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Mortalblood g Bojan Zafirovski
271 Post(s)
271 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

Hey guys when im craving junk food is it okay to do IIFYM?
because atm im bulking and i wana do iifym with junk food on saturdays or sundays

JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Mortalblood

Hey guys when im craving junk food is it okay to do IIFYM?
because atm im bulking and i wana do iifym with junk food on saturdays or sundays

Hey man.


That is up to you really, but the advice I would give is that if you want to make lean gains, stick to a clean, healthy diet almost all the time.


Of course you can have something you call junk every now and then, because after all, we're all human, and sometimes you just want to dig into something sweet and tasty. But don't go living off this kind of food every day - you wouldn't want to have an entire day of IIFYM if you can avoid it. When you're travelling and have to buy food etc then it can be more appropriate to do IIFYM, but you should alwasy be looking for some food that is going to give you good nutrition and help you reach your macros in a positive way.


Are you saying you want to do IIFYM and just eat junk for every meal on both Saturday and Sunday? Again, it's up to you, but I wouldn't recommend it. If you're desperate to have something which you don't deem 'healthy', try and pick one or two meals a week where you will let yourself have a treat. If you really wanted to, try and have one meal on the Saturday and Sunday if that's what you want to do. Whenever you do decide to have junk though, also try and plan it around your most intense workout days, either eat it on an intense day, or have it the day before your intense day.


Anyway, those are just some thoughts. In the end it is a decision that ultimately comes down to what you want to do. Keep in mind though that a lot of building a great physique comes down to nutrition. Stick to your healthy foods most of the time, but a treat on occassion isn't going to kill you.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
Mortalblood g Bojan Zafirovski
271 Post(s)
271 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

When i mean iifym its not all junk like i incorpirate Tuna eggs oats but just add pizza chicken nuggets etc.And i dont mean saturday and sunday sometimes on a saturday or if im with friends ill eat clean saturdays and eat iifym on sundays

Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: Mortalblood

Hey guys when im craving junk food is it okay to do IIFYM?
because atm im bulking and i wana do iifym with junk food on saturdays or sundays

Hey Bojan


Like Jordan (Joehurricane) said stick to lean gains, try to eat clean and healthy diet, if you are an ectomorph and you need loads of calories stick to stuff like Oats, peanut butter, red meat, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, any type of fish (tuna is cheap), milk, nuts, whole grains.

If you're bulking up, just keep it clean, and keep your calories high. If you need fill-ins after you've gotten in all your protein, use healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, nut butters, nuts, etc.


Don't try to get your calories from pizza, burgers and fried stuff cause those are all bad calories. Like everything there is a right and wrong way to bulk. Some people believe that if they just eat everything it will increase their muscle mass. This isn't correct. Bulking "clean" should be the goal during a bulking phase. Bulking clean means to increase your calorie intake but not from fatty junk foods. You increase your quality high protein food intake. You still eat your proper food, just more of it.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
Mortalblood g Bojan Zafirovski
271 Post(s)
271 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

I mostly eat this ignore some of the foods on the top before i write breakfast thats just some foods i might of added a while ago but i removed them from my diet but everything i write on when breakfast starts thats what i eat So starting from boiled eggs oats and banana etc is what i eat


Brown rice 100 grams = 359 calories
Chicken breast 200 grams + 220 calories
Boil 2 whole eggs= 154 calories
boil 3 egg whites =51 calories
oats 100 grams = 376 calories 50 grams =188 <-------------------- Nutrition facts
almonds 50 grams is 288 25 grams 144
banana medium size = 105
3 teaspoons olive oil=120 cals
No fat skim milk (Dairy farmers pink carton)90 cals
Portview tuna 137
2 scoops protein=304 cals
200 grams frozen vegtables=93.2 cals
wallnuts 28 grams 185 cals
25 grams chicken salamie 27 cals
extreme mass 100 grams: 429 cals


Boil 5 eggs eat 2 whole
oats 100 grams

Eat brown rice
200 g chicken
3 teaspoons olive oil

50 grams of almonds
wallnuts 28 grams

After gym
oats 100 grams
100 grams mass

1 tuna
200 grams frozen vegtables
3 teaspoons olive oil

meal 6
oats 50 grams

Before you go bed
no fat skim milk

Cals=3396 Fat=122.77 Carbs=359.97 Prot=201.64
Boiled egg with yoak x2 = (10.56 fat ) (12.58 prot )(2.2 carbs )
Rolled oats 100 grams | Fat: 8.0| Carbs: 58.4g | Prot: 12.4g
Egg whites x3 = (0.6 carbs ) (10.8 prot) (0.3 fat )
Banana med size =(27 carbs ) (1.3 g prot) (0.1 fat)

