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Location: Holden, MA Gender: Male Neck: 18 in Chest: 47 in Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 17 in Hip: 42 in Age: 38 Calve 17 in Shoulder: N/A Height: 6'1" Arm: 17 in Waist: 47 in Weight: 330 lbs Thigh: 27.5 in Body Fat: 25%
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My highest weight was 370. I was a couch potato stuffing my face with crap. After getting. Blood desiese and almost dying in 2012 (cured now lol) I decided to try to do better. I changed my diet and lost 160 lbswith no exercise in about 7 months. I learned thzt you cant do it diet alone I was weak. So I started going to the gym and fell in love with fitness training. and in 2013 I weighed 240 and participate in my first spartan race after that I felt acomplishment and started running a mile daily and working out harder all the way down to 228. Sadley winter got the best of me with snow and work that I stopped going to the gym and fell off my diet till feb of 2014 and blew back up to 296lbs . As of February I was back and been at it since back down to 265 and should be lower but I struggle with the food part but it doent stop me from strenght training and tons of gains. Its a big struggle being fat and trying to be fit but every step on a scale and seeing the number lower and you have been lifting more is so satisfying kind of like a skinny guys gainjng weight in muscle and strength lol

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