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When Do You Train?

Is there a perfect time where you workout the best?

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crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014

Evenings, mostly arrive in the gym at 18:00 ish. then warm up and all that and leave about 20:30 again. (stretching and all that included) cuz i know i won't do that at home lol.

I don't feel energetic enough at mornings so i go in the evening.

Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: crood

Evenings, mostly arrive in the gym at 18:00 ish. then warm up and all that and leave about 20:30 again. (stretching and all that included) cuz i know i won't do that at home lol.

I don't feel energetic enough at mornings so i go in the evening.

Nice one @crood. I tend to do my stretching at the gym and at home.

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
Adawg38 g Aaron Henry
563 Post(s)
563 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013

5 AM during the week and whenever I get to it on the weekends. I try to eat decent carbs before bed so I have some good energy in the morning. I also use a preworkout since lately I've been amping things up. Like @Crood I do warm up and stretches all in my time there.

I have been training coming up on 6 years and have made some great gainz. I've done a lot of trial and error on myself as well as learned from others and through research online. I've come along way in strength and size since I've started. I will continue to learn and make myself better each day. MS Athlete/Super Hermanite BEING CHALLENGED IN LIFE IS INEVITABLE, BEING DEFEATED IS OPTIONAL.
JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Adawg38

5 AM during the week and whenever I get to it on the weekends. I try to eat decent carbs before bed so I have some good energy in the morning. I also use a preworkout since lately I've been amping things up. Like @Crood I do warm up and stretches all in my time there.

Yeah @Adawg38 I have considered a pre-workout, because from the few times I have used one, I feel more energized..I just haven't got there yet.


These people who work out at 5AM or earlier....crazy! haha

SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
crood a Chris P.
467 Post(s)
467 Post(s) Gender: Female Goal: Train for a sport Date Joined: August 8, 2014

As we say "Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm!" meaning: "the early bird catches the worm!" XD

Admin + MS Athlete You will get nowhere, if you don't move :) - crood -
rayyan454 g rayan alghamdi
57 Post(s)
57 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: April 4, 2014
Posted By: JoeHurricane

What's up Nation?!


It's been a while since I created a thread, and this time I want to ask you a simple question...When do you train?


At the moment, I personally train in the morning. It's been my routine for probably the better part of the past 18 months. When I started, I trained in the late afternoon/evenings, and I have also done the early morning workouts too.


As time has passed, I have really been lacking in energy when I get to the gym. Now, I'm not training terribly early - about 10:30am I to get to the gym most mornings. Some days, it's no problem. Some days I will head to the gym feeling tired and lacking energy, but once I warm up and start lifitng, I just forget about it and have some great workouts.


But it is becoming more and more regular that I yawn and yawn all morning, and when I get to the gym, I just don't have the same energy, and needless to say, my workouts suffer.

At night, I always seem to have motivation and energy, I think having more food could be part of the's definitely a thought I have had as to why I want to get back into training later in the day. I find myself thinking 'Yeah, when I get to the gym tomorrow, I will crush it!'. Then the next morning arrives, and it's the same routine - lack of energy blah blah blah :P


So my question for you is not only WHEN do you train, but WHY? What is it about the time of day you train that makes it so good in your opinion? #HTH



u can train when ever u want but i think u might need off days maybe a week from training what do u do? do u sit a lot like desk job try this


or change your routine

Svitale g Sal Vitale
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2015

for the 5 am gym goers, are you taking a preworkout or having a quick meal before going? ive been having a protein shake with bcaas, creatine and a scoop for dextrose. i usaually will have some yogurt the night before. your thoughts??



Svitale g Sal Vitale
2 Post(s)
2 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: July 7, 2015

for the 5 am gym goers, are you taking a preworkout or having a quick meal before going? ive been having a protein shake with bcaas, creatine and a scoop for dextrose. i usaually will have some yogurt the night before. your thoughts??



JoeHurricane p Jordan Matthews
1.5K Post(s)
1.5K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: Svitale

for the 5 am gym goers, are you taking a preworkout or having a quick meal before going? ive been having a protein shake with bcaas, creatine and a scoop for dextrose. i usaually will have some yogurt the night before. your thoughts??



Bananas seem to be a pretty common staple for people who train super early, either that of a shake like you're already having. You could try a pre-workout too, the only way to figure out if it is a good idea or not is to simply try it.


SHF Athlete MS Athlete Partial Fitness YouTuber
FearlessRobb g Robert Lucier
108 Post(s)
108 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: November 11, 2014

I do only weekends   saturday 5pm-7pm  sunday 9am-11am

But when i could during the week it depended on my hrs worked   when i worked 8am-5pm i would go to the gym 5:30pm-7pm (had the most energy then i couldnt get up early in the morning consitant

and depended on time zone and season

like winter here it gets dark at 4:30pm and for some reaosn when its dark my body is tired lol  so i train best during day light


now hrs are overnight for work and kid blah blah so im always tired so thats why weekends only

with winter coming i find my saturdays to be really tiring myself and might try to move them to the morning again so its day light out and ill have more energy.


weird how little things can affect how you feel

FearlessRobb 370lbs to 260lbs Deadlift 375x10(don't know max 1RPM) Bench 245x7(don't know max 1RPM) Squat
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