Guys , what do you think about BSN TRUE MASS 1200 supplement weightgainer? For who is this for? I am skinny dude. I have 76kg on 194cm. Is this product for anyone or pros only? I dont feel I am eating enough of real food so would it help?
P.S. I had issues with my right arm and now is fine. I rubbed some Comfrey ointment on my hand and I think it helped.
I would say BSN TRUE MASS 1200 is potentially a good choice, if you really really want a mass gainer.
BUT if you don't think you are eating enough real food, then you should really focus first and foremost on EATING MORE FOOD! You should only use supplements like a mass gainer when you absolutely need them. If you really can't manage to find another 1200 calories from real food...then I guess that would mean you really need it.
I was thinking about getting a Skulpt AIM, but then I looked at the reviews on Amazon, and they were terrible. Not only accuracy, but the device stopped working after a short time. How is everyone's experience with it? I'm not the type of person who buys and then returns, so I want to make certain it's good enough not to need to return, even if defective.
I don't have a Skulpt AIM...but...
1) It's really not that expensive. It's a device you can use whenever, wherever, to measure body fat. You don't need to take a test at your local gym, and pay for it every time, you can take it with you on the go, so in that regard it's pretty good.
2) No body fat measurement devices are going to be 100% accurate, unless you do one of those underwater tests, and they are thousands of dollars I think..maybe even tens of thousands. Unless you do one of those, you will probably always be using a device which varies a little bit, but the bottom line is it gives you an idea, and really that's all you need unless you need to be a certain fat % for a show or something.
At the end of the day, different people are going to have different feelings about it - some give it a bad review and say it is totally terrible, others think it is the best thing since sliced bread.
Unfortunately, you will probably have to get yourself one and try it to decide which category you fit into haha.
Hey HermanNation, hope everyone's doing well in the challenge. Just a couple of quick questions here.
Does anyone know roughly how many calories Circuits A and B might burn? I know it'll vary from person to person; I'm just looking for a rough estimate.
Second off, I'm starting to attempt to establish some general macro goals for each day. My main goal in this challenge is not only to build up some muscle, but also to burn off the last bit of body fat that's clinging onto me so I can finally get that shredded physique. So here's what I'm looking at right now, and keep in mind this is my first real attempt at this.
Carbs: 225 g
Protein: 200 g
Fat: 45 g
Would this be good for my goals? Should I make some adjustments? Any advice at all is very much appreciated; thanks a lot everyone and good luck!
By my calculations, you are getting about 2205 calories with your current macros.
So I took a quick look at your stats, and my guess would be that, if you were moderately active, you would need about 2685 calories in motion, and 1790 at rest. So assuming you are moderately active (and you're probably more active than that while doing the #ShredChallenge), you're eating at nearly a 500 calorie deficit.
So that is potentially good for fat loss, but at 12%, you are getting towards the lower end already. So by being in a 500 calorie deficit, it might not be as productive because you're body might be trying to keep that fat.
At a 500 deficit, unless you're a newbie, I doubt you will build much, if any, muscle.
Soo....I would suggest increasing your intake. Especially the fats.
You could try something like this...
220g Protein - 880 Calories
240g Carbs - 960 Calories
70g Fat - 630 Calories
Total - 2470 Calories
This puts you at a 200 calorie deficit. So you're still on track to lose fat, but you're not in such a huge deficit, which is better for muscle maintenance and gives you more potential to add mass as well.
What do you think of this? My other question would long have you been following the macros you set out above, and what kind of results did you see??
Is it sad that, as a father of a 3 year old and a 10 month old I instantly thought no fruit juices instead of the other kind of "juice"?
lol that is probably normal :P
After you've been in the fitness game for a while though, when you hear someone mention fruit juice, you will immediately think of 'the other kind of juice' hahaha.
Question for Scott, or for anyone else who may already know. With the next set of workouts, will we still be doing the bench press? I only ask because I currently max out at 140. Yeah, I know most of you can do probably at least twice that much, please don't laugh. Anyway, I was hoping to hit 150 lbs soon. This week I'm trying for 145, but if I know that we'll be switching from the bench to another exercise, then I'll try for 150 this week.
The next set of workouts will work different parts of the big three lifts to help IMPROVE your numbers.
For example, instead of the bench press... you will be doing a pin-press to work on your explosive strength to increase your bench.
Hope this helps!
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Guys , what do you think about BSN TRUE MASS 1200 supplement weightgainer? For who is this for? I am skinny dude. I have 76kg on 194cm. Is this product for anyone or pros only? I dont feel I am eating enough of real food so would it help?
P.S. I had issues with my right arm and now is fine. I rubbed some Comfrey ointment on my hand and I think it helped.