Brown rice 100 grams = (2.0 g fat ) (71.9 g carbs ) (7.6 g protein )
skinless chicken breast 200 grams = (2.4g Fat ) (46.1 g prot) (2 g Carbs )
Olive oil 3 teaspoons= (13.6 g fat ) (0 carbs ) (0 prot) (0 carbs )

almonds 50 g = (fat 25.32 g) (carbs 9.87g) (prot 10.63)
wallnuts 28 grams (4 carbs) (4.3 prot) (18 fat)

mass gainer (42.5 prot) (42.5 carbs) (9.4 fat )
Banana med size =(27 carbs ) (1.3 g prot) (0.1 fat)
Rolled oats 50 grams | Fat: 4.0| Carbs: 29.2g | Prot: 6.20g

portview =(1 carb) (20.2prot) (6.2fat )
Olive oil 3 teaspoons= (13.6 g fat ) (0 carbs ) (0 prot) (0 carbs )
frozen vegtables (0.94 fat)(4.8 prot) (12.6 carbs )

Rolled oats 100 grams | Fat: 8.0| Carbs: 58.4g | Prot: 12.4g

No fat skim milk (0.25 fat) (8.5 prot) (13.3 carbs)

crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014

As the others already said,

if you really feel "urge" to get a burger / frozen pizza or somehting like that. Don't fill up 1 or 2 whole days with them.


rather eat them somewhere in the week. best is after your workout. In that case (and if you didn't eat heavy before) your body will put most of it to a direct use for refilling what you used up while working out.


But on a general note and to agree with the other statements here:

it's best to stay clean! rule of thumb is.. try to be clean for 85-99% and only 0-15% of cheating, the less the better.


Eating a whole day / or two, unhealthy will quite ruin your doings from the week before.


And just so you know. If you bite on your tongue (so to say) for a while and supress the urge to eat some junkfood, you will not be missing it anymore in a short time.


Problem is they contain additional substances that actually make you addicted to them. And also white / refined sugar in high doses actually makes you addicted (it's interesting how it alters your brain and messes up things).

It takes about 14 days to get over the sugar addiction 80% of the first world country humans have. and another 2 month to re-compute your system to act normal again.


So every time you stuff fast food or high sugar food into your mouth you throw yourself back in your progress =)


Chicken Nuggets, Pizza (if not selfmade), etc are considered junk food as well, they are 'highly processed' foods.

You'd turn around in your chair if you knew how chicken nuggets are made, the shredded remnants of bones and skin and meat together, deeply fried in oil or oil-substances (industrial made food has a lot funky stuff in it, which they use to make things cheaper), frozen pizza contains high amounts of refined sugar, salt and sunflower oil (which isn't healthy either), as well as many artificial substances to alter the taste, and the stuff that is on top is processed in the same bad way.. except for the 1 or 2 veggies that lay on it lol.


The problem with IIFYM is that the food you get in here might suit the calories and macros, but has many bad properties. Ingredients that will directly be put into the fat storage of your body, or be storing more water in your cells, or even produce substances in your body that are contraproductive for your goals.

But if you need to do it anyways, stick to the "little" cheats here and there, and not all over 1 or 2 days.

They need to be the "exception" not the rule =)

Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
William_Steinset p William Steinset
1K Post(s)
1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: December 12, 1969
Posted By: Mortalblood

Hey guys when im craving junk food is it okay to do IIFYM?
because atm im bulking and i wana do iifym with junk food on saturdays or sundays

I can not stress this enough. If you cheat one or two days a week it will not matter at all in the grand scheme of things. I do not count calories as I love life and have better things to do. Some say I might not be serrios enough with my fitness goals, while I simply look at it as me enjoying life the way I want to.

If you are craving junk food I see no problem what so ever to simply have an enjoyable meal. If you work hard, eat right and take care of yourself most of the time, giving in to your cravings will just do you good.

Some might argue against me, and that is fine because I am not saying that this is 100 % correct. I am just saying that if you want to live a good life and have a healthy relationship with your own body and food, you can not eat healthy and worry about your health all the time.

ESPECIALLY seeing that you are only 16 years old and you have a healthy bodyweight.

MS Athelete / Super Hermanite / SHF
Mortalblood g Bojan Zafirovski
271 Post(s)
271 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014

Thanks for the tips guys :)

muscular strength
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