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Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: bratulicd

I'm 5' 9'' 145lbs eating 2700 cal a day and this is my workout. I started lifting not so long ago and wonder if this is enough or too much. I am pushing hard on these exercises and seeing some result, but some days I find it hard too lift as much as i did the last time. Can you give me some advice on how to imrove my energy and/or improve the workout. Thanks!!


CHEST 1:          BB BENCH PRESS (3x6-10)

                          DB INCLINE CHEST PRESS (3x6-10)

                          LOW TO HIGH CABLE FLY (3x6-10)

                          HIGH TO LOW CABLE CROSSOVERS (3x10+)


                          OH CABLE EXTENSIONS (3x6-8)

                          CABLE PUSHDOWNS (3x6-8)

                          TRIANGLE PUSHUPS (3xTO FAILURE)

ABS 1:               FLOOR WIPER  (4X8/8/8)

                           AB PULLDOWN (4x15)


                          DB LAT RAISES (2x6-10; 2x12-15)

                          FACE PULLS (4x8-10)


BACK 1:            DEADLIFT (3x6-8)

                          BENT-OVER ROWS (4x6-10)

                          CHEST SUPPORTED ROWS (4x6-10)

                          LAT PULLDOWNS (4x6-10)

BICEPS 1:         BB BICEP CURL (3x6-8)

                          INCLINE DB CURL (3x6-8)

                          CONCENTRATION CURL (3x6-8)

                          REV EZ BAR CURLS (3x6-8)

TRAPS 1:          BB SHRUGS (3x8-10)

                          DB SHRUGS (3x8-10)





LEGS:                 BB BACK SQUATS (2x6-10; 1x12-15)

                           FRONT SQUATS (2x6-10; 1x12-15)

                           BULGARIAN SPLIT SQUATS (3x8-15)

                           GLUTE BRIDGE (3x10-15)

                           BB CALF RAISE (5x20)


                           REV CURLS (3x15-20)

                           WRIST ROLLERS (30 sec)


CHEST 2:          DB BENCH PRESS (3x6-10)

                          DB INCLINE CHEST PRESS (3x6-10)

                          WEIGHTED PUSH-UPS (3x6-10)

                          HIGH TO LOW CABLE CROSSOVERS (3x10+)

TRICEPS 2:       DIPS (3x6-8)

                          DB SKULLCRUSHERS (3x6-8)

                          CABLE PUSHDOWNS (3x6-8)

                          BENCH DIPS (3xTO FAILURE)

ABS 2:               FLOOR WIPER (4X8/8/8)

                          WEIGHTED SIT-UP (4x15)


 DAY 5

BACK 2:            PULL-UPS (4x6-12)

                          T-BAR ROWS (4x6-10)

                          CHEST SUPPORTED ROWS (4x6-10)

                          SCAPULAR PULL-UPS (3x8+)


                          REV OH DB LAT RAISE (2x6-10; 2x12-15)

                          SEATED REAR RAISES (4x8-10)

TRAPS 2:          DB SHRUGS (3x8-10)

                          CABLE ROW SHRUG (3x8-10)


BICEPS 2:         BB BICEPS CURL (6x6-8)

                          INCLINE DB CURL (6x6-8)



                           STANDING WRIST EXTENSIONS (3x15-20)



Awesome to see so much good advice being given in here! Great job everyone!


@bratulicd like the others have already told you, there is probably too much going on here. I don't think the problem is too much volume, rather too many exercises. I'll link you to a video below which will explain everything really clearly, but the basics are that you should try cutting down the amount of exercises you are doing, while keeping the same number of TOTAL sets.


For example, your biceps 2 is good with just two staple exercises and lots of sets. You compare that to your biceps 1 and you have a lot of exercises trying to isolate things more closely, whereas you're better off hitting the entire biceps with some of the best exercises.


With your diet, if you are seeing consistent weight gain, you're doing things right. You only need to change that when you stop seeing results. If you feel pretty tired and drained for the workouts in the second part of your week, take a look at your protein intake first and make sure that's good, then check your sleep. If that's good too, you might be like me and respond better to training everything once a week but with more volume.

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bratulicd g Dino Bratulic
8 Post(s)
8 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: February 2, 2018
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Awesome to see so much good advice being given in here! Great job everyone!


@bratulicd like the others have already told you, there is probably too much going on here. I don't think the problem is too much volume, rather too many exercises. I'll link you to a video below which will explain everything really clearly, but the basics are that you should try cutting down the amount of exercises you are doing, while keeping the same number of TOTAL sets.


For example, your biceps 2 is good with just two staple exercises and lots of sets. You compare that to your biceps 1 and you have a lot of exercises trying to isolate things more closely, whereas you're better off hitting the entire biceps with some of the best exercises.


