Title Goes Here

Gender: Male
Neck: 42 cm
Chest: 111 cm
Goal: Gain Muscle
Forearm: 31 cm
Hip: 99.5 cm
Age: 60
Calve 40 cm
Shoulder: 124.5 cm
Height: 1.78.0 m
Arm: 35.5 cm
Waist: 95 cm
Weight: 95 kg
Thigh: 63 cm
Body Fat: 20.5%
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About Me
I had second heart attack in June last year so I decided I should take notice this time and start exercising. Started with the Cardiac Rehab and then went to the gym but there huge waits to use equipment so I went and bought a power rack, weights and bars and dumb bells and now work out at home. My wife tells me I am an addict but I feel good and am seeing little changes so Im happy.
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Started cutting 1st day of Spring March 20th @ 206.9lbs. I couldn't quite get my macros where I wanted so I got a bit lost and decided I'd bulk again. Much harder to cut than to bulk but after a month that just wasn't my goal. I got back to it and stuck to it finally getting some results. Not where I thought I'd be losing 17.3lbs but do see results all over. I am 189.6lbs and my goal is 185lbs. I might go to 180lbs but am going to keep on going. I don't know my bf but will see a trainer to get the results, I've tried using the body caliper 3 point check but I am calling bs on what my results are lol. Don't get lost, things take time but motivation and patience will get you results.
Being Challenged in Life is Inevitable, Being Defeated is Optional.
I started cutting first day of Spring March 20th @ 206.9lbs. It's been on and off because I couldn't get my Marcos to work where I wanted so I would bounce around gaining and cutting. Stuck to the last 4 months and it's been slow but I feel I am getting somewhere. I am 189.6 now. My goal is 185 but may go to 180 to get where I want to be. Not where I thought I'd be losing 17.3 lbs but I do see it all over so I'm going to keep going.
Being Challenged in Life is Inevitable, Being Defeated is Optional.
Looking great!! I am seeing a clear change!!