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RichDavis89 g Richard Davis
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Has anyone been watching Trust me, I'm a doctor on BBC?

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
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No but now I'm curious. .. - personal fitness blog
RichDavis89 g Richard Davis
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40 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: December 12, 2015

It's four doctors that studie fitness stuff I.e protein, best ways to workout to lose fat and all that kinda stuff

RichDavis89 g Richard Davis
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Playing Xbox and burning body fat! Win Win

JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: dgadamson

Thanks for the reply @JoeHurricane. Been lifting for nearly 2 years - but haven't done workouts as intense as these for some time now!


2nd weigh-in was early in the morning. First was around lunchtime, in a fasted state.


I've noticed probably a little more fat around my gut.


Well as long as it's only a little bit, it's probably not a big deal. You can expect to gain a little bit of fat while bulking.

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JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: gmdgeek

My wife got all my measurements done last night and both her and I were surprised ... minor growth here and there but the shoulders ... over an 1" ... I had to stop and think about it ... Had to be the rear flys that are helping unround this 20 IT vets pour posture. :)

Small growth is still growth @gmdgeek! Keep going man!!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: anakhavoly

Hey Joe,


Originally I planned on leaning out abit however I decided to focus on gaining some lean mass. My BMR in motion is about 2500 so I've been eating around 2700 calories a day. I was 170lbs but now 172lbs. I noticed difference in the sides of my stomach. All in all I'm pleased in the direction I'm heading.

That's awesome man! That is a good way to start, in a slight surplus so you can see how your body responds. Just let us know if you need any other help, otherwise keep it up!! #HTH

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: ChrisCrawford07

Great job man!! Great workout!

Thanks bro!!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: Skyfirre

Hey dude thanks for the reply :) there were pads there but couldn't use them cause i was still to big to fit under the bars, I did use a towel but still pierced through. I will have a play with next round and use the assisted squat rack.

Alright. Hopefully you can find a way to do it without having too much pain. The more you do it, the more used to it you will get as well. Practice makes perfect :D

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JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: Doctor7

Hey all!


So I took my BMI again today, and it says I gained weight and fat! Hah! I know I haven't. I have more muscles and lost weight. Can drinking a protein shake before a workout impact the BMI that much? It says I went from 15.6% body fat to 16.1%.


Also another question for the experts out there. When doing barbell, do you add the weight of the bar to your lifting? And if so, how much do they weigh?


TIP: So for the AMRAP's I found if I wore straps I can lift and do more because before it was just slipping out of my hands, and ruffing up my computer geek hands. Now, with sytraps I was able to do them focusing on the muscles I wanted to focus on instead of my hand grip.

Hey @Doctor7!

When you say you actually mean the BMI, as in, Body Mass Index? Because that doesn't measure body fat, it just gives you a number based off your height and weight, and therefore tells you whether or not it thinks you are healthy, unhealthy etc. etc. It's totally flawed.

About the barbell...yes you definitely add the weight of the bar! A barbell for squats, benching etc. usually weighs definitely want that added to your total lift :D

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: Umrdemp

Hey All,


Today I completed the Pull A workout, yes I am a day behind. Anyways, I Deadlifted a new PR of 275 for three sets. Prior to that was 225. Towards the end of the workout at the bent over row, I lost my grip strenght in my right hand (nondominate). It was tought to get through the rest of the sets while really concertrating on not dropping the weights. I did finish however, I still don't have much strenght in my right hand.


Notes on the woodchopper. I started out thinking I was doing it correctly but, I was not feeling it in my obliques. Scott had a video on youtube. Wood Chopper, that really sent into the setup and how to perform is properly. I just missed it in the PUll A video and found this one. Really helped my form, may help someone else as well.


The Skulpt arrived today and I am just starting to play with it. It told me by Body Fat% is 15.4% which is almost 10% difference than the measurment system in the Gym I did at the beginning of the year. Going to repeat the process over next couple of days to see if it is repeating. I hope they are correct, I almost fainted when I saw 15.4%.

Hey @Umrdemp!

If you are struggling for grip, get yourself a pair of wrist straps. That way you shouldn't have to worry as much about dropping the weight.

I think you can be pretty certain that the Skulpt is very accurate too :) Looks like you are well on track for some LEAN GAINS!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: ChrisCrawford07

I'm loving the workouts, Ive already went up in my deadlifts and set a new PR of 285lbs. Its definitley hard work and being disciplined with the meal plan is key, but Im just focused on the end goal!

Nice job man!!! Keep making them PRs!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: dndnero

@Scott_Herman Hey scott, quick question about teh exercise. I am in a kinda weird place where my upper body and my arm is not as strong as my ab. So when i do the ab pull down on Push-A, my arms fatigue way before my ab even feel anything. Is it a problem with my form? Or it is supose to feel that way and i just ahve to grind through it

Watch this @dndnero!!

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: wolfboy

Deadlift of 275? That's sick man, way to go! And a gain of 50 pounds on that exercise? Awesome. Thanks for posting that link for the obliques, I had trouble with those as well. Come to think of it, I have trouble with every oblique exercise I've tried. I guess it must come down to form. I've had trainers suggest exercises to me, telling me "you're gonna be sore from this tomorrow." Next day my obliques feel nothing. Does anyone else have that problem, or should I just chalk it up to bad form?

It could be bad form. But if you are used to doing oblique exercises, and if you always do the same ones, then it won't take your body long to adapt. Once it does that, you aren't likely to be as sore if you keep doing the same things/exercises.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: wolfboy

Back to leg workout for me tomorrow. Switching from Planet Fitness to a high class fitness facility, one of the things I wondered was how well I'd do with bar exercises, being that I no longer had the cable bars. Well actually, there is one, but I want to see if I am capable of doing it without the cable. Strange thing is that I had a far more difficult time adjusting with the squat than with the bench press. Not so much on going down, but coming back up again, I had difficulty. Yet, the next day, I tried the bench press expecting that to be much harder without the cable, and I found that that wasn't the case at all. I could bench press as much as usual, and anticipate that this week I'll be able to move up. Any reasons for this?

So you had difficulty with the free weight squat?


That's probably because you are relying on pretty much your entire body to stabilize when you do the squat - your upper and lower body both need to be tight. I'm not saying that isn't the case for the bench press, because it's still important to be super tight all over, but with the squat, your core in particular wouldn't be used to working as hard to balance the weight and provide stabilization.


Also, maybe you had done single-arm movements with some exercises, which meant you had already worked on some upper body stabilization. By doing squats in the smith machine, you kind of take away any need for both legs to work independently. When you switched to free weights, then you probably need to teach yourself to exert the same force through both legs at the same time, because the smith machine isn't there to keep things balanced.


Not sure if that makes sense or not...but the core reason for it will probably be your stabilizers, or lack of them.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
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Posted By: LastHound

Just finished Circuit A for the third time, stilll a brutal workout. Loving the burn though, definitely feel the fat coming off.

Nice @LastHound!! Going to be SHREDDED by the end of the 12 weeks!!!

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