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What is DOMS and how can it be treated?

By Scott Herman in Injuries · Published

DOMS stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.

DOMS normally affects the muscle you trained the following day or day after resulting in extreme muscle soreness. (Ex. Work your chest on Monday, expect DOMS on Tuesday or Wednesday)

Your muscles are sore because you have either done something they aren't used to and/or you have stimulated them DIFFERENTLY. DOMS is caused by microtears & inflammation that occurs as a result of weight training and the process of repairing these tears is what leads to muscle growth and increased strength

Typically after resting sore muscles for 24 - 48 hours they will be ready to be trained again.

If you're new to working out, you will likely suffer from extreme DOMS for the first few weeks of training.

However, you don't need DOMS after a workout for your muscles to grow.

If you would like to learn more about DOMS and when it is safe to train sore muscles, CLICK HERE.


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