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Spartan Super- Boston, MA August 13th, 2016

TEAM- Ridiculously Good Looking Spartans!

Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Sounds awesome to me man!! We should definitely chat more and get something BIG going! Maybe in like a week or two?

Cool!! I'll be training hard all August to be ready for the Beast in Sept. so I'm down for whatever!! The tougher the better. Yesterday I did my final hour long Spartan circuit before the Super on the 16th. I plan on stretching out, foam rolling and yoga this week so my poor legs/knees will be up for the challenge. Here's my email ( in case you want to give me a hint of what something BIG means laughing I can get my buddy involved too so we can work together to organize something for her charity if you want. My buddy Andy and his daughter are huge Capt. America fans, hence the name Ava's Avengers. They live in Vegas so they handle most of the fundraising from there and the west coast. He has asked me to try and get stuff going local to where I am but I just don't have as many contacts as he does. Looking forward to hearing back from you...this just made my day cool


Keep kickin Butt!!




Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015

@Scott_Herman Bro, I just saw that the Spartan race instagram team posted something about using the Shred challenge to get ready for Spartan races and mentioned the "Ridiculously Good Looking Spartans". Awesome!!

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
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Posted By: Jonesy657

@Scott_Herman Bro, I just saw that the Spartan race instagram team posted something about using the Shred challenge to get ready for Spartan races and mentioned the "Ridiculously Good Looking Spartans". Awesome!!

Oh hell yeah! I need to take a look! I hope it brings more team members!!!

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Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
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Here is my time for the Spartan Sprint on Sunday. 4+ miles and 20 something obstacles up and down a friggin mountain. I'm proud of this time even though it wasn't my goal of top 5 in my age group. I pushed harder than I've ever pushed!!!


The day before (Saturday's Super) was a great day!! Both of my friends finished the race with smiles on their faces :) Our time wasn't the fastest but we made it to the end and Passed every obstacle!! AROO!!!!

Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
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Posted By: Jonesy657

Here is my time for the Spartan Sprint on Sunday. 4+ miles and 20 something obstacles up and down a friggin mountain. I'm proud of this time even though it wasn't my goal of top 5 in my age group. I pushed harder than I've ever pushed!!!


The day before (Saturday's Super) was a great day!! Both of my friends finished the race with smiles on their faces :) Our time wasn't the fastest but we made it to the end and Passed every obstacle!! AROO!!!!

Hell yeah man!!!! You really crushed it!!!! So proud of you!!!! I bet you would have been number 1 if I was there on your ass the entire time!! MUUAHAHAHAHHAAHHA AROOOO!!!!

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Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

Hell yeah man!!!! You really crushed it!!!! So proud of you!!!! I bet you would have been number 1 if I was there on your ass the entire time!! MUUAHAHAHAHHAAHHA AROOOO!!!!

LOL!! You are kinda scary looking for the captain of the ridiculously good looking Spartans hahaha j/k

Thanks bro! I only stopped a few times to catch my breath and once because my quads locked up at the bottom of the log carry hill. I didn't fail any of the obstacles so thats a bonus too.


I didnt get a good nights sleep Saturday night because we got rained on and i woke up to drips of water on my face and in a puddle of water :( so energy levels were a little on the low side. Other than that I'd say it was an unforgettable weekend. My buddy who recently lost about 50 lbs did a great job and is signing up to do the Killington VT Beast with me!!



Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Jonesy657

LOL!! You are kinda scary looking for the captain of the ridiculously good looking Spartans hahaha j/k

Thanks bro! I only stopped a few times to catch my breath and once because my quads locked up at the bottom of the log carry hill. I didn't fail any of the obstacles so thats a bonus too.


I didnt get a good nights sleep Saturday night because we got rained on and i woke up to drips of water on my face and in a puddle of water :( so energy levels were a little on the low side. Other than that I'd say it was an unforgettable weekend. My buddy who recently lost about 50 lbs did a great job and is signing up to do the Killington VT Beast with me!!



haha thank man and yeah, waking up wet DEFINITELY is not something I would want to deal with either.


Only a few weeks away from our race!! Glad your friend did well! VT sounds fun! LOTS OF HILLS!!! haha get rdy!

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ShreddedBillionaire g James Matthews
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Posted By: Jonesy657

@shreddedbillionaire Dude! I'm having trouble getting a team together for this one. I've asked a bunch of coworkers and friends to run the Beast with me but there's something about running up and down a mountain several times while carrying heavy stuff and/or climbing over/under things for 13 miles that scares people LOL!! The cause that I usually run for is to raise money/awareness for a disease called Chiari Malformation. It's incurable and affects many people worldwide. One of my oldest friends daughter suffers from this and so we run in her name, we call ourselves "Ava's Avengers". I'm the only one on this team for the Beast. In order to compete against other teams you must have 4 or more team members...So if you have a team I would be happy to join you!!

This little girl is Ava... and she is tough as nails

Damn, I never even heard of that disease. No, I actually don't have a team either. I'm still new to doing these. The Boston Super will only be my second one ever, and the Vermont Beast my third. The team I did the my sprint with only does that race every year I guess. I'd be down to join your team though.


Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: ShreddedBillionaire

Damn, I never even heard of that disease. No, I actually don't have a team either. I'm still new to doing these. The Boston Super will only be my second one ever, and the Vermont Beast my third. The team I did the my sprint with only does that race every year I guess. I'd be down to join your team though.


well. count me in!! I need to keep you boys in check!

