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Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011

Hey everybody, what is up!?

Now is the time to make suggestions for the site. Anything you want to see different, or you want implemented, dont be afraid to say it here. And who knows, maybe we will add it in the site very..very soon. Also, let me just mention, that people who help with recommendations and suggestions for the site, will definitely be rewarded one way or the other. Depending on the contribution, rewards might include stuff like BSN prizes, free skype advice, free SHF apparel, youtube shoutouts etc etc.

Suggestions may include anything from the forums, to articles/recipes, to the point system and the ranking system. Anything at all.


Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Whisper

Hey everybody, what is up!?

Now is the time to make suggestions for the site. Anything you want to see different, or you want implemented, dont be afraid to say it here. And who knows, maybe we will add it in the site very..very soon. Also, let me just mention, that people who help with recommendations and suggestions for the site, will definitely be rewarded one way or the other. Depending on the contribution, rewards might include stuff like BSN prizes, free skype advice, free SHF apparel, youtube shoutouts etc etc.

Suggestions may include anything from the forums, to articles/recipes, to the point system and the ranking system. Anything at all.


Hi kostas


I used to be a moderator on couple of gaming forums couple of years ago so based on those forums i making some suggestions


1) Awarding the "best answer" system for the best possible answer on a thread chosen by the asker and other members, more or less awarding points to the different answer and the ones with maximum points being chosen as the best answer, same goes for worst/negative answer which can be JUST awarded by the asker not other members.


2) Based on the 1st point, the member who usually gets best anwer award gets reputation points which means he/she is experienced in short displaying a bar with boxes: more green boxes (with numerical points) means more reputation, same goes for negative reputation, if anyone gets worst/negative answer award, he/she's reputation points decreases (it goes in negative numerical) more red boxes and more points in negative. (more or less seen in forums but i have seen it ages ago on gaming forums).

Green boxes in the bar with points - Positive Reputation

Red boxes in the bar with negative points - Negative Reputation


3) Chating box for members on the homepage or something like that, seen that in a couple of gaming forums before when i use to play online games. chatting box will have chat moderators again to oversee the abuses and spamming.


4) Making couple of members as moderators or something like that on forums based on the total time they are online, experience, number of posts, etc, moderators will be incharge of closing the threads, taking care no one is abusing and the thread is clean and to close a thread when the asker is satisfied with the answer to avoid spams.


5) Including MULTIPLE QUOTES (posts of diff members) in ONE single post when we are repying in a thread.


6) Improving Notification Panel with proper link of board and threads, and also when someone uses @username.


7) Present site settings keeps logging out members if they are not active, maybe it should be removed.


8) Search option on site for searching a thread or exercise or something else.



These are the suggestions i can think of at the moment, maybe i will update this post later

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: Nipunsharma

Hi kostas


I used to be a moderator on couple of gaming forums couple of years ago so based on those forums i making some suggestions


1) Awarding the "best answer" system for the best possible answer on a thread chosen by the asker and other members, more or less awarding points to the different answer and the ones with maximum points being chosen as the best answer, same goes for worst/negative answer which can be JUST awarded by the asker not other members.


2) Based on the 1st point, the member who usually gets best anwer award gets reputation points which means he/she is experienced in short displaying a bar with boxes: more green boxes (with numerical points) means more reputation, same goes for negative reputation, if anyone gets worst/negative answer award, he/she's reputation points decreases (it goes in negative numerical) more red boxes and more points in negative. (more or less seen in forums but i have seen it ages ago on gaming forums).

Green boxes in the bar with points - Positive Reputation

Red boxes in the bar with negative points - Negative Reputation


3) Chating box for members on the homepage or something like that, seen that in a couple of gaming forums before when i use to play online games. chatting box will have chat moderators again to oversee the abuses and spamming.


4) Making couple of members as moderators or something like that on forums based on the total time they are online, experience, number of posts, etc, moderators will be incharge of closing the threads, taking care no one is abusing and the thread is clean and to close a thread when the asker is satisfied with the answer to avoid spams.


5) Including MULTIPLE QUOTES (posts of diff members) in ONE single post when we are repying in a thread.


6) Improving Notification Panel with proper link of board and threads, and also when someone uses @username.


7) Present site settings keeps logging out members if they are not active, maybe it should be removed.


8) Search option on site for searching a thread or exercise or something else.



These are the suggestions i can think of at the moment, maybe i will update this post later

Thank you so much for your input brother.

1) I already implemented that. Its like yahoo answers, right? I m thinking for 5 upvotes by any member, an answer will be awarded the "best answer" label or alternatively, an ADMIN will be able to upvote an answer and make it the best. The person who answered the best, will get a bunch of points.

2) I extremely like this one. I already thought that there should be point reduction if someone uses bad language or gives unsafe/bad advice, but this reputation thing is excellent.

3) I m thinking of a chat similar to facebook actually. You would be able to see if someone is online and talk to them. I suppose what yoou mean though is like a chat box where everyone can talk to everyone right?

