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Grow Your Biceps FAST!


By Scott Herman Published 

In this series, we’ve talked about how to place more emphasis on different body parts to help them to grow more and today, it’s time to cover BICEPS!

The only “secret” to muscle gain is Progressive Overload. We all know this. But there are many ways to achieve progressive overload when working your biceps. That’s what’s great about exercises and fitness.

There’s more than one ways to achieve the same result. And if one way doesn’t work for you, maybe it’s time you tried something different. So, let me show you something different that you can actually apply to all biceps exercises in your next workout!


The Technique

Guys, I’ve noticed that when most trainers provide bicep training tips, they tend to focus on the concentric part of the range of motion. That would be the way up, right?

But I want to emphasize the importance of the eccentric or negative, alright?

Pause reps, half reps, stop and go reps, those are all good techniques. But what’s happening is that we’re focusing too much on the positive range of motion and we forget the fact that it’s during the NEGATIVE phase that we get more muscle breakdown. In fact, you’ll always be 40% stronger on then eccentric phase.

And the best way to emphasize that eccentric phase is my Cheat & Recover method.

Essentially, if you’re not familiar with C&R, it’s when you do 8 CHEAT reps with more weight than you can handle and then lower the weight and perform 8 more reps with absolute control. However, it’s important to note that the initial 8 reps are not useless. You might be cheating on the positive but you’re still struggling to control the negative and that’s why it’s effective at building muscle.

Now, I’m going to teach you a variation of this, okay?


Cheat & Recover (The Variation)

Instead of doing 8 cheat reps and 8 clean reps, I want you to complete 70% of your reps with clean form and then use some momentum to complete the rest of your set, whether that’s 2 or 3 or 4 more repetitions.

So, again, let’s say you’re aiming to complete 10 reps. I want the first 7 reps to be with proper form and the last 3 to be overloading using a bit of momentum. Therefore, you’ll need to boost that weight slightly!

Complete your first 7 reps and then when you can’t possibly do any more reps with clean form, get the weight to the top using momentum and FIGHT the way down. Make it as slow and controlled as possible.



Try this technique and you’ll discover a new feeling of engagement in your biceps because most of the progressive overload techniques you’ve tried are based on the concentric part of the ROM. Now, your muscles will have to handle a new stimulus that’s based on the eccentric phase.

Makes sense, right?

And remember. Training is a journey. Have fun with it!


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