Hi all
I saw this article in today's Sydney Morning Herald and I thought that it was a great message and one that was worthy of sharing:
For those of you with kids, how do you do it? Is it something that you deliberately set out to do?
For us, we place a high importance on keeping moving in a way that's enjoyable. So, I like going to the gym, swimming, riding, running (all sorts of stuff). My wife walks, jogs and rides her bike on weekends. We encourage our kids to try different activities, but we're happy if they're outside playing anything: cricket, AFL, soccer or whatever. They're also mad keen swimmers, so that keeps them moving too! While I wouldn't actively label myself as a 'role model', this article is a timely reminder that there are two little boys in our house who look upwards and emulate what they see and how we're trying to find a great balance with all the things that go on in day-to-day modern life. That's pretty cool!
(I must remember to use my power for good...)