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You want my story? umm Let me see where to start... 2009 I saw tv show talk about how easy P90X is. So I order P90X turn out not easy as I though. In my 3rd day of P90X I woke up in hospital. Doctor said my mother found me lay on floor. She was luck to visit me. If not for her, Who know what would have happen. Doctor recommend to not doing P90X. The doctor recommend I join Gym and get personal trainer. So I did. It last 3 month before personal trainer moved to other state. And local gym make me to pay a personal trainer package without give me replace. They refused downgrade or gave me personal trainer. I nag nag them. They refused. So I start lost interested in them and stop going. But one of my friend on Facebook Talk into me to keep doing it. 2010 It has been on and off going gym. I finally decide to quit that gym one making me to paying without give me personal trainer as agreement. I join other gym. At first during sign up. They was very friendly and helpful. Once I signed form. They said "Earl, We dont allow deaf coming alone. You will need to find someone come with you. That one not sit back and watch. He or She must workout with you" I know none of my friend willing and family too. I told them "then I'll withdraw sign up for gym" They said it's too late for that, because I already sign. Just 10 min after sign they told me. They should have tell me before I sign. But after that day. They're not even friendly. They totally ingore me. No matter how many time I tried ask question and how to get work out etc. They totally ingored me. I was not happy about it but I already signed. Now I want quit gym. They say I have to write in letter and mail them. If I wont write in letter. they wont deactive my account. I asked for what address where I could write to. They never bother to gave me address. They say that info is lost. Will have to back with me in week. *eye rolls* what a bull crap! They want my money nothing more. 2011 or 2012 I decide to sign up for Karate class. I was told in Karate class I could burning my weight away. And It do work and I had blast time while I'm there. Til I has a appendix burst. I end up hospital and have a surgery to remove. I was stay hospital long enough to missing my few classes. They decide cancel my membership because I missing class too much. After I recover fully. I went back to same local. They was surprised that I show up. And surprised about my case. They recommend that I don't take class til I lost about 100 or 200 more weight because They don't have a uniform for my size. 2014 .... Here I am... I even think about get myself Total Gym as seen on TV. But I found out what it truth cost that on TV never say anything. on TV said 49 dollar one time. Turn out one time for 30 day to try out. If I like and want keep it. I have to pay over 2,000 to keep it. SCREW THEM! So Here I am... 2015, I has decide to sign up for IQ Fit gym.