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crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014
Posted By: wolfboy

Not to bring up the discussion that I know you've all heard a million times, but for the sake of this contest I'm not sure if I should be bulking or cutting. I know the contest is about strength, but looking at my opening pictures, you see the big gut I've got (I've always kinda considered myself to be "skinny fat.") I could do with putting on some more muscle as well, and that's been my primary goal since I started getting serious with working out. Going into Month 2, should I focus on cutting for the purposes of making a more noticeable transformation, or should I bulk?

hey @wolfboy,


well and here is the answer that prolly has been given a thousand times to the exact same question again :)


it all depends. You personally will have to decide wether to bulk, maintain or cut - and it all depends on your "current" as well as "future goals".


Whilst you can make strength and musclemass gains as a novice and absolute beginner for a little while .

Mostly in the first 1-2 month. After that the reserves in your body that can sustain being on a cut and still putting energy into building muscle mass run out of power and things slow down. The so called "novice gains" are in that case mostly just filling them up with orderly nutrition and waterstorage - now that they are being 'used' - and making them appear more clearly, visually. And a little bit of new muscle fibers.

Then there are the general Novice Gains, which last mostly for about half a year where you can add more weight in your exercises for almost every week of your workouts. But those also will slow down, and require you to have an orderly input of food. So eating at least 100-250 calories in a plus on workout days. You can easily eat just on mainteain level on the other days. Until you stop making progress and see you need to eat more.


You really need to decide wether you want to lean out or gain strength and muscle mass.


I think the biggest problem for people is that they don't know where they want to be in a year or two or more down the road.

They want to have it all at once and right now =)


See if you don't overeat in masses your body will lean out the more you train and even more so the more muscles you build. Every pound of lean muscles will require an additional 50 calories per day. So the stronger and more muscular your body becomes the more food it will require in order to pack on more mass, and the more it will use up when you feed it just in the right surplus. (see above)


But this requires consistancy in a) training and b) the food you eat. If you keep those 2 things steady and right, you'll lean out and your physique will change.


You can decide to first lean out (cut ) and then start a slow clean bulk (the mentioned 100-250 calories plus on workout days). Or you decide to do it right away and give your physique the time to simply change and lean out over time due to the new muscle mass.


But one important thing to mention.. neither of both (cut nor bulk) will help you in any way if you don't train the right way. A bulk is devastating when someone doesn't put enough intensity or volume into their workout and it all just goes as unused fuel into the fat storage, nor does a cut do any good if you workout too much - because you'll miss the energy to build up any strength beyond the initial few weeks of someone being new to exercises, or if you don't exercise enough on a cut you'll also mostly just end up looking "skinny fat" as the skin will become loose and flappy but the physique underneath doesn't change much (depending on how much overweight you have been befrore) and your body still doesn't really utilize the food you are putting in.

Basically you can eat on maintain-level for a longer time. Especially wheny ou just started out, and give your body the chance to change on it's own by using up more calories of what you eat for maintaining due to training and increase in musclemass. And then decide at the tipping point (when things slow down) if you still need to cut or actually want to build up with some lean bulk.


last but not least, every bulk, even a clean one can still bring a tiny bit fat. But it should be a minimal amount and can be held at bay by having little episodes of fasting, intermitted fasting, or cutting every now and then.


And let's face reality: The extreme bulking by eating a few thousand calories in plus.. only a thing for people on juice, only their bodies can burn through all that shit and still be lean. And this is nothing that we'd suggest anyone to even think about.


So find out what your goal is right now, and where you want to be in 1-2 years and where in 10 (a full body transformation of a 'natty' actually goes down the road of about 10 years.. beyond the first inital changes)


And hey as a little help: if you can lift and move heavier weights, your muscles will have more intention to grow and if you eat in the right surplus / maintain / cutting periods, you'll lean out along the way ! So in my opinion strength is always the first to consider to bring up, and then the rest will fall in place too. And you learn a lot about your body in that time as well.




And i think that belly of yours might either be just too much food, or most likely the wrong kind of foods :P just change that and exercise and you'll be fine =)


Cheers !





Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
wolfboy g Keith Shepard
19 Post(s)
19 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

Thanks a lot, crood. Lot of helpful information there.


How'd everybody do with Legs B? today?

Adriariff g Adri Aznan
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015

how to bookmark lol

ChrisCrawford07 g Chris Crawford
22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: wolfboy

Thanks a lot, crood. Lot of helpful information there.


How'd everybody do with Legs B? today?