With your diet, if you are seeing consistent weight gain, you're doing things right. You only need to change that when you stop seeing results. If you feel pretty tired and drained for the workouts in the second part of your week, take a look at your protein intake first and make sure that's good, then check your sleep. If that's good too, you might be like me and respond better to training everything once a week but with more volume.

Yeah forgot to thank the guys for all the help!


I've been trying to keep my sets around 9-12 for each muscle group and I feel like anything less would't always be enough. Originally I acually had less exercises per body part, not more than 3 for each, but, even though i've seen all your videos about using less exercises and more sets, I would still come home at the end of the week and be like ''damn didn't hit my brachialis this week, gotta include it next time''. And gradually i started adding more exercises and ended up with this. To quote you, ''It's backwards thinking!!'' I will definetly take your advice and advice from the other guys and see what works and what doesn't.


Once again thanks to the guys, and to you Scott. You have been a big inspiration and an amazing coach inside the gym, but also behind the keybord. Looking forward to more knowledge and of course more gainz💪 

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: bratulicd

Yeah forgot to thank the guys for all the help!


I've been trying to keep my sets around 9-12 for each muscle group and I feel like anything less would't always be enough. Originally I acually had less exercises per body part, not more than 3 for each, but, even though i've seen all your videos about using less exercises and more sets, I would still come home at the end of the week and be like ''damn didn't hit my brachialis this week, gotta include it next time''. And gradually i started adding more exercises and ended up with this. To quote you, ''It's backwards thinking!!'' I will definetly take your advice and advice from the other guys and see what works and what doesn't.


Once again thanks to the guys, and to you Scott. You have been a big inspiration and an amazing coach inside the gym, but also behind the keybord. Looking forward to more knowledge and of course more gainz💪 

Absolutely man, the main thing is to remember that just because you are doing less exercises, doesn't mean you have to do less sets or less volume. You just need to do MORE work on those fewer exercises.. so more sets.


And you'll still be hitting the barchialis, for example, on a barbell bicep curl or an incline dumbbell curl, but you won't be isolating it as much as you would with say a hammer curl. Not a bad thing though, because when you isolate it, then you miss out on the potential growth of doing exercises like a straight barbell curl which hits the entire biceps.


It's my pleausre man! Keep us updated with your gainz 🙌 

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bratulicd g Dino Bratulic
8 Post(s)
8 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: February 2, 2018
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Absolutely man, the main thing is to remember that just because you are doing less exercises, doesn't mean you have to do less sets or less volume. You just need to do MORE work on those fewer exercises.. so more sets.


And you'll still be hitting the barchialis, for example, on a barbell bicep curl or an incline dumbbell curl, but you won't be isolating it as much as you would with say a hammer curl. Not a bad thing though, because when you isolate it, then you miss out on the potential growth of doing exercises like a straight barbell curl which hits the entire biceps.


It's my pleausre man! Keep us updated with your gainz 🙌 

So, since i'm doing each muscle group twice a week, would doing say 6 sets Barbell curl and 6 sets incline curl twice in a week be too much for biceps to handle. It is after all 24 total sets. I feel like i could pull it off, but i'm afraid it might leed to overtraining in the long run.

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: bratulicd

So, since i'm doing each muscle group twice a week, would doing say 6 sets Barbell curl and 6 sets incline curl twice in a week be too much for biceps to handle. It is after all 24 total sets. I feel like i could pull it off, but i'm afraid it might leed to overtraining in the long run.

Overtraining is very, VERY hard to do. A lot harder than people think. It is, however, easy to under-eat (not eating enough calories daily/weekly) or under-recover (training the same muscle group twice in a row, not getting enough sleep etc.)


If you're worried about total volume, just do 4 sets of each bicep movement (16 sets total weekly), and if you feel like they are recovering easily (which biceps tend to do) and that maybe you aren't seeing the results after a while, then try 5 or 6 sets per exercise for more volume.

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Goku007 g Vyas
58 Post(s)
58 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: February 2, 2018

Hey guys i feel like i need some corrections in my current routine. I'd appreciate if you could help. First i want to change my lower body 2 to include more of shoulder and trap exercises because i feel like my legs don't actually need two days per week. However I still wanna keep the deadlift. Anyone could help in editing the lower body 2 into a deadlift shoulder and trap routine?

Moreover i hope the rest of the routine are ok ^^



Upper body 1 (Monday)

Push ups: 2 sets 10 reps

Dumbbell bench press: 10 sets 6-8 reps

OHP: 5 sets 6-8 reps

Dumbbell flys: 3 sets 8 reps

Dips (tricep) : 3 sets 6-8 reps

Skull crushers (Cheat and recovery) : 3 sets 8 reps

Side lateral raise: 4 sets 8 reps


Also i lack many equipment that's why I'm using dumbbells for flys instead of cables.


