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Location: N/A Gender: Female Neck: N/A Chest: N/A Goal: Maintain Forearm: N/A Hip: N/A Age: 47 Calve N/A Shoulder: N/A Height: 5'6" Arm: N/A Waist: N/A Weight: 127 lbs Thigh: N/A Body Fat: N/A%
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Dr. Sara Solomon is the creator of the "Fat Loss Fast" System about intermittent fasting, flexible dieting and HiiT Home Workouts. Sara's passion is making fat loss effortless, maintainable and FUN! Her philosophy is "minimum effective dose to get results". Sara earned both a DMD (she is a dentist!!) and a B.Sc in Physiotherapy from McGill University in 2001 and 2005 respectively. Sara is a writer and sponsored athlete for, the most visited bodybuilding and fitness website in the world. She is also a Team BSN Athlete. This NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist also completed her ACE personal training, Mad Dogg SPINNING and Buddy Lee Jump Rope certifications. Sara is known around the world for her jump rope skills and her "Dr. Sara Solomon Cross Speed" Jump Rope by Buddy Lee Jump Ropes. This retired professional fitness model competed 9 times in fitness competitions using practices that slowed her metabolic rate and her ability to lose fat. Frustrated, Sara decided to hit the books and spent 2 years devising an evidence-based system (“Fat Loss Fast”) that restored her metabolic capacity and her passion for fitness! Sara knows first-hand the challenges of juggling a busy schedule with a healthy lifestyle, which is why her system focuses on endurable, maintainable, time-saving, and metabolism-boosting approaches for fat loss. If you want to “take the hell out of healthy,” then click on to access her hilarious high-intensity home workouts, her straight-forward intermittent fasting and flexible dieting practices, and her yummy “cheat clean" recipes!

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