I don't wanna sound like I'm tooting my own toots again, but look what we made for you. Nachos and Apple Dip!
Nutritional Facts
Serving Size: All Nachos And Dip
Calories: 314
Protein: 28.2 grams
Carbs: 39.5 grams
Fat: 7.2 grams
Cooking Instructions
Nacho Ingredients:
P28 Flat Bread
Dip Ingredients:
1 container of unsweetened apple sauce (50 calories)
Pinch of Nutmeg (3 calories)
Pinch of Cinnamon (1 calorie)
1-2 TBSP of Walden Farms Calorie Free Pancake Syrup (0 calories... but it has sodium!)
NOTE: Note: you can use many options for your dip, such as salsa, guacamole or hummus.
Spray a cookie sheet with PAM non-stick cooking spray
Get scissors and cut one P28 Flat Bread into zillions of little triangles (260 calories)
Lay them flat on the cookie sheet
Place in the oven for 5-8 minutes and then turn the oven off… (don’t burn them!)
Make the Apple Dip ingredients into a bowl.
Enjoy your Nachos & Dip!
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