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10 months progress!

Is this average or good progress?

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

Thought I would share two pictures on my progress so far. First one is in mid January and last one is now in October.

I think i was about 25% bodyfat on the upper one but unsure where I am now. I had my last caliper reading in August and was about 15,8% then. Not the best photos but atleast it gives a hint of what has happend during this time.

If anyone where to guess what percentage of bf do I have on the lower one?




heyhay5212 g Haley Conant
37 Post(s)
37 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: January 1, 2015

First of all, nice work! The second pic is a little hard to see but you'd probably be around 10-12% I'd guess.

Owner of Onyx Athletic Performance, LLC Certified Athletic Trainer Licensed Athletic Trainer Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

Thanks will see if can get a better one later on. 10-12 then the caliper or person handling it must be way off ? Because after that last reading which was after 2 months prior to this photo I skipped caloric deficit and went up to balance adding 600 kcal per day to my diet.

ScottTousignant g Scott Tousignant
45 Post(s)
45 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: June 6, 2015

Great progress! Well done. Keep give'n er your best!

heyhay5212 g Haley Conant
37 Post(s)
37 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: January 1, 2015

The calipers are good if you know how to use them. If you don't have a lot of practice then the calipers tend to overestimate the BF%. Stay away from the electronic BF% readers. They tend to be inaccurate and unreliable.

Owner of Onyx Athletic Performance, LLC Certified Athletic Trainer Licensed Athletic Trainer Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Brolle81

Thought I would share two pictures on my progress so far. First one is in mid January and last one is now in October.

I think i was about 25% bodyfat on the upper one but unsure where I am now. I had my last caliper reading in August and was about 15,8% then. Not the best photos but atleast it gives a hint of what has happend during this time.

If anyone where to guess what percentage of bf do I have on the lower one?




Great progress man! I would say you could be a little under 15%, maybe between 12-15%. Looking good!



SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
Adawg38 g Aaron Henry
563 Post(s)
563 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Brolle81

Thought I would share two pictures on my progress so far. First one is in mid January and last one is now in October.

I think i was about 25% bodyfat on the upper one but unsure where I am now. I had my last caliper reading in August and was about 15,8% then. Not the best photos but atleast it gives a hint of what has happend during this time.

If anyone where to guess what percentage of bf do I have on the lower one?




That's baddass progress man! I'd say you're putting in that hard work. As fas as bf I agree with the guys, maybe 12% around there.

I have been training coming up on 6 years and have made some great gainz. I've done a lot of trial and error on myself as well as learned from others and through research online. I've come along way in strength and size since I've started. I will continue to learn and make myself better each day. MS Athlete/Super Hermanite BEING CHALLENGED IN LIFE IS INEVITABLE, BEING DEFEATED IS OPTIONAL.
Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

How come I can't upload pictures f my iPhone?

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Brolle81

Thought I would share two pictures on my progress so far. First one is in mid January and last one is now in October.

I think i was about 25% bodyfat on the upper one but unsure where I am now. I had my last caliper reading in August and was about 15,8% then. Not the best photos but atleast it gives a hint of what has happend during this time.

If anyone where to guess what percentage of bf do I have on the lower one?




Looking AMAZING my friend! I am so proud of you!!! If you are interested in seeing what your body fat is, you should get a SKULPT. It's way easier to use than calipers and you don't need help from anyone.


check it out! ->

Need 1 on 1 coaching? Send me a direct message to learn more!
jmboiardi p John M Boiardi
2.6K Post(s)
2.6K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: October 10, 2013
Posted By: Brolle81

Thought I would share two pictures on my progress so far. First one is in mid January and last one is now in October.

I think i was about 25% bodyfat on the upper one but unsure where I am now. I had my last caliper reading in August and was about 15,8% then. Not the best photos but atleast it gives a hint of what has happend during this time.

If anyone where to guess what percentage of bf do I have on the lower one?




Great work so far Stefan. I would say you are more like 13% BF



34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-) MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.
jmboiardi p John M Boiardi
2.6K Post(s)
2.6K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: October 10, 2013
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Looking AMAZING my friend! I am so proud of you!!! If you are interested in seeing what your body fat is, you should get a SKULPT. It's way easier to use than calipers and you don't need help from anyone.


check it out! ->

This looks great but alas they don't ship to Singapore - just US, UK, Australia, and Canada :-(



34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-) MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.
Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

I emailed skulpt yesterday to see if they might ship to sweden. Otherwise I have to keep an eye open on Amazon or eBay for one.


Thanks for the kind words and support from you all .

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015


Adding a "decent" for been taken by myself back picture. No real flexing or anything just to get an idea on how developer or under devoloped my V-Shape is so far. I really haven´t got a hang on how to flex my back properly without making my shoulder blades look all wierd. I feel like most of my fat storage is located on the back which in a way is nice so I don´t have to see it myself

FutureBody g george georgalidis
115 Post(s)
115 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: March 3, 2014

looking good man
can you post your macros and how much you weight in the 2nd picture?

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015
Posted By: FutureBody

looking good man
can you post your macros and how much you weight in the 2nd picture?

I weighed about about 75 kg / 167 lbs on second picture now I have gone up some to about 76-77 something clean bulking eating 300-500 over my estimated 2700 bmr.


When i was cutting I ate about 1900 per day and macros was somewhere around

45% protein

30% carbs

25% fat


Now I eat 2900-3200 per day

35-45 carbs

35-40 protein

20-25 fat


divided on 6 meals with 2-3 hour between


reason is for so varying percentage in macro is my family dont wanna give kids odd view on food. But in March perhaps earlier I will start with deficit again so that I hopefully reach one digit body fat this summer or atleast only 10%. This time I thought I will play around bcaa/eaa only one day a week and lots of broccoli and chicken with dry oats only. I learned during my 9 months of deficit this year that I can still workout hard with as little as 120gr of carbs which made huge diffrenice in loosing fat for me.

NickJoy34 g Nick Joy
5 Post(s)
5 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2014

Holy cow man! Great progress, that's awesome. My guess would be about 12% building muscle while losing fat is very tough to do but it looks like your gettin it done. Keep it up bro!

B.S. Kinesiology Applied Nutrition 9+ Years of weight training/sport specific training experience
muscular strength
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