48 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: June 6, 2014
Hey Hermanite family, I was wondering if anybody had some good tips on bicep hypertrophy. I have tried probably almost everything, and have seen some amazing strength results, but my biceps really have trouble growing. Probably the hardest part for me to add muscle to. My triceps have made some significant gains, but it's starting to overpower my biceps, and the bodybuilder in me wants to balance that out. So any tips would be greatly appreciated. The peak of the bicep is specifially not growing, but both heads need work. Thanks a bunch!
Powerlifter, bodybuilder, and college student studying to become a personal trainer.
Hey Hermanite family, I was wondering if anybody had some good tips on bicep hypertrophy. I have tried probably almost everything, and have seen some amazing strength results, but my biceps really have trouble growing. Probably the hardest part for me to add muscle to. My triceps have made some significant gains, but it's starting to overpower my biceps, and the bodybuilder in me wants to balance that out. So any tips would be greatly appreciated. The peak of the bicep is specifially not growing, but both heads need work. Thanks a bunch!
Have you tried inclined bicep curls with db's? Those are great and you could try Arnold chin ups where you start from a dead hang, do a chin up, hold 2 secs, come down half way, hold 2 secs then come back to a dead hang and that's 1 rep. When you're done you will look like that kid in a Christmas Story with the snow suit on lol! What's your arm training look like? Lots of guys do way too much on biceps when they are a small muscle group so you may be over doing them and causing them to have trouble growing. I recc no more than 6-9 sets of isolating biceps a week, same for triceps. You got to remember bench and overhead press will hit triceps and pullups and rows hit biceps on top of any isolating you do.
I have been training coming up on 6 years and have made some great gainz. I've done a lot of trial and error on myself as well as learned from others and through research online. I've come along way in strength and size since I've started. I will continue to learn and make myself better each day. MS Athlete/Super Hermanite BEING CHALLENGED IN LIFE IS INEVITABLE, BEING DEFEATED IS OPTIONAL.
48 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: June 6, 2014
I haven't used those ones yet! I shall give that a try. Thanks a bunch.
I know I'm for sure not overdoing it in terms of arm training. I usually train them once, or twice a week at the very most. I don't do a whole lot of isolation exercises. I'm big into compounds.
Powerlifter, bodybuilder, and college student studying to become a personal trainer.
Hey Hermanite family, I was wondering if anybody had some good tips on bicep hypertrophy. I have tried probably almost everything, and have seen some amazing strength results, but my biceps really have trouble growing. Probably the hardest part for me to add muscle to. My triceps have made some significant gains, but it's starting to overpower my biceps, and the bodybuilder in me wants to balance that out. So any tips would be greatly appreciated. The peak of the bicep is specifially not growing, but both heads need work. Thanks a bunch!
Hi jonah
Bicep Peak - Long/Outer Head - Any exercise where your elbows is behind your torso - Incline Dumbbell Curls
I already made a thread about 'Overall Bicep Development', here take a look -
Add Supinated/Underhand grip chinups in your bicep training as it will hit the biceps more than normal wide-grip pronated/overhand chinups, add it in the starting or in the end of your arms training as you like.
Isolation exercises are important apart from compound exercise, make sure you add isolation exercises in your arm (in general include them in all your body parts exercise) exercise in the end after you are done with compound exercise.
Biceps also get activated during your back workout so i'll advise you to train your biceps only ONCE per week and keep a gap of 48 hours between your arms and back training.
Make sure you change your biceps exercise after 6-8 weeks as your body will get used to it so make sure you change the exercises to keep biceps on their toes.
Add different exercises like Zottman curl, Incline hammer curls, spider curls, Overhead cable curls, etc for sure.
Be sure not to over train your biceps (make sure you dont over train any body part), just perform at maximum 20 sets per small body part like biceps and triceps and 24-25 sets for body parts like back, chest and legs.
Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered.
Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience.
Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Hey Hermanite family, I was wondering if anybody had some good tips on bicep hypertrophy. I have tried probably almost everything, and have seen some amazing strength results, but my biceps really have trouble growing. Probably the hardest part for me to add muscle to. My triceps have made some significant gains, but it's starting to overpower my biceps, and the bodybuilder in me wants to balance that out. So any tips would be greatly appreciated. The peak of the bicep is specifially not growing, but both heads need work. Thanks a bunch!
Other ways to target the inner and outer heads are wide and close grip curls.
Do you do wide and close grip curls when training your biceps?
5 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: BodybuildingDate Joined: October 10, 2014
i like to throw in a dropset at the end of every bicep workout with a straight bar loaded with 5 lb plates, then strip em off as you reach failure...even better with a partner for a quicker transfer down the line!! this one always leaves me feelin' swoll.
Hey Hermanite family, I was wondering if anybody had some good tips on bicep hypertrophy. I have tried probably almost everything, and have seen some amazing strength results, but my biceps really have trouble growing. Probably the hardest part for me to add muscle to. My triceps have made some significant gains, but it's starting to overpower my biceps, and the bodybuilder in me wants to balance that out. So any tips would be greatly appreciated. The peak of the bicep is specifially not growing, but both heads need work. Thanks a bunch!
Hey Jonah,
The biceps can be a stubborn muscle group.Despite being one of the smallest muscle groups, the biceps are the most likely of all muscle groups to be obsessed over by the average gym-goer like us. We want to see a peaks higher than Mt. Everest. ahahaha
The Best Biceps Exercises
Here are my picks for best biceps training exercises:
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Dumbbell Curl
Chin Up
A. Barbell Curl. The barbell curl is the best biceps exercise for overall size and strength gains. This is because it lets you overload the biceps with more weight than is possible with any other exercise. And it offers versatility. By simply adjusting your grip width, you can shift the emphasis to the inner or outer head of the biceps brachii:
1. Use a narrower than shoulder width grip if you want to emphasize the outer head more.
2. Use a wider than shoulder width grip if you want to emphasize the outer head more.
B. Hammer Curl. One of the best biceps exercises because they develop the arm in two key ways that other exercises can’t:
1. They work the brachialis, which is the muscle that “pops” out on the side of the biceps if developed.(do isostatic holds at the top of the contraction to really focus on this muscle.)
