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JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Doctor7

Ok, @scott_herman and others, I've got questions....


1) I've been using various methods to emasure bodyfat. First I used the scale at the Gold's Gym that shot electricity through your feet. It told me something like 16%. Then I found a specialist and they had some crazy chinese machine that did the electricity through your feet and hands, and it came up with 12.6% (You can see the read out 5 posts above). Just now, I measured using Body Fat Caliper, and it says 12.8%. My problem is, What numbers should I be entering, because they are all crazy way different. I don't know what to trust, but for purposes of the Contest, I don't know what to do. I pretty much think the Gold's gym BF% machine is a joke. But that's what I measured at the begining. If I go with the calipers, should I just be consistent with that from now on?


2) Yesterday I did PUSH-A and when I did the Rope Pushdown I got terrible pain in my lower left abdomen near the groin. When I did the Decline Cruch, it hurt there again wicked bad, so I stopped. Now I had a hernia when I was 3 yrs old near that location and I didn't know if that had anything to do with it. I'm 40 now, so I'd think it would be good as new. But should I take it easy there? OR is it simply a tight muscle I need to work through, or stretch, and if stretch, how do you stretch that particular muscle?


3) Also, I'm not certain I'm getting enough Cardio. Would it be bad to do Cardio on Lifting days? AND/OR on the rest day? What's the trade-offs for that?


1) You are never going to get an exact, or a perfect, body fat % measurement unless you do one of those under-water tests. And they are SUPER expensive. In this case, I would probably shoot for something in between your results. If you don't trust the Gold's Gym one, then lets go for the middle between 12.8% and 16%. So roughly 14.9%.

Have you thought about getting a Skulpt??

2) If the pain was that brutal, then yes it's probably best to stop. In terms of stretching it, if it's near the groin, try doing some static lunges (one leg forward, and bent to 90 degree, one leg back and straight), or try bending your left knee to 90 degrees, lift it up in front of you, and then push it out to your left hand side (or get someone/something to push it for you). That should create a good stretch in there.


3) Cardio is OK on lifting days. If you are doing it with your lifting, then do it AFTERWARDS. If you are doing the two separate, then just do one in the morning and one in the afternoon/evening. HIIT can be good for fat loss, and only needs to be done for 15-25 minutes, 2-3 times a week. With the circuits you're also doing, about 2 times a week would probably be fine.

Maybe add one day for now and see how that effects your results. Remember this is about bulking :D

Hope that all helps!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: RichDavis89

Playing Xbox and burning body fat! Win Win

Looks like a legit training method :D

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
Doctor7 g Mark Stephan
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

Hey @joehurricane


Thanks for the reply. Yeah I thought about Skulpt, but it's not something I want to buy right now. I think the calipers are more accurate than most body fat measuers. But just looked at it again and it's $149.. Wasn't there a coupon code? What is it after the coupon code?


Yes, not BMI, Body fat%.

Abaas g ahmed abas
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2015

Hi every one i just have 2 questions

1)first about the contest should i repeat the the same workour every week for one month and how the programm goes 5days work then one day rest then repeat?



2)how can i download the meal planner app?






Skyfirre g Jeffrey Rivera
7 Post(s)
7 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: RichDavis89

I have to also say this non smoking thing is TOUGH really finding it hard! Any advice? or have I just gotta put my big boy pants on and suck it up! lol

Hey Rich yeah I hear you, personally what I found works for me is when ever I reach for one of my vices I picture and tell myself all the thigns I'll loose if I take that vice, like the oppurtunity to be the best version of me, money, time with loved ones etc. So basically I give myself a choice of take that vice now and never reach my full potential or leave it and still have a shot at getting to my best version. I know it's like a life or death scenario but I found putting that pressure and urgency works personally so hopefully that might help you :)



thomas0896 g Thomas Dube
4 Post(s)
4 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

Hey, how is everybody 12 week transformation going. I love it. @scott_herman thank you very much for making this. I am so pumped to do the new sets of workouts that will be added in a few weeks.

