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This is my FB post :-) "Now this is a story all about how, my life got flipped-turned upside down, And I like to take a minute and sit right there and tell you how I became the prince of a town called (Rochester Hills)"... "In South Brussels born and raised on the dinning table I spent most of my days, Eating, maxing, relaxing all cool and not having any fun going every day back to school..." I love the Fresh Prince and for many reasons. Well now it is time to make my "coming out" instead of one on ones and/or hiding the truth, here is the story. For years I was the fat boy... many making fun of me between my 7 and 16y. Then I had this silly / stupid phase of getting obsessed with weight and during my college years seemed ok but felt like sh**. I was not eating few days a week just for the sake of staying below 80kg... real obsession. After I met Laurence things have been good for a while until work took the forefront and pushed me to an insane 124kg (max reached Jan 2011...). My lovely wife accepted to help me in a transformation and after few years of hard work (Diet, sport, sport, sport, sport and learning to accept imperfection, etc) I feel good with how I am and I'm no longer ashamed of who I was. The discussions and the PM's have been too many and I'm not cheering having to explain, justify and repeat every week. So I decided to do this Facebook coming out so to cut things short... Yep their was change, no I was not "sick", yes I had a very though time accepting myself, no I'm not depressed and YES I feeeeeeel good, happy with my lovely Wife and son and even more excited to be a healthy dad for the one to be smile emoticon The mist beautiful gift few Months ago was when William told me he was so happy and proud of me and will practice so he can join me for my races. (This is the US Drama "ooooooh moment". It's ok, it's fun...) I'm sharing the pictures not to "show off" but rather because it kind of helps me to accept that things have changed for good... They were taken in Thailand. First was in Nov 2010, second in Dec 2014 in front of the LH bank smile emoticon Self-confidence and other psychological impacts are simply unmeasurable... Bye bye shame and stress... thanks to all who have helped me during the long transformation and those who accepted me as I was before! Cheers mates, Lt Laurence, you'r the best!