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philflorey g Phil McAuliffe
163 Post(s)
163 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: March 3, 2013

Hi all


I saw this article in today's Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that it was a great message and one that was worthy of sharing:


For those of you with kids, how do you do it? Is it something that you deliberately set out to do?


For us, we place a high importance on keeping moving in a way that's enjoyable. So, I like going to the gym, swimming, riding, running (all sorts of stuff). My wife walks, jogs and rides her bike on weekends. We encourage our kids to try different activities, but we're happy if they're outside playing anything: cricket, AFL, soccer or whatever. They're also mad keen swimmers, so that keeps them moving too! While I wouldn't actively label myself as a 'role model', this article is a timely reminder that there are two little boys in our house who look upwards and emulate what they see and how we're trying to find a great balance with all the things that go on in day-to-day modern life. That's pretty cool!


(I must remember to use my power for good...)



Eat like a man Train like a beast Operate like a gentlemen Become a legend
Nipunsharma g Nipun Sharma
70 Post(s)
70 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: July 7, 2014
Posted By: philflorey

Hi all


I saw this article in today's Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that it was a great message and one that was worthy of sharing:


For those of you with kids, how do you do it? Is it something that you deliberately set out to do?


For us, we place a high importance on keeping moving in a way that's enjoyable. So, I like going to the gym, swimming, riding, running (all sorts of stuff). My wife walks, jogs and rides her bike on weekends. We encourage our kids to try different activities, but we're happy if they're outside playing anything: cricket, AFL, soccer or whatever. They're also mad keen swimmers, so that keeps them moving too! While I wouldn't actively label myself as a 'role model', this article is a timely reminder that there are two little boys in our house who look upwards and emulate what they see and how we're trying to find a great balance with all the things that go on in day-to-day modern life. That's pretty cool!


(I must remember to use my power for good...)



That's a nice article, yeah kids look up to their parents and older siblings as a role model, they will try to follow and act the way their parents or siblings do so yeah they have an influence on them apart from their society (friends and all). So its good if parents are following the right path so kids will also try to follow the same path.

Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered. Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience. Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
philflorey g Phil McAuliffe
163 Post(s)
163 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: March 3, 2013
Posted By: Nipunsharma

That's a nice article, yeah kids look up to their parents and older siblings as a role model, they will try to follow and act the way their parents or siblings do so yeah they have an influence on them apart from their society (friends and all). So its good if parents are following the right path so kids will also try to follow the same path.

Yeah, good point. Kids are like sponges and just soak in everything around them.

Eat like a man Train like a beast Operate like a gentlemen Become a legend
jmboiardi p John M Boiardi
2.6K Post(s)
2.6K Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Bodybuilding Date Joined: October 10, 2013
Posted By: philflorey

Hi all


I saw this article in today's Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that it was a great message and one that was worthy of sharing:


For those of you with kids, how do you do it? Is it something that you deliberately set out to do?


For us, we place a high importance on keeping moving in a way that's enjoyable. So, I like going to the gym, swimming, riding, running (all sorts of stuff). My wife walks, jogs and rides her bike on weekends. We encourage our kids to try different activities, but we're happy if they're outside playing anything: cricket, AFL, soccer or whatever. They're also mad keen swimmers, so that keeps them moving too! While I wouldn't actively label myself as a 'role model', this article is a timely reminder that there are two little boys in our house who look upwards and emulate what they see and how we're trying to find a great balance with all the things that go on in day-to-day modern life. That's pretty cool!


(I must remember to use my power for good...)



Excellent article Phil.


I think parents forget that kids learn their eating habits, hygiene, and health and fitness habits from their parents. We don't have kids yet but when we do I will instill good eating habits and an appreciation for exercise - in any form. Most parents use their kids as an "excuse" to eat fast food or junk food and not being able to exercise. In the majority of these cases, I blame the parents because everyone knows that if something is truly important, you'll find the time for it regardless of your life schedule. It also propagates another generation of overweight, unhealthy adults that end up costing all of us more money in the long run thru increased health care costs, insurance, and lost productivity.



34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-) MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.
philflorey g Phil McAuliffe
163 Post(s)
163 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: March 3, 2013


Wasn't it a great article?


I agree with you, John. Parents give the habits, tools, values etc. to get kids on a sound life path. Then, there's peers and other influences along the way that help shape them as well.


It's pretty cool watching them start to explore and engage with the world with some of the tools we've given them!


Eat like a man Train like a beast Operate like a gentlemen Become a legend
Adawg38 g Aaron Henry
563 Post(s)
563 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Gain Muscle Date Joined: December 12, 2013
Posted By: philflorey

Hi all


I saw this article in today's Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that it was a great message and one that was worthy of sharing:


For those of you with kids, how do you do it? Is it something that you deliberately set out to do?


For us, we place a high importance on keeping moving in a way that's enjoyable. So, I like going to the gym, swimming, riding, running (all sorts of stuff). My wife walks, jogs and rides her bike on weekends. We encourage our kids to try different activities, but we're happy if they're outside playing anything: cricket, AFL, soccer or whatever. They're also mad keen swimmers, so that keeps them moving too! While I wouldn't actively label myself as a 'role model', this article is a timely reminder that there are two little boys in our house who look upwards and emulate what they see and how we're trying to find a great balance with all the things that go on in day-to-day modern life. That's pretty cool!


(I must remember to use my power for good...)



I got to say kids are work, with my 3 yo I see everything she sees except when shes at school or daycare. They are sponges and with take in and copy everything they see around them. That's why as parents we have to correct our children and teach them right from wrong. They do look up to us and want us to teach them, mine always aks me a million questions and looks so interested in what I say.

I have been training coming up on 6 years and have made some great gainz. I've done a lot of trial and error on myself as well as learned from others and through research online. I've come along way in strength and size since I've started. I will continue to learn and make myself better each day. MS Athlete/Super Hermanite BEING CHALLENGED IN LIFE IS INEVITABLE, BEING DEFEATED IS OPTIONAL.
philflorey g Phil McAuliffe
163 Post(s)
163 Post(s) Gender: Male Goal: Lose Fat Date Joined: March 3, 2013

Hey Aaron - I KNOW! The questions never stop! We have some champion question-askers in our house.

Eat like a man Train like a beast Operate like a gentlemen Become a legend
muscular strength
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