Hey folks...thought a finisher thread would be interesting to hear what some folks are doing as a last exercise to completly exhaust the muscle group...(selfishly...Im also looking for new ideas). I guess, it would be appropriate for me to start...Im sure there are some that I cant think of off the top of my head, but here is a few I like.
LEGS - 'Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down' squat challenge (google it...if its at the end of the workout....generally just the olympic bar or w a cpl 10 lbers is enough weight). Also I do wall squats either last or encorporate into the last set as a super set...really kills me.
BACK - superset w 135lbs....bent over row til failure, deadlift til failure(havent found a great one for back yet)
CHEST - "TRIFECTA" - pick a weight that you can do 8 reps. Do 8 DB press', right into 8 flies, get up and grab two 5 or 10lbs plates...press together as hard as you can and raise to paralell repeat til fail.
BICEPS - "21's" yes, its supposed to be a shoulder workout...but I love it for biceps!! or w EZ Bar, rep out around 10-12 reps, then go right to the chin-up bar...go to the top, slowly lower down over about 45-30 seconds...back to the bar...rep out, back to the chin-up bar...repeat until you cant do any more.
TRICEPS - weighted dips til fail, then reg dips, then 2 bench dips w 45lb plate til failure, then drop the weight and rep out.
SHOULDER - shoulder is my weak point...my regular shoulder day kills them enough...lol