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Width and Thickness for a full Chest

Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: johnsalonika95

Wow wow wow.!! Here is another thing! You mentioned that leg presses will do nothing after heavy sqats! I do 5 sets of 5 rep heavy squats then do 5 sets of one hamstring exercise and then i go to 5 sets of 8-6 reps at leg presses!! You are saying that the presses is just a loss of time and calorie burn ? Why is that?? If you are right it means that i've been done a completly wrong leg workout about a year now!!!

I m not saying its completely useless but its not very time-effecient. You will find studies pointing towards both points, but after that you have to evaluate for yourself. My personal opinion is that after 5x5 squats you will have stimulated 95% of quad growth, about 70% glute growth and about 40% hamstring growth. So the natural course of action would be to do 3x8 or 4x6 or something similar of deadlifts or romanian deadlifts. This way you take care of the hamstrings and the glutes. You should be done here. After that I might move into something different like box jumps to train the explosiveness of the leg muscles and after that I might consider doing some front squats 2x20 to train the endurance part of the muscle. Doing leg presses would be a waste of time because its an exercise similar to the squats but probably inferior. So you are covering what you have already covered.

So if you spend 30 minutes of your leg workout covering already covered areas, you are not time effecient. You could be using this time to train a different muscle group like back or chest. This way you hit your muscles more frequently throughout the week.

Some people are complaining that cant hit each muscle 2-3 times a week. Of course thats logical if they are doing 30 sets for every body part. My advice is to always keep the sets low and the frequency high. But for a complete leg workout :

1) Back squats 5x5
2) Romanian deadlifts 4x8
3) Box jumps or jump squats 3x5


1) Front squats 5x5
2) Conventional deadlifts 4x8
3) Alternating explosive lunges with dumbells

Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
Whisper p+ Kostas Kroustaloudis
687 Post(s)
687 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: September 9, 2011
Posted By: wilkinson207

you amuse me whisper, chest presses activate more muscle fibres but not in the chest, if you're comparing which activated more chest muscle fibres the fly or cross over wins hands down, as for natural vs un natural you seem to be quite obsessed with limiting natural athletes lately, i can tell you now if people grew from doing 4 sets of dumbbell presses then everyone would be an adonis by now, but it doesnt work that way, you cant achieve your full growth potential through 4 sets, TUT range of motion, variety of exercise, angles at which the muscle have been hit, all comes into play, then you have to take into account the intensity the total time of the workout the oxygen levels in your blood stream the possability that your body could transport more nutrients to the muscles, you cant say natural lifters only need to do 4-5 sets for full activation -.-' the way workout routines are generall set it is to begin with a compound then the other movements are there to increase intensity, TUT and over all bloodflow to each individual head of that muscle, i.e with chest day, i start on flat bench, slowly work upto m 6 rep max, once i get to that i stroll off into doing some incline dumbell presses and incline flys, round 2 i do decline bench with standing cable crossover.... you going to call me un natural or am i just wasting my time doing all those movements for that well rounded chest ive worked so hard to achieve?

i can tell you something right now after 5 sets of HEAVY squats im just getting started on legs and so is everyone else, and as for the first set being 60% activation and not needing to carry on lifting aftr set 4... bollocks, you treat every set as if its the working set, you squeeze as if your gains depended upon it, even when benching the bar, i can pump up my chest pressing the bar, heck if i wanted to i can hold that bar not press it and still activate my chest to the point of no return, as for once you achieve 100% activation, thats when the workout begins, if you stop when you feel the best contraction of the workout then you're walking out after your warm up, hence why most guys wont grow, once you get that awesome contraction, we all know the one im talking about, THAT is the sign that we are starting to grow, you gain muscle through tricking your body into believing it is needed, YOU on the other hand seem to be telling your body not to worry it can pack on a pound or 2 every year you're happy with that, why are you gaining so little? oh yeah thats right because you walk out the gym as soon as youve warmed up and if you say you dont walk out after 5 sets then youre either un natural or wasting your time in the gym and if you say otherwise to that then you're wasting out time with such garbage information.

"you dont need to fully activate a muscle to get to grow optimally" okay then how do you get optimum growth of each muscle if you cannot fully activate such muscle? any lack of activation in the muscle puts more strain on the ligaments and tendons involved in the movements.

I disagree with your points but I agree with your right to have them.

Having said that I will have to tell you as politely as possible to try to make your posts a little bit more readable. I m having serious problems going through your posts. They are chaotic and not well organized. English is my second language and I think its your first so there is no excuse not to try harder. Try to summarize your points better, make distinct paragraphs and leave some space between paragraphs. Maybe also make your font size bigger so its easier for the eyes. If you do that I will be glad to address your points one by one. Otherwise..and again I m saying it meaning no offence, I m getting a headache trying to sort through it all.


Muscular Strength Athlete and Content Manager 6 Years Lifting Experience Bachelors in Molecular Chemistry/Biochemistry, Working towards Masters Lifting Style & Philosophy : Aikido, Energy, Balance, Flexibility, Posture
wilkinson207 g jake wilkinson
115 Post(s)
115 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

well whisper as a good friend just said "you're a tit" so this is my summary.

1. you cant grow from 5 sets of 1 exercise unless you're just starting out and doing full body workouts...

2. for full activation of the CHEST cable flys are the best to fully ACTIVATE the fibres

3. if you are quad dominant in your squats you are clearly doing them wrong, try sitting further back in your squats then maybe just maybe you'll actually get a squat done, a squat is a full leg development movement...

