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  • How much muscle can I expect to add to my body each year? Will gaining muscle make me bigger? Can I expect to gain significant muscle as an ectomorph?

How much muscle can I expect to add to my body each year? Will gaining muscle make me bigger? Can I expect to gain significant muscle as an ectomorph?

By Scott Herman in Muscle Gain · Published

You will see the most muscle gain in your first TWO YEARS of lifting. This is only if you are training AND eating PROPERLY.

The first year you can potentially add between 20-25 pounds of muscle.

The second year, 10-12 pounds. Year three, 5-6 pounds and from year four and onwards you can expect to make small gains of between 2-3 pounds.

This goes for all body types. Ectomorphs may require more food than normal to promote growth.

This is not only dependant on training and eating, but genetics as well. Your genetic potential is pre-determined, and may effect the speed of your muscle growth.

Train hard and eat correctly though and you MAY be able fight your genetics.


Check out the video below, if you want to learn more about lean muscle gains!

Are You Bulking Or Just Fat? (Natural Muscle Gain)



Related Questions:

  1. Scott's video Are You Bulking Or Just Fat? (Muscular Genetic Potential Link)