2. They work the brachioradialis, which is technically a forearm muscle. However, it ties into the biceps and also performs similar functions (elbows flexion, supination). Building up this muscle is essential to having a fully developed biceps/arm look.
C. Dumbbell Curl/ Incline dumbbel Curl. The dumbbell curl is one of the best biceps exercises because it you can directly overload the biceps with some heavy-ass weight – Not as much as barbell curls, but still a lot. You train each side independently, which allows you to even out any strength and size imbalances. And It involves forearm supination (outward rotation), which recruits more muscles fibers.
D. Chin up. chin ups are more of a back movement. However, I still consider them to be among the best biceps exercises. You’re using a underhand grip and lifting your entire body weight. This puts a lot of tension on the biceps. Chin ups are also great because they teach you to use your biceps and back together. In such a way that the biceps assist the back. Not the other way around. This is crucial for effective back training as well.
And of course don't forget to consider the most important Bicep training tips for more maximum growth.
1. The Form Comes First. It's always the form to consider in every type of exercises. It won’t grow one bit unless you perform the exercises with proper technique/form. It will grow somehow but will lead to uneven development or better worst you're going hurt yourself.
2. Don’t Swing. It’s very common to see inexperienced trainees cheat by swinging their bodies to complete reps. Oh sometimes it happened to me as well as I push myself really hard just to complete the reps.. but don't do that! very bad idea.
3. Slow Negative Repetition and Fast Positive Repetition.
Slow Negative Repetition. This one play an important role for the maximum growth of our bicep muscle. The maintain control of the weight.You must be able to control the weight on the way down. Try for a 2 second tempo when lowering the weight on all isolation exercises.
Fast Positive Repetition. The lifting portion should ideally be done faster than the lowering portion. Aim for a ~1 second positive rep on isolation biceps exercises. You should explode upwards, meaning that you lift it as fast as possible.
4. Lastly, Squeeze the Biceps When Approaching the Top of a Rep. Squeezing the biceps muscles just before reaching the top of a rep, it can provide the following benefits like we feel that the bicep is working by flexing at the top of a rep, you are able to physically feel whether you are working that muscle. And as we squeeze the bicep.. muscle fiber stimulation is being maximize.
For the final remarks... don't forget your NUTRITION and REST for faster growth and recovery..
( Beginner ) 1 Year Lifting Experience
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, face failure and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. You'll get everything you wish for... just focus and work on it. And you'll get more than you could ever have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end - - the journey is the destination.
Add Supinated/Underhand grip chinups in your bicep training as it will hit the biceps more than normal wide-grip pronated/overhand chinups, add it in the starting or in the end of your arms training as you like.
Isolation exercises are important apart from compound exercise, make sure you add isolation exercises in your arm (in general include them in all your body parts exercise) exercise in the end after you are done with compound exercise.
Biceps also get activated during your back workout so i'll advise you to train your biceps only ONCE per week and keep a gap of 48 hours between your arms and back training.
Make sure you change your biceps exercise after 6-8 weeks as your body will get used to it so make sure you change the exercises to keep biceps on their toes.
Add different exercises like Zottman curl, Incline hammer curls, spider curls, Overhead cable curls, etc for sure.
Be sure not to over train your biceps (make sure you dont over train any body part), just perform at maximum 20 sets per small body part like biceps and triceps and 24-25 sets for body parts like back, chest and legs.
Actually we have the same thing in common when it comes to bicep training. I do compound exercises then after that followed by Isolation. Combining them is much more effective.
( Beginner ) 1 Year Lifting Experience
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, face failure and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. You'll get everything you wish for... just focus and work on it. And you'll get more than you could ever have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end - - the journey is the destination.
Actually we have the same thing in common when it comes to bicep training. I do compound exercises then after that followed by Isolation. Combining them is much more effective.
Yeah its always effective to mix them so the muscles are on their toes, the pump and the burn after that workout is indescribable.
Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered.
Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience.
Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Yeah its always effective to mix them so the muscles are on their toes, the pump and the burn after that workout is indescribable.
Yeah.. so have you ever tried the weighted chin up? This one really kill me
( Beginner ) 1 Year Lifting Experience
Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, face failure and fall, because most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. You'll get everything you wish for... just focus and work on it. And you'll get more than you could ever have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long, and in the end - - the journey is the destination.
115 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: April 4, 2014
have you taken your anatomy into account? do you have long or short arms, do you have a large or small gap between your contracted bicep and your forearm
me personally i have long arms, hence big movements not effecting my arms so much.
my gap is small meaning to me... i should keep the weight light/ moderate for my biceps, works for me.
frequency i do once a week, 1 main exercise for the bicep and tricep and 1 exercise per head of each muscle, but you also have to take into account how it feels, for example i feel barbell curls right in the to of my bicep near the shoulder, the same with drag curls and hammer curls, resistance bands oherwise i feel at the bottom of my bicep near my forarms.
once you are clear on which exercise trains which head, take into account which exercise pumps up which area of your bicep the most.
for example my bicep training looks like this
barbell curl - moderate weight
cable/ resistance band curls - light - taking the weight from infront rather than below the elbow
alternating dumbbell curl, not only alternating arm but between standard and hammer grip
now apply that to your own anatomy and see what workout comes out best for you.
"its not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get up"
- Vince Lombardi