I just signed up and Im sure its too late for the Challenge but I like the structure of the work outs. It there an excel file or PDF of the work out.
I downloaded the Calendar but I was hoping for something that had the indiviuals works out so i can keep up with numbers
I did sign up as a Platinum member as well
Hey @zuli2201 it is never too late to join! The videos will always be online and we will always be adding more! Also, each workout has its own excel and pdf file for you to download and print once you click on the workout and go to the workout page. If you need more help let me know! :-D
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5 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Lose FatDate Joined: October 10, 2016
Just joined the new shred challenge. I'm not sure if its too late? Will I still be considered as a contest member if I start Monday January 9th,2017? When does the new challenge end? Tweleve weeks from the 9th will be March 27th.
Just joined the new shred challenge. I'm not sure if its too late? Will I still be considered as a contest member if I start Monday January 9th,2017? When does the new challenge end? Tweleve weeks from the 9th will be March 27th.
The end date is April 7th @stefan316! You can start whenever, the sooner the better though so you can give yourself enough time to make that winning transformation :-D
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5 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Lose FatDate Joined: October 10, 2016
2nd day of the push pull leg series. I couldnt finish circuit A. I got to 40 seconds and then my body couldnt go any longer. I was way to sore from the push circuit.
What is the best way to deal with soreness? like exterem soreness where your legs start to jiggle, and your abs hurt from getting out of bed? do ice baths help?
2nd day of the push pull leg series. I couldnt finish circuit A. I got to 40 seconds and then my body couldnt go any longer. I was way to sore from the push circuit.
What is the best way to deal with soreness? like exterem soreness where your legs start to jiggle, and your abs hurt from getting out of bed? do ice baths help?
It's all good @stefan316, that just gives you more motivation to make sure you finish it next time!!
Ice baths are definitely good for sore muscles. You can also have cold/hot showers to speed up recovery. Jump in the shower, and have it cold for 30 seconds, then hot for 30 seconds. Repeat 5 times (total of 5 minutes). That's one thing athletes tend to do, aside from ice baths.
Also, your muscles will eventually adjust to the new training. They will be super sore at this point because it's something new to them. At the end of the 12 weeks it won't be nearly as bad :-)
Hope the video was helpful! You can actually post the video by clicking on the little 'Insert/edit video' icon. It's along the top of your comment box while you're writing a comment. Just put the link in there and the video will actually pop up in your comment - like this!
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5 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Lose FatDate Joined: October 10, 2016
@Scott_Herman do you have any advice for recovery from stomach flu/food poisoning. I came down with something two days ago and all though the symptoms have stopped I still feel pretty week. Should I continue to workout or wait a few more days? thanks
@Scott_Herman do you have any advice for recovery from stomach flu/food poisoning. I came down with something two days ago and all though the symptoms have stopped I still feel pretty week. Should I continue to workout or wait a few more days? thanks
honestly.. you are going to have to hydrate and force food down. I have had food poisoning before and it just... sucks.. but you will be back in no time.
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