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10 months progress!

Is this average or good progress?

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015
Posted By: NickJoy34

Holy cow man! Great progress, that's awesome. My guess would be about 12% building muscle while losing fat is very tough to do but it looks like your gettin it done. Keep it up bro!

Thanks Nick I assume most part of gainz was due to muscle memory and newb gains. Now it's not going so fast any it feels. Been at it for 11 months straight now with 3-6 workouts every week even during my vacation and when I was in turkey I went to the hotels gym. Been eating surplus for about 2 months now and will do so for 2-3 more I think. Since I should gain more then. Then it will be super strict diet to June to really get ripped even though I will perhaps go as low as 70kg on the scale reaching that 10 or sub 10 percentage.

Hawk_Given g Hawk Given
170 Post(s)
170 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2013

Great Job! You have really made a great change. I'm sure you are inspiring those around you or making haters...haha! Yes, I would say in the 12% range. Continued success to you!!

MS Athlete BS, Medical Technology (ASCP) BS, Organizational Leadership and Supervision I Give God all the glory! That is where I find true strength!
Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015
Posted By: Hawk_Given

Great Job! You have really made a great change. I'm sure you are inspiring those around you or making haters...haha! Yes, I would say in the 12% range. Continued success to you!!

Thanks hawk ! I have inspired a couple of friend to eat healthier and do some sort of workout and no one yet has been grumpy :-) . I say like many others that trains that it's a never ending work in progress. I am far from satisfied even though I am happy for how far I've come in the little time spent so far. Perhaps in two years or so I will be quite satisfied and have to make up new goals. One thing is certain I will never ever let myself slide over 18% again . I was repulsed seing myself above 25% like I was in January ..

Brolle81 g Stefan Willard
109 Post(s)
109 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: September 9, 2015

So now its been roughly 13 months since I got a grip of myself so I will add two more pictures here from the last 7 days or so .




feels like its baby steps now not really loosing those last few pounds as fast as I wished even though I am training strict five days a week and eating 2000 kcal per day only (2500 something balance) . Still some lower belly fat and a bit left on my back and legs.

muscular strength
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