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Grow Your Rear Delts FAST!


By Scott Herman Published 

Today, I’ll be showing you three shoulder exercises that if implemented into your training right now, they will help you grow those underdeveloped rear deltoids.

Let’s do it!

Exercise #1 – Barbell Overhead Press

Listen, I’m not necessarily saying that you’re doing the wrong exercises. Perhaps, you’re just doing the right exercises in the wrong way.

Let’s take the Barbell Overhead Press for example. Yes, it typically recruits all three deltoid heads, but we can agree that it doesn’t really engage those rear delts due to the bar placement. It’s placed in front of us as we begin the movement and it only starts to become up and over our heads as we come up to the top.

So, can we make one simple change to recruit MORE rear delts throughout the entire range of motion?

Yes. Yes, we can! All you have to do is use dumbbells! Why?

Well, it’s because with dumbbells you can press in a straight line. All the way up and all the way down. And the reason you want to do this standing is because you can recruit your rear delts even further! And that’s due to the simple fact that you won’t be able to cheat as much.

If you try this seated, many of us tend to lean back a bit and have our butt towards the front of the seat, which turns the movement into more of a chest press rather than a shoulder press. Makes sense, right?


Exercise #2 – Face Pull

Again, this is something that you’re probably already doing. But are you doing it properly?

The problem with the Face Pull is that you’re kind of limited to how much weight you can pull without that weight pulling you forward. Sure, this is NOT an exercise that you’re supposed to lift HEAVY but still, if we can make a slight adjustment that will help you recruit the rear delts more, shouldn’t we opt for it?

All you have to do, is grab the rope attachment and attach it to the Seated Low Row machine. On this machine, it’s very easy to boost the weight a little bit, because your feet are now in front of you, allowing you to push against the pads and still maintain control of the weight when it’s near your face!

So, very simple! Try the seated version!


Exercise #3 – The Wolverine A.K.A. The Weapon X

Guys, no more dumbbell bend-over rowing, ok? Yes, we all do it. We’ve all done it! But there’s a better exercise and that’s the Wolverine!

But in all seriousness, this exercise is basically a double cable reverse fly. And this targets the entire shoulder area, the upper back, the rhomboids, the traps…everything! Aside from that, it will HEAVILY recruit the rear delts, especially if you do it the way I’m showing you in these pictures.


You can clearly see that we’re not reinventing the wheel here. There’s no need to do that.

What needs to be done, is a few changes or tweaks in exercises you’re already doing! Your front and side delts are already pretty developed. It’s ALWAYS the rear delts that don’t get much love. So try to give them some!

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