4. general rule of thumb... 1 compound per body part with 1 isolation movement per muscle head for optimal growth of these muscles

5. 5x5 is a strength programme... always has been and always will be, 5 reps is strength not muscle gain.

6. my english skills have nothing to do with my ability to lift, you struggle to read the truth, the only difference with the way my shit is layed out and yours is you put your name on the end...

7. saying your points have studies to back them up is pointless since there have been studies to back up why shit comes out of some peoples mouthes

8. as for your point about natural lifters not needing to do anything else other than those 5 sets... your jump squats train the same muscle are your regular squats so youre doing 8 sets you geared up midget, as for your box jumps... who on earth only does 5 box jumps per set? step it up or step out of the gym


by the way, you're still a tit.

"its not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get up" - Vince Lombardi
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: wilkinson207

well whisper as a good friend just said "you're a tit" so this is my summary.

1. you cant grow from 5 sets of 1 exercise unless you're just starting out and doing full body workouts...

2. for full activation of the CHEST cable flys are the best to fully ACTIVATE the fibres

3. if you are quad dominant in your squats you are clearly doing them wrong, try sitting further back in your squats then maybe just maybe you'll actually get a squat done, a squat is a full leg development movement...

4. general rule of thumb... 1 compound per body part with 1 isolation movement per muscle head for optimal growth of these muscles

5. 5x5 is a strength programme... always has been and always will be, 5 reps is strength not muscle gain.

6. my english skills have nothing to do with my ability to lift, you struggle to read the truth, the only difference with the way my shit is layed out and yours is you put your name on the end...

7. saying your points have studies to back them up is pointless since there have been studies to back up why shit comes out of some peoples mouthes

8. as for your point about natural lifters not needing to do anything else other than those 5 sets... your jump squats train the same muscle are your regular squats so youre doing 8 sets you geared up midget, as for your box jumps... who on earth only does 5 box jumps per set? step it up or step out of the gym


by the way, you're still a tit.

C'mon man, like John said, everyone is entitled to their opinion.


You and Kostas both have valid points, and are free to express them. The beauty of SHF is that everyone can come and learn new things and help others.


There's no need to mock others' opinions - just have a mature debate. After all, that's what the fitness world is full of, lots of different people with lots of different methods and opinions. If there were just one dead-set way of dong things, well...everyone would have a perfect physique.


It's all about doing what works for you, but it is worth listening to other ideas.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
wilkinson207 g jake wilkinson
115 Post(s)
115 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

heres the thing though joe... whisper doesnt improve... his method is to do 5 sets and only have 1g of protein per kg of body weight and hes still the same size as my litle brother who doesnt lift, how can this individual come out with the statement "ony un natural lifters do more than 5 sets" when the beginners workout he set IS more than 5 sets per muscle group... hes always bashing on people who juice all because he thinks its easier to get huge on juice, he even stated it was fact that i was wasting my time having 300g of protein perday... im 213lbs... he wanted me to only have 93g of protein per day... now how could a lad possibly get bigger on only 93g per day? ey? this is his opinion and this is his idea of what works... but whisper doesnt grow, ive been in an actual gym rather than my back garden for a couple of months now, do you know what my lifts are? 210kg for deadlift, 140 for sets of 10 on the bench and the same for bent over row... how can this lad possibly try and disprove anything i say? he lifts baby weight and havs a baby body and as for a mature debate... his comeback was nothing but commenting on my english skills when the only difference between mine and his was that he put his name at the end...

"its not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get up" - Vince Lombardi
wilkinson207 g jake wilkinson
115 Post(s)
115 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

on and whisper... you're squatting wrong, if you treated a squat as a curl rather than an extension exercise you'd get much more glute and hamstring activation but you havent figured that out yet have you? why? because you arent progressing...


"its not whether you get knocked down, its whether you get up" - Vince Lombardi
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: wilkinson207

heres the thing though joe... whisper doesnt improve... his method is to do 5 sets and only have 1g of protein per kg of body weight and hes still the same size as my litle brother who doesnt lift, how can this individual come out with the statement "ony un natural lifters do more than 5 sets" when the beginners workout he set IS more than 5 sets per muscle group... hes always bashing on people who juice all because he thinks its easier to get huge on juice, he even stated it was fact that i was wasting my time having 300g of protein perday... im 213lbs... he wanted me to only have 93g of protein per day... now how could a lad possibly get bigger on only 93g per day? ey? this is his opinion and this is his idea of what works... but whisper doesnt grow, ive been in an actual gym rather than my back garden for a couple of months now, do you know what my lifts are? 210kg for deadlift, 140 for sets of 10 on the bench and the same for bent over row... how can this lad possibly try and disprove anything i say? he lifts baby weight and havs a baby body and as for a mature debate... his comeback was nothing but commenting on my english skills when the only difference between mine and his was that he put his name at the end...

Hey Jake,


See buddy mocking won't be considered as a "mature conversation", and using sentences like baby weight, baby food, looks like my little brother who doesn't lift won't make you look tough or make other person look delicate, if you guys have difference of opinion just share it with everyone instead of mocking and insulting each other which is just spamming the thread, plus saying that you lift this or that much weight isn't important as somebody out there might be just warming up with your max so there is no need for showing attittude or arrogance, if any exercise, any diet or anything works for may or may not work for other because difference of body type, metabolism, genes, location, money, time and etc plays an important role and everyone don't have same goals, someone might want to look like bruce lee, some like Frank Zane, and some like Ronnie Coleman so you can't judge or mock them.


As Joe said SHF forums is a site where you can learn something new always and help others so please avoid mocking and insulting fellow community members, calm yourself and just share your thoughts and opinions that's all.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
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