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Location: Dallas, Texas Gender: Male Neck: 15 in Chest: N/A Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 11 in Hip: 33 in Age: 30 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 6.2'0" Arm: 14 in Waist: 32 in Weight: 178 lbs Thigh: 22 in Body Fat: 15%
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In my preteen to early teen years I was always overweight. During my freshmen year in high school I hit a growth spurt and playing football. The combination of stretching taller and two-a-days, I slimmed way down. My last two years in high school I struggled and struggled to gain weight. I started around 175 and would get up to 185 from November to beginning of two-a-days in August. Being down here in Texas, practicing in the triple digit heat, I couldn't keep the little weight I had gained maintained for longer than a week in the football season. For three and a half years I've struggled to gain the lean muscle mass I want. I've tried different supplements, stacks and so forth but the gains that I make I have gotten from eating clean calories. I'm glad now to be a part of the Hermanite network and I am looking forward to the support, knowledge, and other resources it offers. My motto is HAW. It means Hard Ass Work. #HTH #HAW

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