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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
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Posted By: carlosger

Hey Scott, my name is Carlos and I just started the challenge. I wanted to ask you what is the shedule for the workouts, just so I can organize myself. Is it going to be 3-5 times a week? And which days have the HIIT?


Thank you,



Just download the workout calendar on the CONTEST tab on your profile :-D

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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
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Posted By: Flynny88

Just completed your first work out Scott. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I finally feel like I've achieved something.


There was however one exercise that I did struggle with.. The incline dumbbell rear fly. I just couldn't get the correct form to be able to perform beyond two sets. I think it didn't help that I became ever so slightly self conscious which caused me to adondon it. I'll definitely revisit as I was instantly feeling the effects.


Also, a fellow member of the gym as me to "spot" him tonight. Prior to watching your video I would have had NO idea what he was asking of me. Of course I obliged, but I think he over-estimated my strength as I nearly crashed down on him when he asked me to assist him with his chest press!haha.


So far so good though. Can't wait for the next installment..



That is great! He must recognize that you are doing well in the gym to ask you!


As for the rear delt exercise... use like 5 or 10 pound dumbbells. That way you learn proper form. Tonight I only used 15s myself!

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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
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Posted By: niral114

Any idea where I can get the workout the night before as I workout early in the morning?

I am uploading them one-by-one around NOON EST.... but I will do my best to get the PDF up in a few hours... just go to the CONTEST TAB and it will be there when ready

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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: anakhavoly

hey scott,


yeah i downloaded the app. It says my BMR is 1780. I'm 170 and I'm thinking about burning some fat and maybe hit about 160 by the end of this contest. It tells me to eat about 1800-2200 target for carbs is 367 target for protein is 198 and for fats it's 50-80grams. If i wanna lean out abit do you think I should decrease the carbs and increase my protein?

yeah maybe adjust carbs so protein is more like 280g and fat is closer to 110g :-D

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remo2020 g Remo Hunt
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: September 9, 2013

Let's do this!

herotime g Derrick Wood
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: James_Vollinger

You should be fine, just need to adjust the weight accordingly for the rep ranges on the barbell exercises, and possibly supplement the cable flys with dumbell flys

Thank you. I am pretty new to lifting, so wasn't sure what to supp with. I appreciate it. Preparing all my notes and getting ready. Just a few more hours till I can do this.

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

After a killer first day and thanks to everyone's feedback I'm totally pumped (mentally and physically!). I ran a 600 calorie deficit today but am going to increase protein and fat intake over the next week to bring me to around 200 to 100 calorie deficit. I'll maintain that for a couple weeks and see how my gains go. I'm hoping to promote solid fat loss but have enough protein to help with some lean muslce gains.


@scott_herman keep that inspiration coming! You my friend out of all the people I've followed, read, and viewed are the ONLY one that has taken time to interact on a regular basis ... its awesome! - personal fitness blog
gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Posted By: JoeHurricane

Well you could probably two one of two things.

a) Increase your calories so that you are in a smaller deficit, giving you more opportunity to lose fat primarily, but also gain muscle.

b) Increase your calories so that you are in a slight surplus, giving you more opportunity to gain muscle primarily, while also losing fat.

I would say eat anywhere from a 200 deficit to a 200 surplus. If you're still doing cardio, and monitoring your carb intake while in a surplus, then you shouldn't gain any more fat, and you can still potentially lose fat while bulkinh.

Does that help?

Thanks for the input ... did a bit more reading, research, and going through Scott's Meal Planner App ... based on feedback and a few discussions I'm going to slowly increase over the week from a 600 deficit to between 100 and 200 by adding more Protein and some Fat. Once there I will maintain for 4 weeks and revisit to make changes. My goal is ultimately shed my bioprene and get worthy of the beach. Honestly though, my true motivation is my kids and wife. I want to be around a long time and enjoy time with them. This is one serious life time commitment for me and this is just he beginning! - personal fitness blog
herotime g Derrick Wood
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

How long is this taking most of you? I only have 45 mins a day, but want to make it count as much as i can. Since i only have DBs, if I have to cut the non-DB workouts to make time, so be it.


Obviously, with my time/equip deficits, I am not expecting to win, but I AM expecting to have fun, learn, and look killer by April. This is awesome.

anakhavoly g Ali Nakhavoly
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

waiting for my skulpt to come in can't wait

James_Vollinger g James Vollinger
11 Post(s)
11 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: June 6, 2015

Yesterday it took me roughly an hour and fifteen minutes to complete everything with strict rest times. I'm just guessing because I honestly don't remember entirely but it sounds right

gmdgeek p Gerald Davis
88 Post(s)
88 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015

I am on the hunt for a lifting buddy - anyone in the Wylie TX area? - personal fitness blog
Murphynk g Nick Murphy
15 Post(s)
15 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: January 1, 2016

My wife and I did the workout in around 1hr 28min i think...


Those ab exercises though...

jcgadfly g Jeff Craft
192 Post(s)
192 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: May 5, 2015

Took me around 90 minutes but I did them in a crowded gym and had to deal with dumbbell hoarders and someonw who claimed to be "using" a bench (to hold their iPhone, ID card and keys, of course). Grrr.

Old enough to know better, young enough not to care. I'm an eternal rookie - As soon as I stop learning I start dying.
ChrisCrawford07 g Chris Crawford
22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2015
Took me about an hour and 15, followed rest times but had to adjust workout order due to the overcrowding of the gym!
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: anakhavoly

hey scott,


yeah i downloaded the app. It says my BMR is 1780. I'm 170 and I'm thinking about burning some fat and maybe hit about 160 by the end of this contest. It tells me to eat about 1800-2200 target for carbs is 367 target for protein is 198 and for fats it's 50-80grams. If i wanna lean out abit do you think I should decrease the carbs and increase my protein?

yeah maybe adjust carbs so protein is more like 280g and fat is closer to 110g :-D

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