Lower body 1(Tuesday)

Squats : 4 sets 6-8 reps

Leg extension : 2 sets 12 reps

Walking lunges : 3 sets 16 steps

Hamstrings curl: 3 sets 8 reps

Calf raises : superset with the above exercises


Upper body 2 (Wednesday)

T bar row : 5 sets 6-8 reps

Lat pull down : 5 sets 8 reps

Face pull: 2 sets 10-12 reps

One arm dumbbell row : 4 sets 8 reps

Dumbbell bicep curl : 4 sets 8 reps

Peacher curl : 3 sets 8 reps

Reverse fly : 4 sets 8 reps



Thursday and Friday (rest/busy not a single time to train)


Lower body 2 (Saturday)

Deadlift : 4 sets 6-8 reps

Hamstrings curl : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Leg extensions : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Calf raise : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Walking lunges : to failure


Sunday (rest)


 My workouts take no longer than 1hr. Some takes 45 mins. I take 45 secs rest between sets and 60/90 secs between exercises. I do abs circuit training once or twice per week

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Goku007

Hey guys i feel like i need some corrections in my current routine. I'd appreciate if you could help. First i want to change my lower body 2 to include more of shoulder and trap exercises because i feel like my legs don't actually need two days per week. However I still wanna keep the deadlift. Anyone could help in editing the lower body 2 into a deadlift shoulder and trap routine?

Moreover i hope the rest of the routine are ok ^^



Upper body 1 (Monday)

Push ups: 2 sets 10 reps

Dumbbell bench press: 10 sets 6-8 reps

OHP: 5 sets 6-8 reps

Dumbbell flys: 3 sets 8 reps

Dips (tricep) : 3 sets 6-8 reps

Skull crushers (Cheat and recovery) : 3 sets 8 reps

Side lateral raise: 4 sets 8 reps


Also i lack many equipment that's why I'm using dumbbells for flys instead of cables.


Lower body 1(Tuesday)

Squats : 4 sets 6-8 reps

Leg extension : 2 sets 12 reps

Walking lunges : 3 sets 16 steps

Hamstrings curl: 3 sets 8 reps

Calf raises : superset with the above exercises


Upper body 2 (Wednesday)

T bar row : 5 sets 6-8 reps

Lat pull down : 5 sets 8 reps

Face pull: 2 sets 10-12 reps

One arm dumbbell row : 4 sets 8 reps

Dumbbell bicep curl : 4 sets 8 reps

Peacher curl : 3 sets 8 reps

Reverse fly : 4 sets 8 reps



Thursday and Friday (rest/busy not a single time to train)


Lower body 2 (Saturday)

Deadlift : 4 sets 6-8 reps

Hamstrings curl : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Leg extensions : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Calf raise : 3 sets 8-10 reps

Walking lunges : to failure


Sunday (rest)


 My workouts take no longer than 1hr. Some takes 45 mins. I take 45 secs rest between sets and 60/90 secs between exercises. I do abs circuit training once or twice per week

Your routine doesn't look too bad. When you have push-ups before your dumbbell press.. is that just like a warm-up? Becuase if anything, you'd be better off with push-ups at the END of your workout as a finisher. No point wasting too much energy before your main compound movement.


Are your legs ahead of the rest of your body in terms of development? Is that why you only want to hit them once a week? If that were the case, I'd suggest a little more volume on your first workout, because at the moment you are doing less for your legs than your chest or back, and legs are a BIG muscle group. Plus you don't want them to fall behind in terms of progression.


For your lower body 2 workout, stick with deadlifts as your starting movement, then maybe move into a seated/standing dumbbell overhead press, add in some shrugs and upright rows for your traps, and then maybe finish off with rear delt flys for your shoulders.

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Goku007 g Vyas
58 Post(s)
58 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: February 2, 2018

Thanks man. I've got the answer of all my questions ^^ and yes my legs are ahead than other parts of my body. I feel like it gives me a odd shape that's why i wanna hit my lagging parts such as shoulders and traps to be in proportion. Thanks again!

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Goku007

Thanks man. I've got the answer of all my questions ^^ and yes my legs are ahead than other parts of my body. I feel like it gives me a odd shape that's why i wanna hit my lagging parts such as shoulders and traps to be in proportion. Thanks again!

Happy to help @Goku007! And that makes sense about your legs. Like I say, don't let them fall behind though - keep everything as balanced as you can! 🙌 

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Goku007 g Vyas
58 Post(s)
58 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: February 2, 2018

Yup haha... Not gonna skip leg day

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Goku007

Yup haha... Not gonna skip leg day

Good! Because we don't let people skip leg day here 😉 

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