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I realized that my health at 35 was not the same as it had been when I was younger. I had an office/lab job that required much of my time. My body fat was 23% and I began to lack any type of desire for extracurricular activities. My wife and I have twin boys, so much of our time was spent raising them and little time was given for each other let alone myself. I knew I had to make a change. I was falling into depression/anxiety due to all life’s demands and suffering from chronic pain for about 4-years. I started a new job that did not require as much time and stress. My boys are now 13 and my wife and I are enjoying more freedom. I bought some dumbbells, pull-up bar, and a stability ball when I turned 40. About a little over a year my body fat went down to about 15%. I was excited to see myself getting fit and my family enjoyed seeing the changes I was making, too. I knew I really needed to learn more about nutrition if I wanted to see more gains. My knowledge-base has grown by learning what percent of macros to eat and at the proper times throughout the day. I have been able to get myself just under 12%bf. My family seeing me make these changes have peeked their interest. My wife works out with me some and has adopted my new eating habits into our family meals. My boys like learning more about nutrition and working out. They are pretty active and when they get a few years older we will begin to take them to the gym. I am teaching them proper technique with the help of people like Scott. I want my boys to incorporate this lifestyle into their daily lives so they don’t wait till they are 40 to get in shape. I was at a point of stasis a couple of years ago and needed to get my butt in gear. I joined a gym this past summer and my desire to want more has been borne. I have enjoyed watching Scott over the years on YouTube and following on Facebook. I follow a few others as well but Scott has been one of the most consistent that I have observed. I decided to join this site to increase my knowledge in overall health and wellness while incorporating bodybuilding. Well, gotta go and get to the gym!! :)