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ABS: The Only Two Workouts You Need To Build A Six-Pack!

See Abs Improvements Now!

By Scott Herman Published 

Welcome BACK to the ONLY TWO series! Now if this is your first time seeing this series, we’ve basically covered every muscle group in the body showcasing the ONLY TWO exercises you need to build muscle for each muscle group. So if you’ve missed any of the previous videos and want to try those workouts, click the link HERE to view the entire playlist.


However, we haven’t had a chance to cover ABS yet and after today you’ll no longer feel like you’re wasting your time training them in the gym. But the reason this video title is ONLY TWO “WORKOUTS” and not ONLY TWO “Exercises” like the other videos in this series is because only two exercises isn’t going to be enough.


To PROPERLY train your abs for growth you need to break up their basic functions into 5 categories and then perform one exercise for each function. But you don’t have to perform these 5 exercises all in ONE workout, which is why I will be providing you with TWO. So let’s go over the exercises for the workouts starting with AB Pulldowns!


Exercise #1 – Ab Pulldown

This movement falls under the first category of torso flexion and there are a few alternatives you can try if you don’t have access to a cable machine, like a weighted crunch or a weighted sit-up, but the ab pulldown in particular is the BEST in its league.



This is because it helps you go through a much larger range of motion AND it is a lot easier to overload with because all you need to do is add more weight to the weight stack.


Exercise #2 – Woodchopper

Next up is the woodchopper and this is a classic core exercise that requires torso rotation while your lower body remains fixed in place.  But make sure the cable is at core height or slightly below. If the cable is too high it will throw off the entire movement.



Also keep in mind that you can switch things up by lowering the cable for a low-to-high chop or you can raise the cable for a high-to-low chop.



Exercise #3 – Leg Lift

Exercise #1 involved flexing your spine with your legs stiff, so now it’s time to raise your legs with your upper body remaining fixed in place and the best exercise to do that is the leg lift. You can perform this movement with your knees bent or straight and you can do it hanging from a pull-up bar or by using a dip station. But for those of you who want to make it even more intense, you can also overload on this exercise by holding a dumbbell in-between your feet or attaching some ankle weights!



Exercise #4 – Floor Windshield Wiper

Now if you remember from the second exercise, the woodchopper involved twisting your upper body while your hips stayed square. But this time you’re going to do the opposite. Your upper body will be fixed to the ground while your legs will move from side-to-side just like a windshield wiper.



You can also perform this movement while hanging from a bar and while this variation is much more difficult, I know if you all keep training HARD you’ll be able to do it in no time!



Exercise #5 – Standing Oblique Crunch

The fifth and final exercise is the standing oblique crunch. One of the main functions of your abs is to also bend your spine to each side and we can train that function by performing standing or lying side crunches. If standing you will simply hold a dumbbell in ONE hand and crunch from left to right. Then once all reps are complete, you will switch hands with the dumbbell and crunch right to left.



If on the ground, be sure to follow the same guidelines and perform all your crunches on one side before switching to the other.  



But whichever one you choose, be sure to avoid going into an anterior pelvic tilt while crunching because that can cause lower back pain and a future injury.


Now for the actual routines, here is how I would split them up


Workout 1

  • Ab Pulldown (6 Sets: 12 Reps)
  • Standing Oblique Crunch (4 Sets: 12 Reps each side)

Rest only about 60 seconds max between sets and exercises.


Workout 2

  • Leg Lift (6 Sets: 12 Reps)
  • Woodchopper (3 Sets: 12 Reps Per Side)
  • Lying Windshield Wiper (3 Sets: 12 Reps Per Side)

And again, rest only about 60 seconds max between sets and exercises.


Do each workout once a week and just wait and see how much more defined your ABS become. Because everyone else who would rather complain and hide behind false ideologies like you “don’t have to train your abs” is just going to get left behind.



I’m not here to trick you into thinking you can make gains without hard work.  That’s just not going to happen. So if you’re willing to put the work in and want to start eating and training right, maybe it’s time you finally downloaded my app MuscularStrength, used code MS7 and try any of my muscle building programs and custom meal planner for 7 DAYS FREE. These videos and workouts are just the tip of the iceberg, what’s available to you on my app is NEXT LEVEL.

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