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Location: wigan Gender: Male Neck: 16 in Chest: 43 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 15 in Hip: 42 in Age: 30 Calve 17 in Shoulder: 54 in Height: 5'11" Arm: 16.5 in Waist: 31.5 in Weight: 213 lbs Thigh: 22 in Body Fat: N/A%
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started training at a young age at home and became used to training at home, i only ever went to a gym with school or college and once or twice a week for a short time for heavy lifting, which ultimately resulted in me becoming injured, 2014 became my year to get back on track and within months i put back on the 16kg i lost from my year off due to a type 3 AC fracture and torn CC ligament with substantial rotator cuff damage... its what i get for achieving my max bench press i guess, muscles handled it but turned out one of those 6 reps popped my shoulder, took me a long time to recover with alot of physiotherapy, i currently workout in my back garden with a hikers rucksack full of sand and a wooden bench with up to 80kg of plates and 2 dumbbell handles and 1 7ft barbell, its not a bad set up and im still gaining my weight so for now i dont need a gym, thank you for reading.

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