How many so called steps are there really to determine body fat % visually ?
I have read so many diffrent and today I stumbled across this :
20% Body Fat
If you’re at 20% body fat, you have no visible definition and separation between muscle groups.
15% Body Fat
If you’re at 15% body fat, visible separation begins to appear in the chest, shoulders, and back. Six-pack abs don’t show even when flexed.
12% Body Fat
This is where abs begin to show when flexed. Also, much more separation is seen in the chest, shoulders, and back. The face begins to thin out also.
10% Body Fat
Muscles begin to take a fuller appearance. Abs are a lot more visible but still not seen when unflexed. Also, deeper separation is visible in the chest and back. Shoulders begin to take on a lot more definition, especially in the front portion of the shoulder.
7% Body Fat
Abs are clearly seen all the time, even when not flexed. They seem to be permanently flexed at this point. Shoulders start looking pretty crazy and your back definitely looks like a map of the Rocky Mountains.
5% Body Fat
Striations appear throughout the entire body. Veins begin to show everywhere, including your lower abs. If you reach this body fat percentage, you are at the top point 1 percent of the US population, in terms of leanness. You’re crazy and more ripped than Spiderman.
It must be one hundred variations or exceptions if you prefer that term to visual deviations on this?
Now since I know caliper can differ x amount of % depending on whos doing it how they are doing it and how you have been eating sleeping etc days before and so forth . But when I got measured first time he said 18,9% this was in June last year and by then I had even though perhaps not the most separated but still fully visible 6 pack and later on in August when I got measured again he said 15,x % and Abs was present as well as veins on shoulders and that separation on upper lower chest etc. By that 15 % marker my face looked thinner in my own and others opionion and my narrowest part of waist was 82 cm across compared to the 110+ when I started training in January .