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By Scott Herman Published 

In this article, we'll be discussing a five-day bodybuilding split, specifically the day two workout. But if you missed day one, don't worry! You can check it out RIGHT HERE!


This workout involves a lot of volume, so be prepared to push your endurance to the absolute limit. 


Back Exercise #1 – Pull-Up (5 Sets: 8-10 Reps)

We'll begin with pull-ups. I know some of you may not like them or may not be able to do them, but trust me, they're one of the best exercises you can do for your back. We'll be doing five sets of eight to ten repetitions, and the goal here is to go all the way down to a dead hang, feel your muscles relax and stretch, and then go up and over the bar with your chin. If you can't do full-range motion like this, that's okay! You can use an assisted pull-up machine or a band to assist you in completing your pull-ups.



Back Exercise #2 – Barbell Bent-Over Row (3 Sets: 8 Reps) - [1 Drop Set]

Next, we'll move on to a horizontal pull movement, the barbell bent-over row. We'll be doing a drop set with three sets of eight repetitions. Start by going as heavy as you can for eight repetitions, using an underhand grip and pulling with your elbows while feeling your lats stretch to the max at the bottom of the movement. As soon as you finish, lower the weight and bend over as much as you can to feel that stretch in your lats. Then, bring the bar all the way up to your hips. The amount of weight you drop on your drop sets is up to you, and it will fluctuate as you get stronger. 



Back Exercise #3 – T-Bar Row (3 Sets: 8 Reps) - [1 Drop Set]

Moving on to the T-bar row, we'll do eight repetitions, and if your gym has a T-bar machine, feel free to use it. Otherwise, the cable machine works just as well. Grab the handles as close together as possible to strengthen your position and overload on the exercise. After eight repetitions, lower the weight and focus on proper form and deep stretches in your back for another eight repetitions.



Back Exercise #4 – Reverse-Grip Pulldown (3 Sets: 8 Reps) - [1 Drop Set]

The last exercise for back is the seated reverse grip lat pulldown. This exercise not only works your lats, but it also hits your Terrace major, rhomboids, and rear delts. We'll be doing a drop set again, and as you pull down with as heavy a weight as you can for the first eight repetitions, your forearms should feel like they're about to explode. Then, when you lower the weight and do the next eight repetitions, you should feel it in your back. This exercise also activates your biceps quite a bit, which leads us to our next set of exercises.



Biceps Exercise #1 – DB Alternating Curl (8 Reps Per Side) To Wide-Grip BB Curl (15 – 20 Reps) – [3 Supersets]

Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms fully extended by your sides and palms facing inward. Curl one dumbbell up toward your shoulder, rotating your wrist as you lift so that your palm is facing your shoulder at the top of the movement. Lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position, then curl the other dumbbell in the same manner. Continue alternating curls for eight reps with as heavy weight as you can, focusing on keeping your upper arms still and using only your biceps to lift the weight.


Then immediately grab a straight bar with a wide grip and palms facing away from your body. With your elbows at your sides, curl the bar up toward your chest, keeping your upper arms stationary. Lower the bar back down to the starting position and repeat for 15-20 reps or until you reach failure. This exercise targets your biceps, forearms, and grip strength.



Biceps Exercise #2 – Rope Hammer Curl (3 Sets: 8 Reps) - [1 Drop Set]

Attach a rope handle to a cable machine and stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the rope with both hands, palms facing each other, and curl the rope up toward your shoulders while keeping your elbows at your sides. Lower the rope back down to the starting position and repeat for eight reps, then drop the weight and complete another eight reps. This exercise targets your biceps, brachialis, and forearms.



Biceps Exercise #3 – Reverse-Grip Curl (3 Sets: 12 Reps per side)

Grasp a straight bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip and palms facing your body. Curl the bar up toward your chest, keeping your upper arms stationary, and squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement. Lower the bar back down to the starting position and repeat for 8-12 reps. This exercise targets your biceps and brachialis.



Abs Exercise #1 – Standing Oblique Crunch (4 Sets: 12 Reps per side)

Hold a dumbbell in one hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the dumbbell overhead with your arm fully extended, then bend to the opposite side, crunching your obliques. Return to the starting position and repeat for 12 reps on one side, then switch to the other hand and repeat for another 12 reps. This exercise targets your obliques and helps to create a more defined waistline.



Abs Exercise #2 – Deep Crunch (4 Sets: 20 Reps)

Hang from the end of a cable machine with your legs extended and your feet crossed. Place a weight plate on your chest and contract your abs to raise your torso up toward your legs. Lower back down to the starting position and repeat for four sets of 12 reps. This exercise targets your rectus abdominis, or the "six-pack" muscle, and can be modified by using a decline bench or seat if necessary.



And remember! Take about 60 – 90 seconds breaks between sets! Let’s get it!

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