Well, with any supplement you want to make sure you are eating enough FOOD first... then supplement.
So if you are having a hard time hitting your calories goal... then yes definitely use BSN TRUE MASS... great product! 1200 CALORIES!!! haha
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I was thinking about getting a Skulpt AIM, but then I looked at the reviews on Amazon, and they were terrible. Not only accuracy, but the device stopped working after a short time. How is everyone's experience with it? I'm not the type of person who buys and then returns, so I want to make certain it's good enough not to need to return, even if defective.
I know some people who have had some issues, but their customer service is great and those people recieved a new device quickly.
I have two SKULPT AIMS and they both work fine. Hope this helps!
If anyone needs the discount site for it, here is the link!
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Hey HermanNation, hope everyone's doing well in the challenge. Just a couple of quick questions here.
Does anyone know roughly how many calories Circuits A and B might burn? I know it'll vary from person to person; I'm just looking for a rough estimate.
Second off, I'm starting to attempt to establish some general macro goals for each day. My main goal in this challenge is not only to build up some muscle, but also to burn off the last bit of body fat that's clinging onto me so I can finally get that shredded physique. So here's what I'm looking at right now, and keep in mind this is my first real attempt at this.
Carbs: 225 g
Protein: 200 g
Fat: 45 g
Would this be good for my goals? Should I make some adjustments? Any advice at all is very much appreciated; thanks a lot everyone and good luck!
Hey man!
Not sure on the calorie burn.. depends on your intensity really. :/
As for the macros... They look good to me.. if anything maybe get fat up to 55grams
The only other adjustment I would make is that when you are on off days or circuit days... lower carbs by 30 - 50 because you are not using as much energy as the PUSH-PULL-LEGS days. :-D
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By my calculations, you are getting about 2205 calories with your current macros.
So I took a quick look at your stats, and my guess would be that, if you were moderately active, you would need about 2685 calories in motion, and 1790 at rest. So assuming you are moderately active (and you're probably more active than that while doing the #ShredChallenge), you're eating at nearly a 500 calorie deficit.
So that is potentially good for fat loss, but at 12%, you are getting towards the lower end already. So by being in a 500 calorie deficit, it might not be as productive because you're body might be trying to keep that fat.
At a 500 deficit, unless you're a newbie, I doubt you will build much, if any, muscle.
Soo....I would suggest increasing your intake. Especially the fats.
You could try something like this...
220g Protein - 880 Calories
240g Carbs - 960 Calories
70g Fat - 630 Calories
Total - 2470 Calories
This puts you at a 200 calorie deficit. So you're still on track to lose fat, but you're not in such a huge deficit, which is better for muscle maintenance and gives you more potential to add mass as well.
What do you think of this? My other question would long have you been following the macros you set out above, and what kind of results did you see??
Hey, first off let me say thanks for the detailed response. Really appreciate you taking the time to help me out.
So I've really just started with these macros, so I can't really speak to my progress on them yet. However, for the past 8 months or so I've been staying in the 160-180g range in terms of protein intake, carbs roughly above 200 and I just sort of tried keeping fats low. Haven't done very in-depth tracking until just recently. But I can say that I've been in a pretty sizeable caloric deficit for these 8 months and I've made some fairly significant gains regardless. It's been a somewhat slow process and I know it'll go more quickly when I start increasing my caloric intake, but I was very focused on losing fat for this duration.
I will definitely begin to take in some more calories so I'm not at such a high deficit, because your calculations were very similar to mine in terms of my deficit and maintenance calories. Hopefully this will aid with my muscle growth while still allowing me to shred this last bit of fat I want to lose.
Thanks again for the help and good luck with the workouts!
Not sure on the calorie burn.. depends on your intensity really. :/
As for the macros... They look good to me.. if anything maybe get fat up to 55grams
The only other adjustment I would make is that when you are on off days or circuit days... lower carbs by 30 - 50 because you are not using as much energy as the PUSH-PULL-LEGS days. :-D
Thanks for the reply Scott! As I said to JoeHurricane I'll definitely start increasing my calories/macros, and I will also take into account what you said about the carbs reduction on circuit days (I'm trying to actually not take any full rest days and do more circuits instead).
I appreciate the help, looking forward to the month 2 workouts!
19 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: October 10, 2015
Not to bring up the discussion that I know you've all heard a million times, but for the sake of this contest I'm not sure if I should be bulking or cutting. I know the contest is about strength, but looking at my opening pictures, you see the big gut I've got (I've always kinda considered myself to be "skinny fat.") I could do with putting on some more muscle as well, and that's been my primary goal since I started getting serious with working out. Going into Month 2, should I focus on cutting for the purposes of making a more noticeable transformation, or should I bulk?