4) Closing of the threads is nice but what if someone wants to ask a question on the same thread based on what he read above( on an already cloed thread) ?

5) Will definitely be added.

6) MAybe chat will go offline if you are inactive, not your entire account. When your mouse moves again, chat gets online again.

7) Yea, this is a must. It will be based on keywords.

Thanx again for the suggestions. I ll make sure you get a bunch of points when the site gets... "updated" (very soon), maybe even an award.


Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Whisper

Thank you so much for your input brother.

1) I already implemented that. Its like yahoo answers, right? I m thinking for 5 upvotes by any member, an answer will be awarded the "best answer" label or alternatively, an ADMIN will be able to upvote an answer and make it the best. The person who answered the best, will get a bunch of points.

2) I extremely like this one. I already thought that there should be point reduction if someone uses bad language or gives unsafe/bad advice, but this reputation thing is excellent.

3) I m thinking of a chat similar to facebook actually. You would be able to see if someone is online and talk to them. I suppose what yoou mean though is like a chat box where everyone can talk to everyone right?

4) Closing of the threads is nice but what if someone wants to ask a question on the same thread based on what he read above( on an already cloed thread) ?

5) Will definitely be added.

6) MAybe chat will go offline if you are inactive, not your entire account. When your mouse moves again, chat gets online again.

7) Yea, this is a must. It will be based on keywords.

Thanx again for the suggestions. I ll make sure you get a bunch of points when the site gets... "updated" (very soon), maybe even an award.


There were 8 points i think you missed 1.


1) Yes more or less like yahoo answers.


2) Reputation will look like this with green and red boxes, and positive and negative points displayed ABOVE the boxes.




3) Add whichever you feel is better, yeah i was talking about the chat box where everyone can talk, but facebook chat one sounds better.


4) If someone wants to ask a question same as the closed thread then ask the moderator to re-open it so that he/she can ask questions, power of moderators are close, re-open, delete, edit threads and stuff like that.


5) Multiple quotes in same post that's great.


6) Improved Notification Panel thats great too.


7) Yeah i like that, chat offline but not the whole account.


8) Keywords search that's great.


Welcome buddy, happy to help and i'm eagerly waiting for those updates :D

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: Nipunsharma

There were 8 points i think you missed 1.


1) Yes more or less like yahoo answers.


2) Reputation will look like this with green and red boxes, and positive and negative points displayed ABOVE the boxes.




3) Add whichever you feel is better, yeah i was talking about the chat box where everyone can talk, but facebook chat one sounds better.


4) If someone wants to ask a question same as the closed thread then ask the moderator to re-open it so that he/she can ask questions, power of moderators are close, re-open, delete, edit threads and stuff like that.


5) Multiple quotes in same post that's great.


6) Improved Notification Panel thats great too.


7) Yeah i like that, chat offline but not the whole account.


8) Keywords search that's great.


Welcome buddy, happy to help and i'm eagerly waiting for those updates :D

yeap we re on the same page. Anything else you can think of, feel free to share. And..thanx again for the suggestions. :)

Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Whisper

yeap we re on the same page. Anything else you can think of, feel free to share. And..thanx again for the suggestions. :)

- Adding Complete list of all forum members, at the moment users can only see members who are they friends with, they can't others who aren't in their friend list so its hard to add new members as friends untill we can see their profile from threads.


- Changing the look of Profile (including editing profile, etc) and board to more of subtle look, present settings is more of cartoonish type if you know what i mean, more of look between bodyspace and facebook profile.


- Able to add more photos and easy viewing of images in the gallery cause the present one is slow and its hard to find to images.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: Nipunsharma

- Adding Complete list of all forum members, at the moment users can only see members who are they friends with, they can't others who aren't in their friend list so its hard to add new members as friends untill we can see their profile from threads.


- Changing the look of Profile (including editing profile, etc) and board to more of subtle look, present settings is more of cartoonish type if you know what i mean, more of look between bodyspace and facebook profile.


- Able to add more photos and easy viewing of images in the gallery cause the present one is slow and its hard to find to images.

- This is a good idea. People should be able to find other people easier. Facebook doesnt have a list of all members so we wont too because we have about 17.000 members right now. People would spam the add friend button to get 17.000 pts ( since 1pt will be given for every friend you have). But there must be another system of some kind, maybe friend recommendation through same interests or training style, or age and goals. Make it easier for people to connect.

- This is a change already. Everything looks much more official and classy. It will be revealed soon.

- Yea thats a coding thing. But Rome wasnt build in a day haha. I ll push for that too.

Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Whisper

- This is a good idea. People should be able to find other people easier. Facebook doesnt have a list of all members so we wont too because we have about 17.000 members right now. People would spam the add friend button to get 17.000 pts ( since 1pt will be given for every friend you have). But there must be another system of some kind, maybe friend recommendation through same interests or training style, or age and goals. Make it easier for people to connect.

