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Muscle Group Finishers!

Post your muscle finishing exercises!

matt42van g Matt VANDEWIEL
53 Post(s)
53 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015

Hey folks...thought a finisher thread would be interesting to hear what some folks are doing as a last exercise to completly exhaust the muscle group...(selfishly...Im also looking for new ideas). I guess, it would be appropriate for me to start...Im sure there are some that I cant think of off the top of my head, but here is a few I like.


LEGS - 'Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down' squat challenge (google it...if its at the end of the workout....generally just the olympic bar or w a cpl 10 lbers is enough weight). Also I do wall squats either last or encorporate into the last set as a super set...really kills me.


BACK - superset w 135lbs....bent over row til failure, deadlift til failure(havent found a great one for back yet)


CHEST - "TRIFECTA" - pick a weight that you can do 8 reps. Do 8 DB press', right into 8 flies, get up and grab two 5 or 10lbs together as hard as you can and raise to paralell repeat til fail.


BICEPS - "21's" yes, its supposed to be a shoulder workout...but I love it for biceps!! or w EZ Bar, rep out around 10-12 reps, then go right to the chin-up bar...go to the top, slowly lower down over about 45-30 seconds...back to the bar...rep out, back to the chin-up bar...repeat until you cant do any more.


TRICEPS - weighted dips til fail, then reg dips, then 2 bench dips w 45lb plate til failure, then drop the weight and rep out.


SHOULDER - shoulder is my weak regular shoulder day kills them



sdavis g Scott & Sherry Davis
56 Post(s)
56 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: September 9, 2015

For back, try stiff arm pull downs, body weight rows and face pulls. I change mine up often, but i like to stretch and get some volume in there to finish with a nasty pump.


Shoulders, grab a 45 and a pair of db that you can lateral raise 8 or 10 times. Sit on a bench at the end just on the edge of your butt. Do laterlal raises. Do a set of 5, and rest for a 3 count repeatedly until failure. When you fail, take a 20 or 30 second break, then you stand up and do the same tempo with the 45 on front raises. Use the 45 to just above shoulder height for shgoulder mass, or use a 25 all the way for 100 reps to really get the traps involved. Do this until you hate yourself.


Chest, the 5lb plates is a good one, but I like to superset it with plates on one end of a barbell, and the other end pinned into the corner of a squat rack on the floor. Grab the weighted end between your hands, lean slightly forward and lift from the top of the chest. You can even 3 piece it with some cable flyes.


Legs, I sometimes will set the barbell up like on chest, but with just a 45. Landmine squats or a modified hack squat with that....or even both, a db sumo squat between 2 benches and farmer's walk.


Arms I will sometimes just super set burn outs, tri and bi.....or sometimes I will do standing skull crushers, 12 reps wait 12 count, 10 reps wait a 10 count, 8 and 8, 6 and 6, etc. Then do the same with curls, also standing.

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

For Biceps I usually dropset starting with about 40-45 lbs dumbbells then lowering 4-5lbs per step. Would look something like 5 reps lower 5 reps lower etc all the way down to 20lbs .


For Triceps I almost always do pushdowns 3 grips one set which looks like 7 wide grip followed by 7 close grip and finishing off with 7 reversed grip wide (palms up) if against all odds there is something left I then move over to the benchpress and do close grip bench to fail followed by reversed grip bench.


Chest dropsets again dumbbell presses.


Back depends on what part. For lats I do variation of normal and reversed grip pull downs . Last of all exercises for back normally is T-Bar row with close grip handle v shape. Since my gym doesnt have a special rack for it.


Shoulders is the 21´s combo


Legs Squats followed by burnout leg extensions and leg curls dropsets starting at bodyweight (76kg/168 ish lbs) bashing on to fatigue lowering 20 lbs and keep on like that down to 40lbs.


Abs hanging leg raises and woodchoppers.




matt42van g Matt VANDEWIEL
53 Post(s)
53 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015

Just did a new one for back today for the first time. And loved it. Hop on the back extention bench, hold yourself in the plank position and using either db or kb while holding your torso flat do rows with the db or kb. you work your lower back nicely in holding the position, and you can work different parts of your middle back depending on the angle you pull at. I really loved it, felt great, really tough if you pick the right weight!

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008

I love doing CABLE AB PULLDOWN superset with HANGING LEG LIFTS for an ab finisher. AWESOME!

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Okinawa82 g Kevin Dunaway
75 Post(s)
75 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: June 6, 2015

Calves: Just thought of a new exercise, but I am sure someone, somewhere has made this up prior to my personal discovery haha!


My gym lacks calve equipment especially the seated calf raise machines.  I have found two ways to do my calves sitting down.  First and my most favorite is placing two 25lb plates on the floor for a base. Using a bench obviously to sit. I grab a dumbbell (80lbs) and place on one knee, holding the top with my hands for stability and fully extending my foot to the tip of the 1st toe and bringing my heel all the way to the floor. These really burn and focus on each leg at a time.


Other method is using a guided barbell press machine and placing both knees under the bar with a platform underneath and stacking plates to your ability on both sides. I recommend using a towel or bar pad so it doesnt feel uncomfortable.

matt42van g Matt VANDEWIEL
53 Post(s)
53 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015

This leads me to a question Ive always wondered....does seated raises hit the muscle at a different angle, I personally cant see how it does, nor could you get more or even different range of motion. Ive never done a lot of them, but when I have, Ive always found standing version to be just as good if not much better...but maybe Im missing somehting here...

Hawk_Given g Hawk Given
170 Post(s)
170 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2013

75 ab roll-outs, 25 to the left, 25 to the right and 25 straight out. Then proceed to superset 25 tricep straight-leg bench dips with 25 pushups and do three sets but with each set of pushups I do decline, incline, and regular. After that I will do 15-minutes HIIT...exhausted.

MS Athlete BS, Medical Technology (ASCP) BS, Organizational Leadership and Supervision I Give God all the glory! That is where I find true strength!
crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014
Posted By: matt42van

This leads me to a question Ive always wondered....does seated raises hit the muscle at a different angle, I personally cant see how it does, nor could you get more or even different range of motion. Ive never done a lot of them, but when I have, Ive always found standing version to be just as good if not much better...but maybe Im missing somehting here...

seated versions simply take out other muscles from the equation so to say. So all your stabilizer muscles, legs, glutes, etc don't have to be included. And you can focus better, and often even use a bit more weight.


I prefer standing versions as well as they also work other musclegroups along. Unless i am doing something at the very end of my workout and am really exhausted and just want to get some finishers in i won't sit.

Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
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