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Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
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16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015
Posted By: ShreddedBillionaire

Damn, I never even heard of that disease. No, I actually don't have a team either. I'm still new to doing these. The Boston Super will only be my second one ever, and the Vermont Beast my third. The team I did the my sprint with only does that race every year I guess. I'd be down to join your team though.


NICE!!! @ShreddedBillionaire I'd be happy to add you to my team!! If you're already registered for this race I will need the email that you used when you registered for the Beast so I can send you an invite though . My buddy (Jeff) that I talked into running the PA Super has "thrown his hat in the ring" HE wants to do the Beast now too. @Scott_Herman">@scott_herman did I read your message correctly?surprisedsurprised Do YOU wanna join the Ava's Avengers for the Beast in VT? I thought you had some thing in Vegas that weekend? You're MORE than welcome to join us, Sir. That would make our team officially eligable to compete against the other teams!!



Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015

Hey Guys!! LESS THAN A WEEK until the Boston Super!! Wish I could be there!! I'll be with my wifes family in the northern most city in New York state (Plattsburg) camping. I just keep saying to myself "happy wife, happy life, happy wife, happy life..." LOL


So if you guys are planning on doing the Vermont Beast in September and want to be on our Ava's Avengers team I need a little bit of information so I can go forward with adding you guys to my team (Avas Avengers NE) on the chronotrack website. All I need is the email address that you used when you signed up for the race. If you don't want your email address up on this thread you can send it to MY address if you want.


Good Luck at the Boston Super!! Hope to hear from you guys soon.




Scott_Herman a Scott Herman
7.1K Post(s)
7.1K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: August 8, 2008
Posted By: Jonesy657

Hey Guys!! LESS THAN A WEEK until the Boston Super!! Wish I could be there!! I'll be with my wifes family in the northern most city in New York state (Plattsburg) camping. I just keep saying to myself "happy wife, happy life, happy wife, happy life..." LOL


So if you guys are planning on doing the Vermont Beast in September and want to be on our Ava's Avengers team I need a little bit of information so I can go forward with adding you guys to my team (Avas Avengers NE) on the chronotrack website. All I need is the email address that you used when you signed up for the race. If you don't want your email address up on this thread you can send it to MY address if you want.


Good Luck at the Boston Super!! Hope to hear from you guys soon.




I know man!!!! We wish you were here!!!! What is the dates in September? September is a crazy month for me, brothers jack and jill for his wedding and Olympia weekend in Vegas... I might be thinking the same as you... happy wife happy life..... lol

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Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015
Posted By: Scott_Herman

I know man!!!! We wish you were here!!!! What is the dates in September? September is a crazy month for me, brothers jack and jill for his wedding and Olympia weekend in Vegas... I might be thinking the same as you... happy wife happy life..... lol

The Vermont Beast is Saturday September 17th this year. I thought I remembered you saying that you were gonna be busy that weekend once before. If your schedule won't allow you I TOTALLY understand bro. A Happy Wife is way more important than Happy Bros LOL!!


October 1st is the Spartan World championships in Tahoe and most, if not all, Avas Avengers will be there running as acouple teams. One team that actually trains thier asses off for this stuff and the other for the folks who "grind" it out and go a little slower than us folks that train for it. This race is EPIC!! My friend Andy completed the Ultra Beast (26+ miles and 50+ obstacles) last year in Tahoe and he says this race was insanely difficult but also insanely beautiful at the same time. I can NOT wait for this!! So there's that one too!!


Very soon we (Ava's Avengers) will have our very own website. We plan on doing our BEST to raise even MORE money than we currently do. With this website we will be able to do some "virtual" races, get more information out there and hopefully get more people involved every year.

ShreddedBillionaire g James Matthews
18 Post(s)
18 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: November 11, 2015

Well, I guess Scott is out for that beast. It's the same weekend as the Olympia. I'll have to head to the Olympia myself one of these days.

ShreddedBillionaire g James Matthews
18 Post(s)
18 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: November 11, 2015
Posted By: Jonesy657

NICE!!! @ShreddedBillionaire I'd be happy to add you to my team!! If you're already registered for this race I will need the email that you used when you registered for the Beast so I can send you an invite though . My buddy (Jeff) that I talked into running the PA Super has "thrown his hat in the ring" HE wants to do the Beast now too. @Scott_Herman">@scott_herman did I read your message correctly?surprisedsurprised Do YOU wanna join the Ava's Avengers for the Beast in VT? I thought you had some thing in Vegas that weekend? You're MORE than welcome to join us, Sir. That would make our team officially eligable to compete against the other teams!!



I haven't signed up yet. What do I need to do to sign up with the team? Also, one of the other guys we ran with for the Super wants to try this one too. He feels he didn't get enough challenge out of the Super. So, let me know what to do and I can pass the word to him.

Jonesy657 g Jarrod Jones
16 Post(s)
16 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: March 3, 2015
Posted By: ShreddedBillionaire

I haven't signed up yet. What do I need to do to sign up with the team? Also, one of the other guys we ran with for the Super wants to try this one too. He feels he didn't get enough challenge out of the Super. So, let me know what to do and I can pass the word to him.

@ShreddedBillionaire When you go through the registration process on the Chronotrack website it will ask you if you want to join an exsisting team. Click on that and enter Ava's Avengers NE into the space provided. That should add you to our team :)


I've heard that the Killington Beast is pretty darn tough. LOTS of vertical climbs, a TON of hard obstacles and over 13 miles of rough terrain. Killington should be a challenge to anyone.

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