I noticed that Box Squats are much harder, I'm squatting about 60-70 lbs less than a free style squat. The Box Squat defiintley forces you to work on that explosivness which has been my sticking point. I didn't think I was going to like the Good Morning's, but I loved how it felt, hammstrings and glutes really work in that exercise.

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: ChrisCrawford07

I noticed that Box Squats are much harder, I'm squatting about 60-70 lbs less than a free style squat. The Box Squat defiintley forces you to work on that explosivness which has been my sticking point. I didn't think I was going to like the Good Morning's, but I loved how it felt, hammstrings and glutes really work in that exercise.

Really? I would expect you to squat more. Looks like you have some strength to build! Awesome!



Good Mornings are a great exercise once you learn proper form. Glad you are enjoying the routines bro!

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wolfboy g Keith Shepard
19 Post(s)
19 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: October 10, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Really? I would expect you to squat more. Looks like you have some strength to build! Awesome!



Good Mornings are a great exercise once you learn proper form. Glad you are enjoying the routines bro!

I found that I was able to squat more. Funny thing is that last week somebody saw me struggling with squats, can over and spotted me. He then recommended box squats to help me with my form. A week later that's the new strength exercise. Irony? Or was the guy a hermanator?

Mcmike g Michael Benedict Ramos
458 Post(s)
458 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: crood

If I'll be getting wobbly ima poke your rear end !!! personally !


But count me in, i'm on a bulk at the moment anyways - so i'm all game =)


And to show that we ladies can keep up too :P

How to join the 12 weeks challenge? Let me in! ahahaha

( Beginner ) 1 Year Lifting Experience Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management Don't be afraid to make mistakes, face failure and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. You'll get everything you wish for... just focus and work on it. And you'll get more than you could ever have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end - - the journey is the destination.
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: wolfboy

I found that I was able to squat more. Funny thing is that last week somebody saw me struggling with squats, can over and spotted me. He then recommended box squats to help me with my form. A week later that's the new strength exercise. Irony? Or was the guy a hermanator?

I think he may have been a HERMANATOR! haha

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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Mcmike

How to join the 12 weeks challenge? Let me in! ahahaha

Right here Mike!!


Join the challenge!

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ArrggghhhhJohn g John Coomey
12 Post(s)
12 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2015

There was/is no early write up on Pull B? I decided instead to hit Pull-A one last time this morning and hit a new Deadlift PR. That said i have hit a new DL PR every week on this program. Really Loving the Deadlift these days. I had issues with my lower back that stopped me from making progress for the last year and now I can't get enough of it..woop!

Nothing to see here, just lifting eating and sleeping:)
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: ArrggghhhhJohn

There was/is no early write up on Pull B? I decided instead to hit Pull-A one last time this morning and hit a new Deadlift PR. That said i have hit a new DL PR every week on this program. Really Loving the Deadlift these days. I had issues with my lower back that stopped me from making progress for the last year and now I can't get enough of it..woop!

I am actually uploading it as we speak. You can start to view it here:


Being sick for a week really messed up my timelines and I have had to work like 16 hours a day filming and editing to get all these videos done and last night I just had to crash early :/

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ArrggghhhhJohn g John Coomey
12 Post(s)
12 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

I am actually uploading it as we speak. You can start to view it here:


Being sick for a week really messed up my timelines and I have had to work like 16 hours a day filming and editing to get all these videos done and last night I just had to crash early :/

No Worries Scott. I had a killer work-out this morning so all is good. :)


The new Pull work out looks extreme, I look forward to hitting it hard next week.


Keep up the good work mate.

Nothing to see here, just lifting eating and sleeping:)
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: ArrggghhhhJohn

No Worries Scott. I had a killer work-out this morning so all is good. :)


The new Pull work out looks extreme, I look forward to hitting it hard next week.


Keep up the good work mate.

Thanks bro! Appreciate it! :-D

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Doctor7 g Mark Stephan
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

I was wanting to add more Cardio for Month 2. WOuld it be ok to add a HIT after a lifting workout or would it be better before? Or should I not do it as it would negatively impact things?

ArrggghhhhJohn g John Coomey
12 Post(s)
12 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2015

Month 2 is really hammering my muscles. I feel I have only barely recovered when the next day for a particular muscle group rolls around. That said I am really enjoying it.

Nothing to see here, just lifting eating and sleeping:)
gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: ArrggghhhhJohn

Month 2 is really hammering my muscles. I feel I have only barely recovered when the next day for a particular muscle group rolls around. That said I am really enjoying it.

I'm loving this 2nd month - it stepped it up to the next level and has me pumped for the 3rd month!!! - personal fitness blog
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