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Hi im not sure where to start so I will try to keep it as short as I can . so here I go... My name is Derek Serna and right now im 30yrs old, all my life I have been bullied because I was shinny and weak, when I 16yrs old I looked like Kyle from the movie Road Trip, in fact that was my nick name when I worked at a place called Whata burger here in Tx, I recently as of last year I took up some tai chi and tae kwon do, I even took up parkour because it looks like fun...and it is too lol, but I still did not have and muscle or strength to show for it, I am still a beginner in parkour so I do a lot of basic jumps or vaults, but I have become very agile and I also took up archery and became really good at it, so I gave myself my own nick name, I call my self "Fox" , I may not be powerful yet, but lately when I noticed that my stamina was really bad,i knew I had to make some changes. I promised myself and my wife that starting on April the 1st , im gonna workout and try to get in shape, im not going to use any steroids at all , I may take some basic whey protein or maybe try some things from bsn, but that will be all, mainly I want to rely on good eating habits and good old fashion hard work. I have seen a lot of videos on YouTube, and when I saw scott's, I saw how humble and down to earth he is , I am very grateful for his patience and for the time he puts into his videos, he truly does inspire me and has become my personal hero, Batman was my hero but I have to come to realize that he is not real and that Scott is real and shows real results. and Scott actually writes back... like how is that when someone you look up writes back to you. So there that is my story in a nutshell, here on some shorts on my hobbies, i like playing on my xbox one, i am a halo fan, i also like playing Battlefield 4, and Forza Horizon 2, i do like dragon ball z anime and games, also some rpgs like dragon age and neverwinter.i mainly like being outdoors and getting some fresh air and getting some sunlight on me when im working out. i also have a 6yr old little girl who means the world to me and i like to go out and play with her a lot outside , we do everything from playing tag to tea party's , yea Dads can do that too, and i just want to keep up with her and be there for her for as long as i could. so she is also my motivation, i want to be her hero, i want to be the Dad she can rely on and be the super Dad that can protect her. So that is everything about me....wow i guess i wrote way to much hahaha, well thanks for reading all of this and i hope to make some some encouraging friends along the way in this fitness world. Take care