- This is a change already. Everything looks much more official and classy. It will be revealed soon.

- Yea thats a coding thing. But Rome wasnt build in a day haha. I ll push for that too.

I think that you should remove the 1 point adding friend system, best answer, reputation number of posts, number of threads, any sort of forum help in terms of asking and answering questions, progress photos, progress stuff, lifting videos, etc should increase the overall rank.


- That's cool looking forward to it.

- Eagerly waiting for it.

- If you can.


You are working hard a lot, hope everyone loves the update.


by the way which programming language are you using?


PS i will post again if i thought of any other suggestion.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Marcel71 g Marcel Giel
33 Post(s)
33 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2014

Sounds good guys... dont have any input on this moment. Maybe its also possible to make the new site faster than the old one. Even typing my line right now shows the words a 1/2 second later typing it...



d.d. 16-10-14......
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: Marcel71

Sounds good guys... dont have any input on this moment. Maybe its also possible to make the new site faster than the old one. Even typing my line right now shows the words a 1/2 second later typing it...



Oh I dont have this problem. Maybe your browser or your PC?

But it is indeed kinda slow in general, you are right. This will be fixed in the update.

Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: Nipunsharma

I think that you should remove the 1 point adding friend system, best answer, reputation number of posts, number of threads, any sort of forum help in terms of asking and answering questions, progress photos, progress stuff, lifting videos, etc should increase the overall rank.


- That's cool looking forward to it.

- Eagerly waiting for it.

- If you can.


You are working hard a lot, hope everyone loves the update.


by the way which programming language are you using?


PS i will post again if i thought of any other suggestion.

Yea I got the point system down really well this time. I will include the friend system but it will take A LOT more points to level up, so it wont be an issue. Right now, obviously you can easily gain levels by adding friends, so I took that into account.

There 's gonna be a lot of hard work this month, and everything will change a lot with the upgrade. We re taking things to the next level. Technical issues will be fixed, but you know how it is. New problems always arise from the ashes of solutions :P

HTML 5 is the language btw.

Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Marcel71 g Marcel Giel
33 Post(s)
33 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2014

great news! Because its keeping me away from this site for the lasts weeks. Even motivating someone take some time, thats why

d.d. 16-10-14......
Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008



The new site will be much faster @Marcel71


IT was one of the big things we worked on :)

Need 1 on 1 coaching? Send me a direct message to learn more!
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Whisper

Yea I got the point system down really well this time. I will include the friend system but it will take A LOT more points to level up, so it wont be an issue. Right now, obviously you can easily gain levels by adding friends, so I took that into account.

There 's gonna be a lot of hard work this month, and everything will change a lot with the upgrade. We re taking things to the next level. Technical issues will be fixed, but you know how it is. New problems always arise from the ashes of solutions :P

HTML 5 is the language btw.

So are you the only person who is updating the site or there is anybody else? i doubt scott knows any coding


Okay HTML 5 that's cool it walks hand in hand with CSS, actually i am pursuing Computer Science Engineering so i am familiar with different programming languages like C, C++, Java, and even i also gave some time to pawn scripting mostly used in online games etc.


I will be happy to help in coding but i doubt that you need any.


Yeah i understand the coding pain, always happen to me when i am using Turbo C++. These 2 images depect the pain of the coders :P





By the way what is the expected time for the launch of these updates? i mean like a month or 2?

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
jmboiardi p John M Boiardi
2.6K Post(s)
2.6K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: October 10, 2013

Nipun has some great suggestions. I especially like the color ranking things for both knowledge and "clout" as well as for those who choose not to initiate or respond to conersations in a positive manner.



34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-) MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014

1) Article, Recipe, Meal, Store system are fine, they will get a better look when the site gets a better look.


2) Adding a body pic (front and back), muscles get highlighted when you move cursor at specific body part (like biceps, triceps, lats, rhombhoids, calves, quads, etc) in detail (like bicep has long and short head, etc) and when you click on specific body part the exercises open up for that body part.


3) Exercise database with search filters (like compound, isolation, equipment used like cable, dumbbell, barbell, etc) and also with demo videos or pictures and also with a pic to specify which part of the muscle group the exercise targets. (upto you guys to keep it for gold too or for just platinum, this may exist at the moment for platinum but i don't know). This is where members can rate and comment on that exercise.


example - Exercise: Barbell Flat Bench Press

Type: Compound

Primary Muscle worked: Chest

Secondary Muscle: Triceps, Shoulders

Equipment: Barbell, Bench

Rating: 9.5/10 (55 ratings)


and below this a video demo or thumbnails (or Both) showing the correct movement of the exercise.


and below this demo a picture of the body highlighting the Primary muscle worked (highlighted in red) and Secondary muscle worked ( highlighted in blue)


4) top 10 supplements category, where people rate different type of supplements and different type of brands of a specific supplement (like rating the exercise section) like whey protein (ON, BSN, MusclePharm, etc), creatine, BCAA, fatburners, etc.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
muscular strength
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