all, just remember that 15-25 minutes is more than enough time - you don't want to do too much and put yourself in a deficit...might lose some gains! haha.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Mrwilliemz

Hi all
I'll try to keep this brief
I became aware of meal planning through this community & I found out how important it is for those gains!
Using this site to fill in my details and calculate my macros it came out really high so I was like why not start off somewhere right! I chose 2500 as a start (cuz it seems like a cool number) but I found my stomach exploded because I never had to eat so much on a daily basis.
I cut it down now to about 2250 but I still seem to be getting bigger in my stomach :(.
I just want to find out what I'm doing wrong so I can adjust it and also help others that look up to me.
My details:
Height: 5"7
Weight: 75kg
Body fat: not sure (16-21%)
I'm also following the shredded challenge. My goal is lean gains, I'm not trying to be big cuz of my height and I would really love to see a defined 6 pack by the summer

Carbs: 197

protein: 197g

fat: 75g

Hey @Mrwilliemz.


I threw your numbers into the calculator and assuming you are doing moderate activity 3-5 days per week, you are looking at basically 1800 calories for your BMR at rest and 2800 in motion. If you wanted to average them out you're looking at about 2300 calories, which is about where you are.


It does seem odd that you are putting on fat while both doing the #ShredChallenge and following this diet plan with these macros and calories. I would say it is possibly just bloating from what you are eating - some foods have a tendency to cause bloating.

However, it could be that your metabolism is particularly slow, and maybe you simply do need fewer calories to cut down. If your primary goal is to cut down, then maybe try reducing your carbs more. Maybe you could try these macros...


Carbs - 165g (660 Calories)

Protein - 200g (800 Calories)

Fat - 85g (765 Calories)


Total Calories - 2225


This gives you roughly 1g carbs per pould of bodyweight. Try this seeing as you appear to be having trouble losing fat as it is. Also, maybe try adding 1-2 days of cardio into your weekly routine as well to burn more calories and hopefully fat.


Hope this helps!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
Mrwilliemz g Wofai Williams
6 Post(s)
6 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015
Posted By: JoeHurricane

Hey @Mrwilliemz.


I threw your numbers into the calculator and assuming you are doing moderate activity 3-5 days per week, you are looking at basically 1800 calories for your BMR at rest and 2800 in motion. If you wanted to average them out you're looking at about 2300 calories, which is about where you are.


It does seem odd that you are putting on fat while both doing the #ShredChallenge and following this diet plan with these macros and calories. I would say it is possibly just bloating from what you are eating - some foods have a tendency to cause bloating.

However, it could be that your metabolism is particularly slow, and maybe you simply do need fewer calories to cut down. If your primary goal is to cut down, then maybe try reducing your carbs more. Maybe you could try these macros...


Carbs - 165g (660 Calories)

Protein - 200g (800 Calories)

Fat - 85g (765 Calories)


Total Calories - 2225


This gives you roughly 1g carbs per pould of bodyweight. Try this seeing as you appear to be having trouble losing fat as it is. Also, maybe try adding 1-2 days of cardio into your weekly routine as well to burn more calories and hopefully fat.


Hope this helps!

Thanks a lot bro! I think it might be some bloating cuz I've never had to eat this much on a daily basis. I pretty much stuff myself just to hit the numbers. I will try your suggestions and update you.

ChrisCrawford07 g Chris Crawford
22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Finally broke the 300 lbs plateau! Hit 315 lbs on my rackpullls, I have never lifted anything as heavy before. I am amazing myself at my increase in strength!

LastHound g Cody Baker
8 Post(s)
8 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: ChrisCrawford07

Finally broke the 300 lbs plateau! Hit 315 lbs on my rackpullls, I have never lifted anything as heavy before. I am amazing myself at my increase in strength!

That's amazing, congrats man! I've only gone up to around 260 on mine, looking forward to getting over 300 myself. Getting real close to 200 on the bench now too... It's going to be a good month!

ArrggghhhhJohn g John Coomey
12 Post(s)
12 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2015
Posted By: LastHound

That's amazing, congrats man! I've only gone up to around 260 on mine, looking forward to getting over 300 myself. Getting real close to 200 on the bench now too... It's going to be a good month!

wow 200 on bench, you should be able to nail that 300 on DL quickly. My bench is only a little higher than yours but my DL is 396. Just focus on getting your form right. Once you feel every muscle in you body working together correctly you will blast 300 in no time.

Nothing to see here, just lifting eating and sleeping:)
LastHound g Cody Baker
8 Post(s)
8 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: December 12, 2015

@ArrggghhhhJohn Yeah I have been trying to improve my form a lot. I think a lot of my weakness stems from the fact that I actually didn't start really deadlifting until summer 2015. I had been lifting consistently for a year before that, but never dove into deadlifts. So I'm playing catch up now!

zuli2201 g joshua dixon
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2016

I just signed up and Im sure its too late for the Challenge but I like the structure of the work outs. It there an excel file or PDF of the work out.

I downloaded the Calendar but I was hoping for something that had the indiviuals works out so i can keep up with numbers

I did sign up as a Platinum member as well



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