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sfarad g Doron Shoshan
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: May 5, 2017

Very disappointed from this program.

I am training 4-5 times a week, doing every day this routine for 13 days now and seriously no results. Even the gym coaches confirmed I am doing it correctly.

I weighted 67.4 kg when I started, now I am 66,8 kg.

1800-2000 calorie per day diet. and 160 gr of protein, below 80 carbs per day.

Only difference is I got tanned.


I am almost half way going and no results. Probably the guys who allegedly post results are using chemicals. I am on a natural diet. Only amino acids during workout.






Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: sfarad

Very disappointed from this program.

I am training 4-5 times a week, doing every day this routine for 13 days now and seriously no results. Even the gym coaches confirmed I am doing it correctly.

I weighted 67.4 kg when I started, now I am 66,8 kg.

1800-2000 calorie per day diet. and 160 gr of protein, below 80 carbs per day.

Only difference is I got tanned.


I am almost half way going and no results. Probably the guys who allegedly post results are using chemicals. I am on a natural diet. Only amino acids during workout.






I'd rather you post a video of you doing the program and let me be the judge. Also.. less than 80 grams of carbs a day?!?! These coaches told you to do this??? Come on dude... IF you are on my site.. you should be asking the community for help because everyone else is getting amazing results.


IF you need more help, just ask my dude! laughing

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Kabir_bedi g Kabir Bedi
1 Post(s)
1 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: June 6, 2016

First post on any such thing!

Was an athlete, them got lazy. this is me after day 1,

cant wait for resullts after day 30.

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Kabir_bedi

First post on any such thing!

Was an athlete, them got lazy. this is me after day 1,

cant wait for resullts after day 30.

I bet they are going to be AMAZING RESULTS my friend!! Looking forward to seeing the transformation!

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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: AngelAngel

Hi Scott. I feel a strain in my neck when I do the "hands-over-knees" exercise. Am I doing it wrong or should I just push through it?

If you have neck pain, try holding your head with one arm to reduce the strain. That will really help!

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Windreda g Christian Ines
4 Post(s)
4 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2017


Hey Scott!


I hope I'm not too late to start on this, but I just saw your video after a bad ab session and knew I wanted to start working out better. I love the idea of a daily challenge as I've been doing a daily art and cardio challenge myself (Just hit sub-6 min on my mile which is great!). I figured this would be the best thing to do before heading back to college just to feel a little bit better about myself. If it isn't too much trouble I'd love to check in occasionally and just update how progress is going. Plus if this goes well I'm quite excited to look into the twelve week challenges as well!


Here's to a better body and a better mind!




Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Windreda


Hey Scott!


I hope I'm not too late to start on this, but I just saw your video after a bad ab session and knew I wanted to start working out better. I love the idea of a daily challenge as I've been doing a daily art and cardio challenge myself (Just hit sub-6 min on my mile which is great!). I figured this would be the best thing to do before heading back to college just to feel a little bit better about myself. If it isn't too much trouble I'd love to check in occasionally and just update how progress is going. Plus if this goes well I'm quite excited to look into the twelve week challenges as well!


Here's to a better body and a better mind!




Hey man! Love your enthusiasm!! its never too late... the challenge is ALWAYS available and definitely check back in with us here! Next time you will have abs WITHOUT the marker!!! haha😀 

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Windreda g Christian Ines
4 Post(s)
4 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2017
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Hey man! Love your enthusiasm!! its never too late... the challenge is ALWAYS available and definitely check back in with us here! Next time you will have abs WITHOUT the marker!!! haha😀 

I aim on making that happen! Thanks for the post of support Scott, I really appreciate it!


For my first week check in I just figured I'd give my initial thoughts and give a check in to how I'm doing!


First off I like having a daily excuse to find myself in the gym, even if all I make the time for in my schedule is abs and running. I've noticed that I'm a lot hungrier ALL the time, the only problem is I have no idea how to craft a diet that could work for me. I see the meal plan lurking in the corner, but I guess I'm a little nervous to dive into an eating regiment that I could afford/be comfortable with. I know all gains come from eating, but I guess for now I'm taking baby steps into a stronger fitness lifestyle that I'd like to involve myself in. To start I'm actively cutting out any unnecessary white sugars that I don't really need. Icecream, cookies, candy, deserts, soda etc. etc. I'm not depriving myself of treats, but if I'm in a situation where I could do without the sweet I'd like to take it.



For the actual exercises I'd like to think I've gotten a hang of what to do, and I see some progress in my core from where I've started at the very least. The only problem I have is when fighting against the clock I'm always afraid I'm not doing the exercise to my fullest potential. Starting this next week I'd like to slow down my time and try and "hit" every single movement confidently rather than haphazardly trying to rush that sub 4 minute mark.


The REAL time sink I've noticed is the Stomach Vacume. I need a full 2:10 minutes at minimum to get the necessary mileage out of the workout(4 10 second holds with 2 seconds rest, leading into a final 15 second hold). The only problem with these is I feel like I'm fighting my abs less and my breathing more. In order to fully get a satisfying hold I need to empty all the air form my lungs, but in doing so I feel like dying to breathe in rather than focused on having that tight hold. I tend to slip up a lot where I'll breathe in a little and instantly lose the tight chest feeling and ultimately lose on the rep that I'm doing. You'd think with all that running I'd be better with my air management, but it always seems to bite me when I get to this part(Whether poor on the exercise or feeling like I'm losing a few brain cells in the process).


Hopefully worrying less about time and more focused on the exercises will help me a lot in the long run. After all I feel like once I've mastered the exercises the time will come, though mostly likely not the sub 15 time that requires me to move like a super human on the first two sets.


