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Intense 5 Minute Forearm Routine

Get Bigger Forearms Now!

By Reggie Bennett Published 

If you’re looking to add some thickness to your forearms, then you have definitely come to the right place! The forearm muscles are often overlooked when individuals train arms, due to the fact that their main focus is to add size to the main arm muscles which are the biceps, triceps, and shoulders. This can be a huge mistake when looking to build a physique that commands respect.


The reason I say this is that the forearm muscles are usually what people first see when you wear short sleeve t-shirts. So today you will learn an amazing 5 minute intense forearm routine that will help build strength, size, and build high muscle endurance to take your future workouts to the next level.


Forearm Exercises
Building big forearms doesn’t take much, because they are a relatively small muscle group that often gets trained when gripping any weights in the gym for numerous other exercises. However, placing the right amount of emphasis on them and really isolating them when training will leave you with rock solid forearms like never before. So here are the top 5 exercises you should perform for 1 minute each back-to-back to build muscle and work on your overall grip strength!

1. Wrist Extension Rolls (Backwards Roll)

1. Grab hold of an Olympic Barbell with both hands.

2. Grip your hands around the bar with either an overhand or underhand grip.

3. Spin the bar backwards and rotate it in your hands by extending the wrists and activating the forearm extensors.



2. Finger Wrist Curls

1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing up.

2. Lower the dumbbells as far as possible by extending the fingers. Allowing the dumbbell to roll down the hands. Catch the dumbbell with the final joint in the fingers.

3. Now curl the dumbbells up as high as possible by closing your hands while exhaling. Hold the contraction at the top.



3. Wrist Twist

1. Grab a pair of medium to lightweight dumbbells. Curl the dumbbells up until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle with your palms facing up.

2. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides and your chest out. Your forearms should be parallel to the ground.

3. Begin the exercise by rotating your wrists inward so that your palms end up facing down. Rotate back to palms up, and repeat for reps.



4. Wrist Extension Rolls (Forward Roll)

1. Grab hold of an Olympic Barbell with both hands.

2. Grip your hands around the bar with either an overhand or underhand grip.

3. Spin the bar forwards and rotate it in your hands by extending the wrists and activating the forearm extensors.



5. Wrist Curls

1. Grab a pair of medium to lightweight dumbbells. Curl the dumbbells up until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle with your palms facing up.

2. Keep your elbows tucked into your sides and your chest out. Your forearms should be parallel to the ground.

3. Let the weight sit on the very tip of your finger (balancing in the last finger join). Curl the weight in towards your body until your forearms are fully flexed.

4. Squeeze your forearms in this position and then lower the weight down and away from your body until your forearms are fully extended.



The forearms are utilized in many exercises, including the bench press, deadlift, and barbell row. Strong forearms translate to stronger grip strength. This can allow you to squeeze harder, engage more muscles, and generate more force during your workouts. Having strong forearms is important because if they are underdeveloped or weak, it can limit how hard you’re able to train other body parts, which will keep you from making more gains in the gym. If you want to add this to your workout, perform each exercise for 1 minute back-to-back (no rest between exercises).

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