Just a guy trying to get big
Umrdemp g Dempsey Rollins
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Thanks for the tips @joehurricane On the Skulpt It seems that my Body fat numbers are going in the wrong direction just today it gave me a total of 17.9% using the 4 Quick Measurements. I feel stronger and My weight has held steady for the last couple of weeks around 230. Should I be taking mesauremnent for all body parts to submit to the website or just the top 4?


2) Does it matter the time of day?

3) Post workout or on a rest day?

Thanks just trying to make sure I am using the instrument correctly.






Umrdemp g Dempsey Rollins
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Thanks Scott for the video on the Ab Pulldown.

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: Umrdemp

Thanks for the tips @joehurricane On the Skulpt It seems that my Body fat numbers are going in the wrong direction just today it gave me a total of 17.9% using the 4 Quick Measurements. I feel stronger and My weight has held steady for the last couple of weeks around 230. Should I be taking mesauremnent for all body parts to submit to the website or just the top 4?


2) Does it matter the time of day?

3) Post workout or on a rest day?

Thanks just trying to make sure I am using the instrument correctly.






From what I've read, watched, and asked their customer service about it is recommended to measure all the body points, not just the base four. Especially for me. My waist holds fat horribly well so if I left it as one of the 4 points I'd be higher than I truly am. I'd take the time to measure every point 3 times for a true average and accuracy. Might take extra time but I'd say it's worth it. I'm looking forward to getting my Skulpt as I have a theory I wanna document regarding where my body looses fat fastest. Lol. - personal fitness blog
JosephLowrey g Joseph Lowrey
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

Middle of the third week and i'm definitely feeling change. Measurements over the weekend only showed some small gains in a few places. Hardest part so far is eating right and not going for the quick easy meal. Lost that battle a couple times so far.

Umrdemp g Dempsey Rollins
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Thanks gmdgeek, Sounds good. I will retest.

ChrisCrawford07 g Chris Crawford
22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

This program is amazing, always striving to improve! I had to adjust some rest days in order to still be able to skate hard in hockey, rest day today, leg day tomorrow! The HIIT style is making the fat fall right off while making muscle gains! 10 weeks to go!

wmendoza618 g William Mendoza
13 Post(s)
13 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2013

Whats up Nation!

Already January 20th, 2016! Time is flying!

I hope you all are killing it in this contest! Proving to yourself that you can overcome any obstacle!

Continue to kill it! and continue to Push Forward to FINISH FIRST!

Take care!

"Remember Who I Am Now, Realize Who I Will Become" - William Brando Mendoza
Umrdemp g Dempsey Rollins
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

A PR in deadlift today of 315 for 3 reps. I tried 315 last week and could not get it off the ground. Feeling tired and muscled through the rest of the workout.

Umrdemp g Dempsey Rollins
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

Ok I am new to the gym and learned a great lesson today on deadlift, I feel stupid for not doing this. After I completed my last heavy lift, I was struggling removing the two outside 45 plates. My hero came to the rescue and said put a 10lb weight on the floor and roll the inside plate to the outside of the 10 lb weight. Thus the 2 outside plates are up in the air and can be removed with little effort. Aagain, showing I am a green horn in the gym and I was a little embarrassed. So now I provide you with this so that you too can look like a pro. :)


Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Abaas

Hi every one i just have 2 questions

1)first about the contest should i repeat the the same workour every week for one month and how the programm goes 5days work then one day rest then repeat?



2)how can i download the meal planner app?






Hey man!


1) Download the workout calendar on the contest page. You should see it when you click on the drop down menu on the top right. it's BRIGHT ORANGE.


All three calendars will be there.


2) for the meal plan app, log into the site on your phone web browser and when you go to the meal plan section and login it will bring you to the meal plan app. From there just bookmark it to your homescreen. Super easy :-D

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