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Location: Roseville, CA Gender: Male Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 69 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'5" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 159 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: 26%
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Fit at 61 years old??? When I was younger, I had no problem staying in shape, going from 102 lbs of skin and bones when I was 23 to 180 lbs of muscle into my 40s. When I was in my 40’s I thought that there would never be a time when I was not big, strong and working out. Into my 50’s life changed. Almost died of pneumonia and hospitalized for 6 days in 2006 (51 years old). Working out was no longer a priority and I did not enter a gym for at least 2 years. When I finally got my head screwed on right, I decided to go back to the gym (now living in a town 120 miles away from where I was raised) and found a new workout partner. After a couple of weeks with just cables, dumbbells, basically light lifting, we decided it was time to start to push it. My very first warm up set on Incline Press, I decided to (thinking I was lifting like I had 10 years before) start my warmup with 185 lbs. Well, first rep, halfway down, you could just hear the pops in my shoulder. Torn rotator cuff. So, another 1.5 years with no gym. In 2009 I found P90X while eating chips and drinking a beer, very late at night, and decided to give it a go. Well, I went from 185 lbs of fat to 162 lbs, working out at home in those 90 days. I felt really good, nowhere near that 180 lbs I was when I was working out 6 days a week in my 40s, but a slimmer, solid build now. Well, I still was not into working out as much as I should, so my weight fluctuated. In 2012 I joined Beachbody as a Coach, more for my own accountability. I did workout, off and on, and was somewhat motivated. Still not big, but staying somewhat fit. Fast forward to April 2016, and I lost almost all desire to lift. But, I have been following Scott since he was on Real World, and occasionally he would reply to a message I would put on his videos or FB. In 2015 I made contact with Scott on a more personal level at Christmas time (knew he liked Hallmark Ornaments of Super Heros). Then we fell out of touch (even though I followed him daily) until Christmas 2016. Scott was and is what I need(ed) to get juiced, pumped, to get back into the best shape I could (considering now I am 61 years old and MUCH harder to build muscle, I have scarred lungs from pneumonia, screws in my shoulders from rotator cuff tears and two bulging discs from many many MANY years of doing very heavy squats). Doing this 90 Day Challenge has reenergized me more than Scott knows, and his responses have kept me on track. In January I purchased new pants for a wedding that was on April 1st, and I could not even button the pants when I bought them. But, I knew that with Scott’s motivation (and this group), I would be able to drop the weight, as I have, and fit into them. I went to the wedding looking pretty danged good, and of course, ate up all the compliments….hahahaha. I am back to walking around with my head held high (well, some would refer my walk to be cocky again….LOL) and not ashamed to take my shirt off at the pool. Hoping now that this challenge has completed, to stay on course, continue my routine and stay in shape as best I can. Thanks Scott for allowing me into your circle, much appreciated.

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