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Location: Northampton, England Gender: Female Neck: 13 IN Chest: 35 IN Goal: Gain Muscle Forearm: 10 IN Hip: 34 IN Age: 47 Calve 13 IN Shoulder: 40 IN Height: 5.5 IN Arm: 13 IN Waist: 30 IN Weight: 140 lbs Thigh: 21 IN Body Fat: 22%
About Me   

My name is Kerry and I have Multiple Sclerosis. I started going to the gym at the end of May 2014 when my work reduced my number of hours. I wanted to lose weight and feel better about my body that doesn't always act like someone of my age, I can walk more like an OAP! In 2014 I lost 2 stone, 7% BF and gained 5% muscle. In 2015 I accomplished things I never thought I could or would achieve! I qualified as a Personal Trainer, check out my website I want to help people to get some confidence back in their life. I have found my MOJO, I want them to find their's too! I was made redundant in June 2016 and have started working in a gym as a personal trainer and class instructor. I love it! I recently appeared in the local paper and on the local radio too.

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