Wow wow wow.!! Here is another thing! You mentioned that leg presses will do nothing after heavy sqats! I do 5 sets of 5 rep heavy squats then do 5 sets of one hamstring exercise and then i go to 5 sets of 8-6 reps at leg presses!! You are saying that the presses is just a loss of time and calorie burn ? Why is that?? If you are right it means that i've been done a completly wrong leg workout about a year now!!!
I m not saying its completely useless but its not very time-effecient. You will find studies pointing towards both points, but after that you have to evaluate for yourself. My personal opinion is that after 5x5 squats you will have stimulated 95% of quad growth, about 70% glute growth and about 40% hamstring growth. So the natural course of action would be to do 3x8 or 4x6 or something similar of deadlifts or romanian deadlifts. This way you take care of the hamstrings and the glutes. You should be done here. After that I might move into something different like box jumps to train the explosiveness of the leg muscles and after that I might consider doing some front squats 2x20 to train the endurance part of the muscle. Doing leg presses would be a waste of time because its an exercise similar to the squats but probably inferior. So you are covering what you have already covered.
So if you spend 30 minutes of your leg workout covering already covered areas, you are not time effecient. You could be using this time to train a different muscle group like back or chest. This way you hit your muscles more frequently throughout the week.
Some people are complaining that cant hit each muscle 2-3 times a week. Of course thats logical if they are doing 30 sets for every body part. My advice is to always keep the sets low and the frequency high. But for a complete leg workout :
1) Back squats 5x5
2) Romanian deadlifts 4x8
3) Box jumps or jump squats 3x5
1) Front squats 5x5
2) Conventional deadlifts 4x8
3) Alternating explosive lunges with dumbells