I'd like to also refrain from posting an update photo. Some of that is that I'm a little paranoid that I haven't progressed enough in this first week, but another part is that I'd like my official change to really POP at me once these 30 days are up. Even if it's not a super significant change, it's still a change and a difference that I've decided to make. I'll be father than I was seven days ago, and at this point in my life that means the world to me.


Thank you Scott for making this challenge accesible for me, and for providing a space where I can share what I'm going through. Even typing this out by myself is a fun reminder of the progress that I'm making, and I look forward to where I'll be come 23 days from now. There's no way I'm stopping now!😄 





Edited Side Note: A super effective way that I was able to manage my time down was use a particular song to track my progress mid excercise. For me it was Bliss n Esso's "Animal Kingdom", where the lyrics were easy enough for me to follow and had enough mile stones for me to reach particular numbered reps. I'd always average around 4min however by eyeballing the timer on my phone on the Stomach Vacumes and mentally hold to numbers in increments of 5. Still it was a fun way to push myself when I'd get tired, saying that "I have to hit this number before that lyric hits". As I said before I'm a little afraid I've been sacraficing proper form for speed/cardio, so I'll once again start focusing more on the rep rather than the panic of the clock.


That being said pushing yourself against music seems like a fun and effective way to workout once your form finds itself set in stone.

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Windreda

I aim on making that happen! Thanks for the post of support Scott, I really appreciate it!


For my first week check in I just figured I'd give my initial thoughts and give a check in to how I'm doing!


First off I like having a daily excuse to find myself in the gym, even if all I make the time for in my schedule is abs and running. I've noticed that I'm a lot hungrier ALL the time, the only problem is I have no idea how to craft a diet that could work for me. I see the meal plan lurking in the corner, but I guess I'm a little nervous to dive into an eating regiment that I could afford/be comfortable with. I know all gains come from eating, but I guess for now I'm taking baby steps into a stronger fitness lifestyle that I'd like to involve myself in. To start I'm actively cutting out any unnecessary white sugars that I don't really need. Icecream, cookies, candy, deserts, soda etc. etc. I'm not depriving myself of treats, but if I'm in a situation where I could do without the sweet I'd like to take it.



For the actual exercises I'd like to think I've gotten a hang of what to do, and I see some progress in my core from where I've started at the very least. The only problem I have is when fighting against the clock I'm always afraid I'm not doing the exercise to my fullest potential. Starting this next week I'd like to slow down my time and try and "hit" every single movement confidently rather than haphazardly trying to rush that sub 4 minute mark.


The REAL time sink I've noticed is the Stomach Vacume. I need a full 2:10 minutes at minimum to get the necessary mileage out of the workout(4 10 second holds with 2 seconds rest, leading into a final 15 second hold). The only problem with these is I feel like I'm fighting my abs less and my breathing more. In order to fully get a satisfying hold I need to empty all the air form my lungs, but in doing so I feel like dying to breathe in rather than focused on having that tight hold. I tend to slip up a lot where I'll breathe in a little and instantly lose the tight chest feeling and ultimately lose on the rep that I'm doing. You'd think with all that running I'd be better with my air management, but it always seems to bite me when I get to this part(Whether poor on the exercise or feeling like I'm losing a few brain cells in the process).


Hopefully worrying less about time and more focused on the exercises will help me a lot in the long run. After all I feel like once I've mastered the exercises the time will come, though mostly likely not the sub 15 time that requires me to move like a super human on the first two sets.


I'd like to also refrain from posting an update photo. Some of that is that I'm a little paranoid that I haven't progressed enough in this first week, but another part is that I'd like my official change to really POP at me once these 30 days are up. Even if it's not a super significant change, it's still a change and a difference that I've decided to make. I'll be father than I was seven days ago, and at this point in my life that means the world to me.


Thank you Scott for making this challenge accesible for me, and for providing a space where I can share what I'm going through. Even typing this out by myself is a fun reminder of the progress that I'm making, and I look forward to where I'll be come 23 days from now. There's no way I'm stopping now!😄 





Edited Side Note: A super effective way that I was able to manage my time down was use a particular song to track my progress mid excercise. For me it was Bliss n Esso's "Animal Kingdom", where the lyrics were easy enough for me to follow and had enough mile stones for me to reach particular numbered reps. I'd always average around 4min however by eyeballing the timer on my phone on the Stomach Vacumes and mentally hold to numbers in increments of 5. Still it was a fun way to push myself when I'd get tired, saying that "I have to hit this number before that lyric hits". As I said before I'm a little afraid I've been sacraficing proper form for speed/cardio, so I'll once again start focusing more on the rep rather than the panic of the clock.


That being said pushing yourself against music seems like a fun and effective way to workout once your form finds itself set in stone.

Hey don't worry! You are doing great! But the meal plan is key. Your progress will aways be much slower if you don't get this down asap! my @mealplan app is super easy to use and you can use this to help you get food ideas:


The mealplan app also has custom made meal plans too.


For food, buying in bulk is key bro! Chicken, beans sweet potatoes, veggies, fruits, brown rice, greek yogurt, eggs, etc. those will always be your staples and makes eating health affordable!


and you can always ask for more help here!


So pumped you are really getting into this and all the ways you are using other things to keep you motivated like the music are great too!


Cant wait to see that after photo bro!!!!

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22 Post(s)
22 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2018

Just realized it's 30 days until my birthday!! Never done a challenge like this before, maybe it's time 😃 

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: porscham

Just realized it's 30 days until my birthday!! Never done a challenge like this before, maybe it's time 😃 

@porscham no time like the present! Get it Porscha, make that 30th birthday extra extra special! 💪 

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