2 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: October 10, 2014
Hello everyone i've been training the past year or so, and my wrist are hurting a lot when i try and go max in multiple exercises for example Dips shoulder press incline dumbbell press
The problem is that it is only the left hand that are having pain.
Hello everyone i've been training the past year or so, and my wrist are hurting a lot when i try and go max in multiple exercises for example Dips shoulder press incline dumbbell press
The problem is that it is only the left hand that are having pain.
The pic is where the pain occurs
any idea what is causing this?
Sounds like a case of tendonitis. Tendons don't have as rich a blood supply as soft tissue like muscle so when you tear them (a Sprain) or tear the protective sheath covering them (tendonitis) it takes time for them to heal. You need to first avoid the exercises that cause pain like dips and lower the weights on the other exercises that cause pain (incline DB's, shoulder press). You should ice the area after your workouts and take anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and tylenol. You can also buy some wrist wraps to help support the area as it heals. These, however, are to protect the area while it heals not to be used to keep training the same way you are now which is causing/caused the tendonitis to begin with. Many people use these devices so they can continue lifting as usual and end up causing more damage.
It will take time for the tendon to heal. It can take anywhere from 8 weeks to 8 months depending on how damaged the tendon is. While it will be a bit of a pain to avoid certain exercises and lower the weights, the alternative is a complete tendon rupture which then requires surgery. Pushing thru the pain and/or not giving a tendon time to heal will lead to more serious problems that can affect you longer especially as you get older.
34 years of lifting and nutritional experience and resident "old man" :-)
MS Athlete and past Super Hermanite since 2013.
Hello everyone i've been training the past year or so, and my wrist are hurting a lot when i try and go max in multiple exercises for example Dips shoulder press incline dumbbell press
The problem is that it is only the left hand that are having pain.
The pic is where the pain occurs
any idea what is causing this?
Hey Martin
Like John (jmboiardi) said this is a case of wrist tendonitis. Wrist tendonitis most commonly occurs due to repetitive or prolonged activities placing strain on the wrist tendons, during contraction of the muscles of the wrist, tension is placed through the wrist tendons. When this tension is excessive due to too much repetition or high force, damage to the wrist tendons may occur resulting in swelling of wrist tendons.
1) Take some rest avoid working out for few days.
2) Lift light weights don't go too heavy.
3) Avoid curling exercises like barbell curls, and avoid exercises like dips and pushups.
4) Use wrist straps during workouts.
1) Wraping the wrist in crepe bandage (Apply some pain relief spray or gel on the affected area).
2) Ice treatment (Apply an ice pack intermittently to the area of inflammation).
3) Heat treatment
4) Soft tissue massage
5) Anti-inflammatory medicines and diet
Since i have faced this before so it will eventually heal but the time period depends on severity of the swollen tendons, it may take a month atleast so be careful during workouts and take the necessary steps to heal the tendons.
Hope it helps
Veni Vidi Vici : I came, I saw, and I conquered.
Started Lifting December 2012, almost 2 years of lifting experience.
Age 19, Pursuing Computer Science engineering.
2 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: October 10, 2014
Thank you very much i did not know that this was a serious issue and since i'm new here, i thought i might as well ask as it has been a problem for quite a while.
you helped a lot and i think that i'll be keeping an eye on the progress and go a bit lighter on the weights and i will be applying the ice treatment and see how it goes!
54 Post(s)Gender: MaleGoal: Gain MuscleDate Joined: March 3, 2014
The reason why you are feeling pain there is because your forearm flexion muscles are very weak, like 99,9% of gym goers.
So if i was you, i would take a weight and do wrist curls with it for 10 reps a weight which you can do 10 reps with for 3 sets and then with time add extra weight to it.
But if you get pain when doing the wrist curls the weight is to heavy or you are just very stiff and need to stretch.
When i train my lower abs i do knee raises with added weight which is 65Kgs, but i also weigh 75Kg thats total 140Kg which goes on my wrists. But i get no problem since i got strong wrist flexion muscles.
The reason why you are feeling pain there is because your forearm flexion muscles are very weak, like 99,9% of gym goers.
So if i was you, i would take a weight and do wrist curls with it for 10 reps a weight which you can do 10 reps with for 3 sets and then with time add extra weight to it.
But if you get pain when doing the wrist curls the weight is to heavy or you are just very stiff and need to stretch.
When i train my lower abs i do knee raises with added weight which is 65Kgs, but i also weigh 75Kg thats total 140Kg which goes on my wrists. But i get no problem since i got strong wrist flexion muscles.