Athlete & YouTuber
Full Time - Dad, Husband & Web Designer
This meal is a low fat version using soya single cream and pork loin helps to keep the fat low.
Serving Size: 1 serving
Calories: 391
Fat: 15 grams
Carbs: 4 grams
Protein: 57 grams
2 Pork Loin Steaks 54p 12f
6 Mushrooms
100ml Soya Single Cream 10f 4c
Tea spoon olive oil 3f
Black Pepper
Put pork steaks on an oven tray and season with salt & pepper, Then place under grill for around 12-14 Mins.
Chop the Mushrooms and add to a pan on low heat with salt, pepperan olive oil.
When the mushrooms are cooked and cream and continue to stir.
Steam your preferred vegetables.
Remove steaks from the grill and plate up with vegetables and pour the mushroom sauce over the steaks.
NOTE: The vegetables have not been added in to the macros above so it’s down to you to add what you like and make this your own, you could add rice or potatoes if you’re looking for those extra carbs but eating with plenty of veg will keep your carbs low.
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